I accept your challenge part 5


"Another Filler Chapter"

And so it continues...

A few months had passed, and Jesse could now be certain that it was quite definately not the flu. She was especially certain of this because the vicious omniscient third person narrator had decided that there was no point in wading through nine months of "pregnant women eat weird things and hate how fat they're getting" jokes. This meant that Jesse was currently in labor and would have been thinking of all the vicious and nasty things she could do as revenge against James had she not been on pain killers. Lots and lots of pain killers.

"I think you should name it after me," Meowth said.

"So far, this is probably the grossest 'miracle of life' I've ever seen," said James.

"That's a nice name," said Jesse, quite effectively hepped up so she wouldn't try to clobber everyone in sight.

"Better than Bruce," muttered James.

"How come she's da only one who gets opium?" asked Meowth.

The doctor sighed. "For the last time, we don't use opium!"

"Bruce is a nice name too," said Jesse.

James and Meowth looked at their teammate. "How much opium is she on?" asked James.

"And can we have some to give her once she starts to go back to normal?" asked Meowth.


Meanwhile, Arbok, Weezing, Ekking, Victreebell, Lickitung, and Lickisprout were lounging around, waiting for their various masters to return home. "Chharrrrbok!" snapped Arbok.("Where the hell is Jesse?")

Weezing shrugged. Arbok hit him with her tail. "Bok!"("Insensitive cretin!")

"Treeee!" whined Victreebell.("I'm hungry...when's what's his face coming back?")

Arbok's eyes narrowed. "Chaarrrbok!"("It's all your human's fault that my human is missing!") She then wrapped herself around Weezing and started squeezing the life out of him, despite the fact that, as a venomous snake, Arbok probably wouldn't do very much contricting...

"Wee-zing!" groaned Weezing before exploding.






All the Rocket pokemon recoiled, struggling to stay conscious after one measly hit.


Elsewhere..."Gee, Team Rocket's been gone for an awfully long time," said Ash. "Do you think they've finally given up on capturing--aaaaughh!!" Ash effectively answered his own question by falling into a hole.

"Ash, we still have to deal with Team Rocket, remember?" said Misty.

"Yeah, we just got the weird ones," said Brock.

"Kiss my ass," said Clay.

"Make it double," added Allison.

"You've pissed us off, so prepare for trouble!" they both shouted, nifty Rocket backgrounds neatly falling into place.

"Nice going, Brock," snapped Misty. "Now we have to hear their stupid motto."

"To blight all peoples within our nation," said Clay.

"To protect the world from devastation," said Allison.

"To extend our wrath to the stars above,"

"To denounce the evils of truth and love,"



"Surrender to us now, or you'll surely lose the fight,"

"Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!"

"That is, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the worst plagiarized motto I have ever heard," said Ash from the bottom of the hole.

"Shut your filthy mouth," snapped Allison.

"It's against Team Rocket rules to come up with your own motto," added Clay.

"So we're all required to steal Jesse and James' motto."

"And since we were too lazy to tweak Butch and Cassidy's already altered motto..."

"We just rearranged the order and alternated lines!"

"It's something of an homage to both groups..."

"I think it loses something though," Allison admitted.

Clay nodded. "Especially at the end...I think we need one of our pokemon to say its name or something..."

"We could have both of them say their names..."

"Since we do have the most spectacular pokemon in existance..."

"Who are you again?" Ash asked.

Misty elbowed him in the ribs. "Ash, shut up! They might punish us by making us hear their stupid motto again!"

"Well, Zit--"

"Dammit, Clay, I told you not to call me that!!"

"Sorry. Zit."

"Stop it!"

Ash-tachi looked up, watching the vicious slap fight that had just broken out. "If you squint a little, it's almost like they're Jesse and James," said Brock. "What did you say?" snapped Clay and Allison, whirling back towards the pests.

"Nothing," said Ash, Misty, and Brock.

"I think they just compared us to Jesse and James," said Allison.

"Speaking of which, any idea why James never called me?" asked Clay.

Allison opened her mouth, then looked at her partner and realized that this would be like telling small children that there was no Santa Claus. "Maybe he's shy," she said. "But we can worry about your lousy love life later--"

"*My* lousy love life? Hey, Zit--"

"Stop calling me that!"

"I was the only potential father of your children you had!"

"Oh, shut up!" snarled Allison, pulling out a pokeball. "Hitmonlee, go!"

"Hitmonchan, go!"

Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan leapt into the hole. "Lee!"


"Uh-oh..." said Ash.

"Maybe if Misty's pokemon didn't suck so much we'd be able to fight our way out of this," said Brock.

"What?!" screamed Misty. "Your pokemon suck much more than mine do!"

Clay and Allison sighed. "Stupid pests," muttered Clay.

"Hitmonlee, give them something to whine about!" shouted Allison.

Will Ash and his friends be able to escape the inevitable beating from the two fighting fiends? Will this fic continue to drag painfully onward? And is there any reason why Clay and Allison are still playing such a big part in this?