Other: Run like hell, kids! It's another cruddy cross-over by your recently stoic pal, Zelda! Who lately is only talking when she wants to make trouble(someone has to do it...)

This one goes out to all those people who were amused by the thought of Jesse as Fuzzy Lumpkins. Hopefully this is even more ludicrous...

Narrator: The city of Pallettownsville! A peaceful happy metropolis, and home to...the Poke-Puff Girls!

(The Poke-Puff Girls are in bed, waiting for the Professor to say good night.)

Brock: (sighs dreamily)I can't wait for the Professor to kiss me good night...

Misty: That's all you ever think about!

Ash: (happily coloring)

Brock: But the Professor's so sexy!!

Ash: Look, I drew me becoming a pokemon master!(holds up crudely drawn picture of himself with a big medal and Misty screaming at Brock, who's trying to look up her skirt)

(Professor Ivy enters, dressed in a white lab coat and smoking a joint)

Professor Ivy: You girls settle down now. It's time for bed.

Ash and Misty: Good night, professor!

Brock: Uh-huuhh huhh...

Professor Ivy: Good night!(kisses Ash, Misty, and Brock on the forehead. Brock tries to grab her boobs.)Brock, what did I tell you about doing that?

Brock: Sorry, Professor.

Professor Ivy: Now, go to sleep.

Narrator: Oh, those crazy Poke-Puff Girls! Ha ha! Especially since they're mostly boys...still, it's no wonder all of Pallettownsville loves them!

Voice: Ah hate thu Poke-Puff girls!

Narrator: What? Who could possibly hate the sweet, loveable Poke Puff Boys and Girl? Only a sick, twisted mind like...Fuzzy Bellekins!(In case it's not clear, a red head with ringlets in overalls. With a whip.)

Fuzzy Bellekins: Ah hate them so much...that's why Ah invented...this!!(holds up ray gun)

Narrator: Why, that looks like....could it be?

Fuzzy Bellekins: Thu Domme gun!

Narrator: Yes! It is! Fuzzy Bellekins is going to turn all of Pallettownsville into...bondage freaks!

Fuzzy Bellekins: That'll show those miserable Poke-puff girls...now Ah'll finally get mah revenge for what they did to me at the Miss Pallettownsville contest! Instead of choosing me, a woman of obvious refinement and breedin', they chose...Him!

(cut to "His" lair, where Him, a blue haired villain with too much eye make-up, thigh high black leather boots, and a sleeveless red dress with pink fur trim, is sitting on a sofa that would do RuPaul proud)

Him: (in a slight, drag queen/kindgergarten teacher falsetto)She's just jealous because she didn't have my secret weapons!(holds up inflatable body suit, then laughs maniacally)

(back to Fuzzy Bellekins)

Fuzzy Bellekins: Oh, they'll pay for that! They'll pay!(runs off into the streets, carrying Domme gun and her whip. She begins firing the gun randomly, causing assorted townspeople to gain fun leather accessories and either submitting to each other, or dominating each other.)

Narrator: Oh no! I just hope the Poke-Puff girls can provide a safeword for this grisly scene!

(The mayor's office. Mayor Oak is leering at his assistant Ms. Ketchum.)

Mayor Oak: So...you want to see my poke-dex?

Ms. Ketchum: (sighs)Shouldn't we be a bit worried about all those people having wild sex in the streets?

Mayor Oak: What?(looks out the window)Oh my! Don't they know that the decent place to do that sort of thing is in the park? Or at least in the backseat of a car!

(Back in the Poke-puff girls' bedroom, the little phone starts buzzing)

Brock: Hello? We'll be there right away, Mayor Oak!

Misty: What is it?

Brock: Fuzzy Bellekins is turning people into BDSM zombies! Heh heh, she can dominate and zombinate me any day...

Misty: Ash, wake up! We have to save Pallettownsville.

Ash: Nngh...I'm too tired.(Misty uses heat vision on him)Wauuughhh!

Misty: Let's go!

(They change and fly off, crashing through the roof Back in the streets, Fuzzy Bellekins is laughing triumphantly.)

Fuzzy Bellekins: Now I just have to find Him dearest and turn him into the slave-hubby Ah've always wanted!

Misty: Not so fast!

Fuzzy Bellekins: That's not thu proper way to foil an evil villain's plans for revenge. Let me show you the correct way!

Brock: You can show me anything you want...(Brock's attitude is helped by the fact that Fuzzy Bellekins is only wearing overalls.)

Misty: Brock!

Ash: Maybe we should just fight this one ourselves...(he and Misty notice the unsightly bulge that's very obvious under Brock's little pink dress)

Fuzzy Bellekins: That's not very proper either...(aims gun at Brock, who turns into a leather clad sub)

Ash: You'll pay for that! (Ash and Misty beat the living hell out of Fuzzy Lumpkins while Brock flies in little circles, looking for a spare dominatrix)

Brock: Punish me! I've been so bad!

(Back at the home of the Poke-puff girls, the three are back in bed. Brock is still leather clad)

Brock: Ooo! Hit me with another pillow, Misty!

Ash: Misty, when's Brock going to be back to normal?

Misty: He doesn't seem that different to me.

Narrator: Ha ha ha! Don't worry, Ash. Brock should be his old self again soon! And once again, the day is saved, thanks to...the Poke-Puff girls!