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One of WG's great supporters Matt Kaczmar is Mad as hell and Funny that this parts called "Famous Last Words" cause this is excatly what this will be... my famous last words. Before I post this rant that I have been flooding the internet with, I just wanted to say real quick that I'll miss ya'll and Grant, even though I never got to say goodbye... well.. take care bro and I'll see ya soon man. Now.. on with the show:

I know I'll get bashed for writing in this guestbook by either Jason or Steve or some unscene facimilie but I have somethings to get off my chest. "Yes let the ranting begin"

Actually, it's not a rant but more of something from the heart and my true feelings about past insodents and what not. If the owner of this site is nice, please keep this up and do not rip it down.

First off... hats off to the new webmaster of OCNY I'm more then glad to see me giving you the URL didn't go to waist and I wish you the best of luck with the new site.. it's looking awesome.

Now.. to all of you people who have shund me in the past and made me out to be some sort of criminal. You hurt me.. worst then you can ever imaging. You hurt my feelings and I hope you got your jollys off cause rest assured this will be your last time doing so. I spent the past few months in seclusion up in Sulivan County to keep away from you bastards and to avoid humiliating my friends. I pray to god almighty that you people know what it feels like to be humiliated, abused both physically and verbally, and to be casted away like I have. I did my best to support this scene and in the end I was treated like the lowest piece of shit there is. But with disaster comes change and I have changed just like you all will sooner or later. I forgive you all for what you have said to me and what you did but rest assured I will never forget it. I'm a firm belever in charma and what comes around goes around and when it finally hits you in the ass.. I hope it feels good. I'm not typing here tonight to start a fight, just to finally speak my peace and put an end to the whole "Matt Fugitive" thing. Say what you want now cause it no longer phases me and I will not fight back cause it's stupid pethetic shit and does not deserve my attention. And if you should have something to say, say it to my face.. my address at this time is:

274 Cold Spring Rd #7 Monticello, NY 12701

You have till Wednesday to come to my house "cause unless ya haven't herd I'm moving" and call me an asshole, faggot, jerkoff.. whatever. I'll just sit there and smile right back and say thank you and take care.

Now to the lighter side of things. To all of you who still call me friend I want to thank you for your years of support and for all the back up you have giving me. You have all been my best friends and rest assured you'll not be forgotten.

Ok I'm done. Poke fun all you want cause I'm outta here people.

Take Care Everybody Matthew Kaczmar