I Accept Your Challenge part 7


I Still Suck at Naming Stuff!

Yes, it continues...and ideas on how to end this would be greatly appreciated--otherwise, out comes the tritest deus ex machina I can think of! Athena comes and saves everyone? Well, no. That's a bit imaginative for me at the moment. And all of you who're saying "Huh?" go read Euripedes! It's good stuff!

"Oh, that's such a wonderful ice beam..." sighed Jesse.

"I thought you'd like it," said James. "It's much better than water gun, isn't it?"

"Much, much better..."

Vaporeon raised an eyebrow. "You two are getting way too much enjoyment out of this," she said.

"But it's been weeks since a talking pokemon abused us!" whined James. "Of course, if Jess wants to see *my*--"

"Not now, pervert!" said Jesse. "We have to get back home!"

Vaporeon sniffed loudly, clearly offended. "Oh sure," she said. "Run back home to your precious Meowth."

"We're going to break it off with him soon," said Jesse, placing a hand on Vaporeon's shoulder.

"Just give us some more time," added James, placing a hand on Vaporeon's other shoulder. "Besides..we brought you something..."

"So what?" said Vaporeon. "I already have my ice beam and I know you're never going to leave *him.*"

"And you're never going to leave Clay and Allison," said Jesse. She and James both held out handfuls of rare candy, causing Vaporeon's eyes to widen.

"Sounds even to me," said James.

Meowth was playing one of his favorite games--"Think of People He Could Say the Baby's Father Really Is." He'd come up with the idea when he realized that, like many caucasian new borns, Jesse and James' still nameless progeny was blond and blue eyed. He was contemplating accusing Cassidy of being a man when he heard the door open. "You were with *her* again, weren't you?" asked Meowth."Meowth meow meow meow?" he added to Twerp.

Jesse sighed. "No, we weren't, and I told you to stop talking in meowth to my daughter!"

"Den how do you explain dis?" asked Meowth, leaving Twerp on the couch to leap up and pluck a blue hair from Jesse's shoulder. Jesse sighed again, took it from him, and held it up to James. "Well...den where were you?"

"We were trying to capture Pikachu," said James.

"You were not! I don't trust you!" snapped Meowth. "You let her use surf on you once...and I know how you two think!"

Jesse and James exchanged a glance. "What is *that* supposed to mean?" asked Jesse.

Meowth sighed. "Jesse, I have four words for you..."

"'Thundershock me, sexy raichu'?" asked Jesse.


"'Bubblebeam me, frisky seadra'?"


"'Vine whip me, naughty bellsprout'?"

"Isn't dat five words?"

"Horn drill me, nidoking?"

"Eww...I hadn't heard dat one before..."

"Harden, precious metapod?"

"Three words and...ughh..."

"Body slam me, wigglytuff?"

Meowth shuddered. "Nevermind...you're just sickos!" he snapped, stomping back to the couch. "I'm glad you're never around to corrupt Twerp!"

"We should probably think of a name soon," said James.

"One of you is staying home tomorrow," Meowth snapped. "It's been months since I've seen Meowtle!"


"It figures," muttered Meowth. Jesse and James had naturally chosen to leave the hole digging and rubber glove wearing up to him that day. "Now, do you have any idea what to do?" he asked, still holding Twerp who had decided to grab onto one of his whiskers and pull as hard as possible.

"Meowth, we're Team Rocket," said Jesse. "I think we can handle it."

Once he was trudging twerpward, Jesse and James looked down at their child, who was currently crying. "Well, from the way this thing's crying, I can tell you're the father," muttered Jesse.

"Any idea how these things work?" asked James.

"This is all your fault," said Jesse.

"*My* fault?" asked James. "Is it my fault that god hates me?"

"Probably..." muttered Jesse. "It's your fault our daughter doesn't have a name yet!"

"How is it my fault? You suck at naming things too!"

They both looked back down at Twerp. "She is cute though..." said Jesse. "But what's that in her hand?"

James reached down and retrieved one of Meowth's whiskers. "Just like her mother," he said, smiling as he put an arm around Jesse. They leaned against each other, enjoying a rare moment of parental pride and quiet affection. It was quickly ended by the fact that the nameless kid was still crying.

"Just like Meowth," said Jesse. "She never shuts up..."


"Ohh...I'm so sore," groaned Ash. "Looks like that beating from Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan finally caught up to us..."

"I don't think I can move," added Misty.

"Pikaa!" whimpered Pikachu.

"Prepare for trouble!" shouted Meowth, leaping out of an overhead tree. Even though it wasn't socially acceptable, he had draped himself in rubber. Not just for the Pikachu aspects, but because there was just something about rubber....

"Nnnghh..." groaned Ash, Misty, Brock, and Pikachu.

"I said, prepare for trouble!" snapped Meowth, kicking Ash.

"Ow! My forgotten until now bruises!" moaned the whiney little protagonist.

"Give me my son! And Pikachu," Meowth added as an after thought. He looked at Ash-tachi. "Where is my son?"

"In a pokeball..." said Ash.

"He kept hurting us," said Brock.

"Well, give me the pokeball!!" screeched Meowth.

"I can't...I can't move..."

Meowth scratched Ash across the face, then took all of his pokeballs. "Wusses," he muttered.

"Clay and Allison had their fighting fiends attack us!"

"And dey still couldn't get Pikachu? Losers." Meowth then grabbed Pikachu and hurried away. "Looks like Team Rocket just got rid of its dead weight!"


"Guess who finally captured Pikachu!"

Jesse and James looked towards the door. "Oh no, he's back!" said James.

"We have to hide this," said Jesse.

Vaporeon sighed. "You still haven't told him?" she asked.

"If she gets in a pokeball we can transport her," said James.

"James, you're a genius!" exclaimed Jesse. "Now if only we had pokeballs..."

"No pokeballs," snapped Vaporeon. "I'm hiding under the couch and shouldn't you have pokeballs?"


Vaporeon sighed and started crawling under the couch. "I'm not going to ask," she said. "Perverts."

"It's just like having Meowth here!" squealed Jesse and James, hugging each other.

"I knew it!" Vaporeon said, her voice starting to tremble. She wiped a tear from her eye and found herself, thanks to the various fins on her back, hopelessly stuck. "I'm nothing to you, just a cheap replacement for *him*! You two are the most selfish, disgusting people I've ever met and I wish I'd never agreed to be your freak!"

"You're really...our freak?" Jesse asked softly.

"Yes. Now one of you needs to give me a push."

Meowth naturally chose to come in when Jesse and James were on the floor, struggling to push Vaporeon under the couch. "What're you doing?" he asked, still holding the pokeballs and the Pikachu who kept trying to shock him.

"We're...uhm..." James began.

"Playing with the baby!" said Jesse.

The three of them looked at the occupied playpen. "Don't tell me you two had another one," said Meowth.

"I still say it was immaculate conception," said James. Jesse punched him and Vaporeon hit him with her tail. "Ow!"

"So what're you doing?" asked Meowth, taking a step closer.

"Pika-chyuu!" whined Pikachu. He then thundershocked the entire room.

"What was that scream?" asked Meowth.

"What scream?" asked Jesse and James, now sizzling slightly.

"Dat high pitched, animal-like scream."

Jesse and James looked at each other. "That was James," said Jesse.

Meowth raised an eyebrow. "Oh really," he said. "Well, I'd like to hear that again...Jesse, hit him."

"Jesse, I can't scream like a vaporeon!" James whispered.

"That's why we have the vaporeon!" Jesse hissed back, punching him.

"Unless thundershock killed her, being an electric attack on a water pokemon!" To Meowth he said, "My throat hurts."

Meowth poked Pikachu with one of his claws. Unfortunately for him, this caused a tiny rip to appear in his rubber defenses, and he was thundershocked with the rest of the room.

"You two could not deserve me any less," muttered Vaporeon. "If that stupid Pikachu kills me..."

"Hey, we *did* capture Pikachu!" cheered Jesse.

She and James leapt up and began doing their victory dance. "We nothin'," snapped Meowth. "I did all the work!" He looked down at the sofa. "What is dat?" He dropped the pokeballs and Pikachu and glared at Jesse and James. "Is dat a disgruntled eevee evolution?!"

"Don't call me that, you unevolved persian!" growled Vaporeon, barely managing to get unstuck.

"I knew it!" said Meowth.

"It's not what it looks like!" said James.

"Don't bother! I've heard dat before, and it's always exactly what it looks like! Now I want dis cheap...eevee outta my house!"

Vaporeon's eyes narrowed. "Just because they don't want you anymore doesn't mean you have to take it out on me!" she said, starting to smirk. Well, as best a creature that doesn't technically have lips can. "It's not my fault that I can give these two lame brains what you can't anymore."

"Dose are *my* lame brains, and you have no right to insult my numbskulls!"

"They're my numbskulls now, you first form freak!"

"First form freak?!" Meowth found himself suddenly unable to come up with a decent reply. He stalled by returning his attention back to his teammates. "So dis is where all dat rare candies been going--you're supporting your little junkie!"

"I am not a rare candy junkie!" snapped Vaporeon.

Meowth colored slightly. "So...I guess I'm sorry I accussed you two of eating it yourselves..."

Jesse and James shrugged. "It's okay," said James.

"Since we did eat some of it," said Jesse, blushing slightly.

"What?!" exclaimed Meowth and Vaporeon.

"You're already avoiding enough responsibility!" said Meowth.

"You've been holding out on me?" asked Vaporeon, lunging.

"Hey! Leave dem alone! Dey're...well, dey probably did deserve it," said Meowth, picking up one of the pokeballs and heading over to the playpen to look in on the one unexpected accident of their little family whose parents were of the same species. "One can never be too careful around dose weak and pathetic pokemon who think dat level and form are everything."

Vaporeon looked up from beating up Jesse and James. "That's not what you said the last time you saw me," she said.

Meowth started blushing. "Just...uhm...don't hurt 'em too much, okay? Dey've got a kid to keep ignoring." He then threw the pokeball.

"I'm going to kick youw ath, you mithewable Pawet bwat!" Meowtle announced. His eyes went wobbly when he realized where he was. "Daddy, you thaved me!"

Meowth nodded. "And I 'saved' the rest of the pest's pokemon."

"Yay! You'we my hewo!" Meowtle announced, hugging his father. "And what'th that thing?"

"Dat's your nameless cousin. Aunt Jesse and Aunt James don't love it--"

"Her!" called Jesse and James.

"Shut up! I need more rare candy!" snapped Vaporeon, narrowing her eyes and preparing to use ice beam.

"Anyways, Meowtle, Jesse and James don't love her enough to bother to come up with a name," Meowth finished.

"Name?" asked Meowtle.

"Humans tend to have names," Meowth explained.

"Oh...but I thought...oh, okay," said Meowtle, starting to look embarrassed.

Having opened up a can of ice beam on Jesse and James, Vaporeon turned back to her rival and laughed. "What is this thing and is it...challenged?" she asked.

"Hey!" snapped Meowth.

"What're humanth?" asked Meowtle. Vaporeon started laughing even harder.

"Humans are things like Jesse and James," said Meowth. "And if it weren't for pokeballs, dey'd be jigglypuff food."

"Jigglypuff's aren't carnivorous!" said Vaporeon.

"How do you know?"

"Just...look at them!"

"What attackth doeth it know?" asked Meowtle, standing on his toes so he could peer down at his nameless "cousin."

Meowth bit his lip, trying to resist the urge to say what he would normally say in this situation. Fortunately, Vaporeon had no such scruples.

"Well, it should learn whine at about level 3...double slap at level five..." she said.

"If you hadn't frozen us to the floor, we'd go over there and teach you a lesson!" snapped Jesse.

"You're not frozen to the floor," said Vaporeon.

"Yeah, just to each other," said Meowth, looking at the block of ice that surrounded Jesse's left arm and James' right. "But same thing in dis case..."

Jesse and James looked at each other. "Maybe we should get the hair dryer," Jesse suggested. James nodded.

"How come it doethn't know any attackth now?" asked Meowtle. "I alweady know four!"

"Because Jesse and James aren't the brightest crayons in the box," Meowth explained.

"After all, it takes them three hours to get dressed in the morning," added Vaporeon.

Meowth shuddered. "Yes, but not for the reasons you'd expect," he said.