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Wild Bills Prognostications-WEEK5



Doug Flutie darts around the backfield, being chased by 2 Redskin linebackers, Fred Strickland and Eddie Mason . He tears out of the grasp of Mason, only to be grabbed by Strickland. Flutie rips away with Strickland clinging on to only Flutie's torn shirt. The diminutive quarterback, squirts to the left, sees 6'-3" defensive tackle 310 pound Barron Tanner rushing towards him and reverses his field. Flutie zig-zags to the right through 3 would-be tacklers and then sees Andre Reed downfield. Just as Flutie throws it, Strickland holds up his hands, bats it up in the air and then catches it right in front of Flutie's face. The race is on! The linebacker races down the field with only Flutie near him. Flutie finally catches him at the 15, but cannot bring him down. Strickland rushes into the endzone with Flutie hanging onto him and looking like a red and white cape flapping in the wind.


Wade stormed up to the podium with anger in his eyes. The first question asked the Bills head coach came from Larry Felser.

"What will it take before you finally replace Flutie with Rob Johnson," Felser asked.

"I want to make one thing perfectly clear to you morons and that is Flutie is the starting quarterback and will NOT , I repeat, NOT be taken out of the game under any circumstances. Death or injury are not excuses! Flutie has some amazing abilities and that's what this team needs. He can scramble like no one on Earth and he has this knack of escaping a sack, driving defenders crazy. No, Rob Johnson will never start or replace Flutie as long as I'm coach here! I owe my whole existence to Doug. If it weren't for him, we wouldn't have gone 10-6 last year. I am simply enthralled with Flutie!

"Rob Johnson is a great quarterback and he will get his chance, once Flutie decides to hang up his cleats. In the meantime, he will have to make his due by studying one of the greatest quarterbacks to ever grace the football field. Rob can learn a lot from Doug: How to persevere, how to dart around 320 pound linemen, how to answer reporters with slick answers, how to market his image with Flutie Flakes and Flutie Fruities. This man should be the darling of all Bills football fans. He saved the franchise here and deserves to start every game until he retires.

"Under no circumstances will I replace Doug at quarterback! He may throw 50 passes and complete only one. But, gosh, shucks and all that garbage, that one pass that Doug completes will be breathtaking! It will be worth the $120 admission that the hard working sucker pays to see this God of athletes compete. I swear, as long as I'm coach of the Bills, Doug will be on the field quarterbacking this fine football team!"

After that statement, John Butler comes over to Wade and hands him a cell phone.

"Mr. Wilson would like to talk to you," Butler tells Wade.

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