Stuff to Look At

Okay, kids, Zelda's Rare Candy Shop ain't exactly a literary e-zine. Well, you don't get diddly for sending me stuff--other than the fear that Zelda has forgotten you since she really only feels like updating once every three months and productive people seem to get in the way of that. But if you want to submit, basically, as long as your story has some semblence of a plot, I don't care if Jesse and James dress up as leather bondage Sailor Scouts, use fuzzy handcuffs to restrain Ash and Co, then head back home for some good old fashioned hentai. Only make it slightly different, because I might use that when I run out of ideas. Fan Art's basically the same, only let's try to avoid nudity. Well...graphic, full frontal nudity. You can still send it to me, of course...but it might not show up here.


This is a fic I absolutely adored by Koala Killer. Yes, it's Misty/Ash Misty/Ash people have a name for it? Anyways, it's still gosh darned funny! Besides, regardless of wether you like Team Rocket or Ash, Brock or Gary, we all know that deep in his fuzzy yellow heart, Pikachu is a pervert.Misty's Unusual Morning


More not me humor. This one is weird...but hysterical. It also has my new favorite fan fic line of all time: "James, I'm so happy! We should celebrate this occaision by having some hot sex!" Yes, I think a total of ten people go off to have hot sex and when you think of it, isn't hot sex pretty darn close to love?( now for something completely different...or the Dead Moltres Sketch by Kristie


Sailor-P-chanIs now our third non-Zelda writer! Her Quest for Zapdos seems to have epic potential!(Although, and no offense here, P-Chan, the secret J+J revealed was so not what I expected...::sighs::)


Yay! The Great Nat sent us her story, Evil Plots. This involves communist pandas and sex. At certain points I thought, "Dear god, I think we're identical twins, seperated at birth...or at least evil clones."

Natalie was also kind enough to send us out first fan art! Huzzah!'s so cute!

And another new pic! Huzzah! It fits in with the latest craze--drawing Clay and Allison!

Yes, I know it's taken my bitch-ass long enough to get all this here, but Chibi Musashi(I think this link is right...if it isn't, yell at me) sent me a nicepicture and three fics!(those will get here later)

Yay! More pictures! My Gambling Addiction

@#$*!ing Safari Zone...

And rare candy!


Well, kiddies, we have a brand new feature here! Mystery Pokemon Theater 2187 by Bookcat In which various Zelda stories are...commented upon. Isn't Zelda a good sport kids? ^_^(You should probably read the originals before all the spelling and grammar and basic continuity errors are pointed out to you)

MPT 2187 of UA #1 This one really took me back...dude, I wrote it back when I could still write more than just dialogue!! ::snifles:: Look at all those nice, long paragraphs! ::bursts out sobbing::

MPT 2186 of UA #2 Yep, this is of the Unaired that caused people who'd seen Butch and Cassidy(I still haven't outside of some clips...)to tell me I got them wrong. Why? Cuz they weren't mean enough...

We've got more delicious fan-art! Thank you, Zehra for becoming one of Zelda's three special friends who sent in pretty pictures!

And Zehra sent us our first fan picture devoted to the beauty of rare candy! Huzzah!

Now this is classic...Professor Oak is a dirty, dirty old man. Just look at him pimpin' it up!

And Zehra's latest--the end of Unaired #2!

Still more fan art! Whoo-hoo!Purity sent us this hella cool Halloween pic!

Mini sent us two happy fan art pictures!



We've got more pics! These are from PokeZach! Following what seems to be a developing theme, we have Clay and Allison! These are some fun ones, kids.

More fan art! Chaka sent up this...unique...picture of Pikachu, dressed in his Rocky Horror best!

And also, Chaka's fic, The Brocky Horror Picture Show is finally up! Whoo!

Okay, this is another sign of Zelda's pathetic and cruel system of "when I remember it" posting. Poor Betty Roquet and her picture deserved better. Oh well! Here it is!

Zelda's stuff

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