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If you want to board here, but aren't totally dedicated to horses, please change how you feel, or find someplace else! If you decide to board here at Blue Ridge Stables, your horse will automatically have a clean 12 by 12 ft. stall, and fresh water at all times of the day. The ownerof the horse will have unlimited use of any or all of our facilities, and you can remove your horse from it's daily schedule at any time of day. All prices are per horse. We have three types of board at Blue Ridge Stables:

Your horse will get two meals a day, will be groomed in the morning, let out at 9:00 AM, brought back in at 4:00 PM, groomed again, and put back in his stall. racehorses will have a set time to be exercised between 5:30-8:00 AM, with our professional trainer, free of charge.

Your horse will get two meals a day, will be groomed in the morning, let out at 9:00 AM, brought back in at 4:00 PM, and put back in his stall. As with the gold board, racehorses will be exercised between 5:30 and 8:00, but you must pay $15 a month, per horse to have our trainer work with your horse.

Your horse will get two meals a day, groomed in the morning, and put back in his stall. You must do the exercising in our facilities.

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