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Wild Bills Prognostications-WEEK5



Thomas Smith, trying to make up for his bad game against the Steelers, intercepts a pass at the Bills 21 and breaks into the clear. At the Oakland 45, Raider wideout Tim Brown catches up to him. Just as the tackle is about to be made, Smith sees Henry Jones to his left and pitches the ball back to him. Jones then proceeds untouched the rest of the way for the winning touchdown.


Wade walks up to the podium after the fifth Bills win with a gleam in his eye. He takes out a flute and plays a Mozart solo. After bringing tears to the eyes of the throng of reporters, Wade puts down the flute and says:

"Ahh .... Music, the language of the Gods! This is the only language which binds the separation of life, the space between the stars, the distance between people. The flowing energy of harmonizing sounds is like a spiritual river, taking on different forms and directions, yet always at one with itself. Like the river, music knows no space nor time. Even after the orchestra has played its last note, the song remains in the listener's soul for eternity.

"That, my dear members of the media, was a direct quote from Marv. Yes the old man knew how to sway your thoughts with words of wisdom. Me, on the other hand, am a man of action and little talk. I like to grunt and snarl and slop around in the mud like a pig in his stye. My idea of fun is to run a few laps with my players during practice and get all hot and sweaty with them. Don't give me all this pseudo intellect Harvard jargon! When I talk, I speak volumes with the few words I say. So, if you think I will whip out these Maxims like Marv used to do, you have something else coming. BEEEEELCH!!"

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