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February 22nd, 2003

Like the old saying goes.... "it's better late than never." That's been my life's motto for better or for worse. These are just a small portion of pics we've taken this year. Unfortunately everyone is so busy we haven't had time to put them up. So we're just getting to the most recent ones. At this pace we'll be wading through Trailside pics in early May. It's always better to cut your losses while you're ahead!

The Vault just plain kicks ass! Many of you who haven't been out to this this great club yet are really missing out. The owner Jamie and his crew are really cool. Tom from Spudmonk does a great job with the sound. Even those in the crowd loved punk music... NoFX, Pennywise, Rancid. We in WG couldn't ask for anything more.

We even had a encore performance from Billy of 'West Millie' who joined us on stage once again to sing "My Own Worst Enemy".

Billy sang his friggin lungs out and even came with his own fan club. To check out his grammy winning performance click here and listen.

Well... OK... he would earn a wild card spot on American Idol, but we want to give him props for climbing on stage and giving it a shot.

Short list of shout outs!!!..... Mindy, Jennie Lynn, Erin, Jeff, & Danno,... all of the first timers from the Vault... Connie & friends from Middletown,....Big Don (who's hands are bigger than my head) and his crew,... Jimmy Jam, Scott, Eric, Keri and her friends, Tom from Spud Monk for the great mixing job, and of course Jamie and the entire staff at The Vault for having us.

Finally, here are the damn pics....

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WHERE NEXT? - Saturday, Mar 29th, at Pineapple Larrys, in Newburgh, NY.
The fun starts at 10:00pm and goes until we all pass out from exhaustion.