It was like some sort of bizarre living mirror. James took his partner's hands in his, while Clay did the same thing. "Jesse," James began. "I've got something to tell you..."

"Al," Clay was saying, "I know this'll probably come as a shock but..."

"We're going out," both men said at once, stepping away from their partners to put their arms around each other.

Jesse and Allison's jaws dropped in unison. "What?!" they screamed.

"What's wrong, Jess?" asked James, looking somewhere between genuinely concerned and ready to burst out laughing. "Homophobic?"

"Of course not," Jesse replied, struggling to remain calm. "It's just a bit of a shock.

"How could you do this to me?" snapped Allison, glaring at Clay.

Clay took Allison's arm and led her a few feet away. "Look, Al, it's all cool. If me dating and having wild sex with your father was going to cause you not to exist, you wouldn't exist to bring me to this time, making it impossible for me to date and have wild sex with your father!" Clay grinned happily. "Ergo, I can have all the wild sex with your dad that I want!"

Allison glared at him. "How do you know?" she asked.

"Because I can't do something if that'll make it impossible to do!"

"I could be fading out right now!"

Jesse, meanwhile, who had a better conception of time than Allison, was starting to remember what day it was. Her blue eyes narrowed as she watched the Grey Squad screaming at each other. "And tonight, we're going to listen to NSync...after we go shopping!" James was saying.

"That's wonderful," Jesse snapped. "Allison, we need to talk." She grabbed Allison by the arm and dragged her off in another direction.

"Whatever it is, I didn't do it," Allison instinctively sighed.

Jesse rolled her eyes. "Do you know what day it is?"

"Uhm...June 13th?" Allison replied.

Jesse buried her face in her hands. "Do you at least know what year it is?" she asked.

"Look, I just went home, okay?" Allison replied. "It takes awhile to readjust." Allison then went on to think some very bitter thoughts about her employers and her latest assignment.

"But you've been here for months!"

"I know. I'm disgusted that it's still so primitive."

Jesse pulled a fan out of nowhere and held it up, ready to swat Allison into oblivion. "It's April 1st, okay?"

Allison shrugged. "Yeah, so?"

Jesse grabbed Allison by the arm and dragged her further away. "Where are we going?" asked Allison. "And please put the fan down."

"We're going somewhere where I can scream at you," Jesse said between clenched teeth.

Meanwhile, James was grinning. "Maybe they're going to hook up," he said happily. "Maybe we can watch..."

Clay stared at him, feeling very, very ill. "James, if that happens, I am never speaking to Allison again."

James smirked at him. "Jealous?"

"Yes. If jealousy is like urge to vomit."

James shook his head. "I know you probably don't understand, but straight guys--"

"Yes, I know. But that's not why I'd have to vomit."


"April 1st is April Fool's Day!" Jesse screamed at Allison once they were a safe distance away. "Do they not have April Fool's Day 30 years from now?"

"I don't know because I've spent the past three years of my life living in a ditch eating food pills!" Allison screamed back.

Jesse glared at her. "And what does that have to do with me?" she snapped back.

Allison stopped herself just in time from replying to that one. "So what exactly does April Fool's Day have to do with my partner and my da--your partner having hot, wild sex?" she asked. She realized that might have been a bad question when Jesse's eyes started to glow slightly red. "That's just how Clay put it!"

"I'm assuming," Jesse said through clenched teeth, "that this is just a prank. Although there is no reason why anyone would think this would upset me." Allison rolled her eyes. "I saw that!"

"Yeah, whatever. So, now we have to plan a nice, tasty revenge?"

"Of course."

They both sighed. "That isn't stereotypical," they both said in unison.

"So laxatives are out," said Allison.

"And rare candy," said Jesse. "For you, of course."

"Of course," Allison said, rolling her eyes again.

"You're the one who wants her partner!"

"Al's not the only one!" Clay called, causing both Jesse and Allison to look towards the two male Rockets and flush slightly.

"How much can you hear?" shouted Jesse.

"Not much," Clay replied. "We're still so caught up in the beauty of our new romance." To prove this point, Clay grabbed James and dipped him in what looked like a very passionate kiss. Well, James did struggle a bit, initially.

Both Jesse and Allison's jaws dropped. "And laxatives it is," said Allison.

"Uhhh-huh wha?" stammered Jesse, still staring wide eyed.

And another odd fetish explained... Allison thought. "Jesse, as fascinating and stomach churning as this probably is, don't we need our vicious revenge?"

"Uh-huh," Jesse numbled replied. There was obviously one thought on her mind: threesome.

"Great," said Allison, dragging Jesse cityward for some laxatives, rare candy, and whatever else came to mind. "Yes, we all know three is a magic number, but can this wait?"

"Where are you going?" asked Clay, suddenly appearing beside them with James in tow.

"To the nearest drug store," said Allison.

"We're going shopping?" asked Clay, a hopeful light coming into his eyes.

"Yes," said Allison, staring blankly at him. "For tampons."

"Have fun," said Clay, immediatly stopping. "We'll just be here, consummating our relationship! And look, Al, Jamesy isn't protesting at all!"

Allison shuddered and continued dragging.


"Uhm..." the cashier looked down at the assortment of items. It was rare to see two women with near identical hair buying seven boxes of ex-lax, twelve sacks of rare candy("Not that it implied anything," they had both agreed in the candy aisle), two boxes of peeps in yellow and blue("Not that there's any symbolism behind that," was another candy aisle agreement), a package of size N batteries, and two boxes of scented condoms. These were obviously two perverse bulimic lesbians in the cashier's opinion. Although she still couldn't explain the condoms...

"Charge," said Jesse and Allison, both of them holding out credit cards.

"I've got it," said Allison.

"Ma'am, your credit card expired in March of 1932."

Allison sighed. "I hate Y2K," she muttered. "No, it expires in March of 2032. They didn't have credit cards in 1932. Now freaking ring us up."

The cashier numbly did as she was told.

"What are we going to do with all these condoms?" asked Allison once they were outside.

Jesse shrugged. "Just in case any hentai comes up," she said before humming "3 is a Magic Number."

"Do we want any hentai to come up?" Allison asked. "We did just buy seven boxes of Ex-lax..."

"Well, whatever. You should always be prepared," said Jesse, reaching into the bag and pulling out the blue marshmallow Peeps.


Meanwhile, Clay was trying to persuade James to take their con to the next level. "But if you do a sexy strip tease for me, it'll make it all look more valid!" Clay was pleading.

"No," said James. Although there did seem to be threesome potential...

"James!" called Jesse as she and Allison appeared, each holding a cake. "I've got a surprise for you!"

"We've got a surprise for you," added Allison. "Who wants cake?"

"Ooo! Cake!" squealed James.

Jesse and Allison exchanged a glance and laughed evilly.

"Is there any punch?" asked Clay.

"Isn't it enough that we brought you cake?" Allison said sweetly.

"Can't you just make me some Kool-Aid?" snapped Clay.

"Do we have any Ex-Lax left?" Allison asked Jesse under her breath. Jesse nodded. "I'll make it right now."

Once James and Clay were properly outfitted with their variously spiked foodstuffs, Jesse and Allison looked over their handicraft. "Well, we could either see if Ex-Lax or rare candy takes effect first," said Allison.

"Or we could go out, buy some new clothes, and have a few drinks and a good laugh over all of this," suggested Jesse. "And with that credit card of yours, isn't it virtually impossible for you to get the bill?"

"Oh, the bill comes," Allison replied as they started walking mall/bar-wards. "But you'd be amazed at what'll go out of business in a few decades."


17 hours later, Jesse and Allison staggered back towards their respective campsites--which, since Clay and Allison seemed to keep turning up where Jesse and James were, were only a few feet apart. "Prepare for..." Jesse said.

"Prepare for...the world from devastation?" guessed Allison, sticking a yellow rose in her mouth. "Ow, thtupid thornth..." They both started laughing hysterically again.

"Prepare for the world from devastation," Jesse repeated.

"Make it in every nation," Allison replied as she tried to pick the thorns out of her tongue.

James and Clay glared at them. "Did you have fun?" asked Clay.

"Don't interrupt the motto," said Jesse and Allison before collapsing into another giggling fit.

Once they had composed themselves, Allison asked, "Any cake left?" which naturally brought on more uncontrollable laughter.

"April Fool's, by the way," added Jesse.

James and Clay simply watched their partners through narrowed eyes and began plotting their revenge. Next year was going to be epic...