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Wild Bills Prognostications-WEEK 12



The Bills take the lead in the game when Alex Van Pelt finally connects with Eric Moulds on a spectacular 80 yard touchdown pass. Moulds does an old Indian rain dance backwards as he goes into the endzone.

Gregg Williams comes dressed as one of Santa's helpers and then introduces Santa Marv to the media. Williams drinks a bottle of Holiday Cheer.

"Although this season has not gone as I had predicted, we are still looking forward to next season where I can guarantee a much better season. I know I have made my mistakes, called for too many replays when there was no chance for the play to be overruled. But then last week, on Peerless Price's touchdown that was ruled out of bounds, I should have demanded a replay. But that is in the past and now I want you all to have a very Merry Christmas. And as my present to you, here's Santa Marv....."

Marv came out for his press conference sporting a red outfit and a red pointed cap. "Ho, ho, ho... Happy Post Season! Let's go back to the glory years when I would do this routine each and every year. 'Twas the night before the playoffs and all through the locker room, not a creature was bickering, not even a Thomas. The helmets were hung from the lockers with care, in hopes that Super Bowl rings soon would be there. The players checks were nestled all snug in the bank, while visions of free agency danced in their heads.

"Out on the field there arose such a clatter, I ripped off my head set to see what was the matter. When, what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a positive article by Larry Felser. With a pen so lively and quick, I knew in a moment it must be a trick. More rapid than eagles, the blitzers came. The fans whistled, and shouted, and called them by name: "Now Bruuuuuuuce! Now Biscuit! Now Bryce and Jeffcoat!" Over the linemen, to on top of the quarterback! Our foes hopes are dashed away, dashed away, dashed away all! Thurman sprang through the line, to his team gave a whistle, and away he flew towards the end zone like down on a thistle. But I heard him exclaim when he scored the TD, 'We're Super Bowl bound and this time I'll be MVP!' "

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