Sailor Moon Cross-over

Director's Cut

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This also isn’t a lost episode. No, it’s a delightful Sailor Moon crossover! There’s no rare candy either…I know, I know, I love rare candy too, but it can’t be in every story(unless my creativity runs completely dry)

Other: I can’t be the only one(well, it was late when this idea came to me)who finds Alan and Anne(those Doom Tree people? Don’t worry, I had to look their names up too)a bit like Jesse and James? Same hair color, names start with the same letter, treat each other like crap half the time, all four of them have cool looking eyes …all right, maybe A +A are strange elf things with the power to summon nasty monsters, but I never said this was high quality cross-over. This is more of a conspiracy theory…But I want opinions on this(and my sorry excuse for a cross over)You know the place. Hate Mail Goes Here

Author's Note: Some of you have probably read the version of this at Salon Roquet. Well, it wasn't quite finished. So this is kind of the new, improved Sailor Moon crossover(complete with a little rare candy joke on J+J's "human names")

Somewhere in a strange, Rocketverse like dimension, two elven figures sat beneath their dying tree. “The Rocket Tree needs more energy, James,” said the red haired woman.

“Where should we get it from, this time, Jesse?” asked the blue haired man.

“The St. Anne’s in port today…all those trainers should provide us with all the energy we need…”

“Especially if we can capture that rare Pikachu…”

Jesse and James began to laugh maniacally.


“Where’s Ash?” asked Misty. “He was supposed to meet us here an hour ago!”

“He’s probably lost,” said Brock.

“Dat moron’s always lost!” said Meowth from Misty’s shoulder.

Brock and Misty stared at him. “What are you doing here?” asked Brock.

“You Poke-Scouts need a talking cat, right?” Brock and Misty nodded. “Well, here I am!”

Ash ran up to them, gasping for breath. “Sorry I’m late!” Ash squealed, blushing. “But my alarm didn’t go off and then I spent hours wandering through the streets and—“

“We’re used to it,” said Misty.

“So what are we going to do today?” asked Ash.

Brock held out a flyer. “There’s a big party on board the St. Anne. I think we should go.”

Ash looked at it suspiciously. “You didn’t get this from any college students did you?”

“What are you talking about?” asked Misty.

“Nothing. Well, let’s check it out. There’s probably Pokemon battles!” Ash eagerly ran towards the dock. His friends followed.

“If only he put this much energy into fighting da Rocketverse,” sighed Meowth.


Once on board the St. Anne, Ash decided that he was going to fight everyone there, even if it meant waking up in a pokecenter with half his money gone. “Don’t say it,” Misty said to Meowth.

“What? Dat if he’d just—“ Misty stomped on him.

“Look, it’s Jeremy and Jane!” said Brock, waving to them.

Jesse and James’ human equivalents waved, then quickly disapeared into the crowd.

“I think Sailor Pallet is hot,” said James, giggling. Jesse whacked him again.

“Haven’t we seen them somewhere before?” asked Misty.

“Can we steal their energy now?” asked James. They ducked back into their alternative dimension. He pulled out a handful of cards. “Pick a cardigan, Jesse.”

Jesse took one. “It’s not a basic pokemon.”


Jesse thought about this for a moment. “Hell with it. Just freaking bring it to life!”

James took out his pokeflute and began playing. The card turned into an evil charizard that began stealing everyone’s energy.

“All right!” yelled Ash as his opponent collapsed. “Another victory!”

“Ash, you didn’t win! Something must be stealing everyone’s energy!” said Misty.

“You know what that means,” said Brock.

“The Rocketverse!” exclaimed Ash.

“So transform already!” yelled Meowth.

The Poke-Scouts stared at him. “Out in the open?”

“Yeah, like no one can recognize you. Just do it!”

Ash pulled out his pokewand. “Pallet…Town…Power!”

“Cerulean…Town…Power!” yelled Misty.

“Pewter…Town…Power!” yelled Brock.

Soon all three Poke-Scouts were in their adorable pleated miniskirts and ready for battle.

“I just hope Nurse Joy isn’t here to see this,” said Brock.

The Poke-Scouts ran up to face their enemy. Meowth wisely stayed behind. “Hey, Rocket trash!” yelled Sailor Pallet. “We fight for truth and justice, and cause anyone who’s evil to faint!” He paused in his elaborate series of hand gestures. “And that means you! In the name of Pallet Town—aughhh!” Sailor Pallet was thrown into a wall by a powerful blast of fire. Apparently monsterous charizards have short attention spans.

“Don’t worry, Sailor Pallet, we can handle this!” said Sailor Cerulean. “Cerulean…bubble…beam!”

“He’s slowing down,” said Sailor Pewter. “But this should stop him for good! Pewter…rock…throw!”

Since Sailor Pewter and Sailor Cerulean weren’t the main Poke-Scout, the charizard shrugged off their attacks and flung them into a wall as well.

“It’s…up to you now…Sailor Pallet,” said Sailor Cerulean before she fainted.

“You just said you could handle it!” snapped Sailor Pallet.

“You can do it,” said Sailor Pewter before he passed out.

“I wonder if I can transfer to a less embarrassing team of galactic defenders,” sighed Meowth.

Sailor Pallet looked up at the approaching charizard. Then a yellow rose streaked through the air and landed right in front of him. “Tuxedo Chu!” Sailor Pallet exclaimed, his eyes wavering.

“Pika, pikachu, pika pi kachu,” said Tuxedo Chu. “Chu, pika-pika pikachu, ka!”

“Thanks, Tuxedo Chu,” said Sailor Pallet, getting to his feet. “You always save the day!” He turned his hat backwards, then took it off. “Pallet…Pokemon League Hat…Throw!” He threw his hat. It hit the charizard in the stomach and caused it to explode. Crisis averted, the other Poke-Scouts managed to stand up.

“What?” screamed Jesse.

“That’s impossible!” added James.

“Hey, wait a minute,” said Sailor Pallet. “You’re not exchange students! You’re from the Rocketverse!”

“Prepare for trouble!”

“Make it double!”

“Not again…” groaned Sailor Cerulean.

“To protect our tree from devastation…”

“To drain all peoples in every nation…”

“To denounce the evils of truth and love…”

“To extend our reach to the stars above…”



“Rocketverse, blast off at the speed of light!”

“Surrender now, or prepare to fight!”

Meowth, for some unexplainable reason, felt as if he should say something. He managed to resist the urge.

“But wait, we just destroyed the Rocketverse!” said Sailor Cerulean.

“And lost our memories!” added Sailor Pallet.

“We’re from a different part of it,” said Jesse. “Now hand over your energy!”

“I’m never giving you my…” Sailor Pallet trailed off. He was having another flashback about the beautiful moon kingdom…

“Oh, Prince Pikachu, I hope Queen Beryl and her horrible earth people don’t attack…”

“Pikachu. Pika-pi.”

“A pokeball? So I’ll always remember you? It plays such beautiful music!”

Back in the present, “Was I saying something?” asked Sailor Pallet.

“You were saying that you’ll never give them your energy,” said Meowth.

“Oh. Well I won’t!” Sailor Pallet finished.

“Then we’ll just have to get our own,” said James. He and Jesse grabbed Tuxedo Chu.

“Pikaaa!” screamed Tuxedo Chu, thundershocking them.

“Looks like the Rocketverse is blasting off again!” screamed Jesse and James as they were thrown back into their dimension.


"Sometimes we get all excited about parties on cruise ships and don't stop to think that it's probably just another sinister Rocketverse plot to suck the life out of us. That's why it's important to have friends! Your friends can always cheer you up when you're feeling down, because that's what friends are for! Sailor Pallet Says!"