Big Gay Rocket's Big Gay Boat Ride!

a thought provoking piece with South Park style words by Zelda

(Ketchum, Pikachu, and Misty are standing at the bus stop. Brock enters, carrying Geodude.)

Brock: Guys, I think something's wrong with my Geodude!

Geodude: Geo...dude.(Geodude puts on a pink bandana)

Ketchum: Seriously, Brock, that is one gay geodude.

Brock: What? Geodude's not gay!

Misty: Don't listen to him, Brock. He's just upset because his mom's on the cover of Poke-Whore Magazine.

Ketchum: My mom is *not* on the cover of Poke-Whore Magazine!!

Pikachu: Pika-pi pika pikachu.

Brock: Yeah! That's a great idea! I'll train Geodude not to be gay! Geodude, rock throw!

Geodude: Geo!(throws rocks at PikachuPikachu: Piikaaa!(Pikachu is crushed)

Misty: Oh my god! They killed Pikachu!

Ketchum: You bastards!

Misty: Wait, no, he just fainted...

Brock: Geodude, defense curl!

Geodude: Geodude!

Brock: Great work, Geodude! Now...don't be gay!

Geodude: Dude?

Ketchum: Hurry, we need to take Pikachu to a Pokecenter! We can worry about your lame Geodude later!

Brock: Well...okay...

(Ash-tachi leaves. Geodude leaves, heading towards the mountains. After hovering or floating or however geodudes move, Geodude reaches "Big Gay Rocket's Big Gay Pokemon Santuary")

Jesse: Why don't you come inside, little Geodude?

James: Yes, we're all big gay friends here...

Meowth: Dat's right!

(Geodude enters and goes off to frolic with the other gay pokemon. Team Rocket, however, remain in the main hallway for important exposition moments)

Jesse: This is our best plan ever...

Meowth: Yeah, it's perfect for James!

James: What're you saying?

Jesse and Meowth: Nothing.

Jesse: Once we've captured all the gay pokemon in South Poke Town, the Boss is sure to give us that vacation!

Meowth: (gives James a knowing look)How 'bout San Francisco?

James: Stop that!

(back in town...)

Brock: Have you see Geodude? I can't seem to find him anywhere?

Misty: Let's go ask Professor Oak for help!

(At Professor Oak's house...)

Ketchum: And that's what's wrong with Brock's Geodude.

Professor Oak: Hmm...I don't know...what do you think, Mr. Hat?

Mr. Hat: I think Ash has seen enough pokemon to get an itemfinder!

Professor Oak: Oh..well, here you are Ash!

(outside Prof. Oak's house)

Misty: Well, *that* was a waste of time...

Ketchum: Guys! Guys! I used my itemfinder in my mom's closet and found my birthday present!

Brock: What is it?

Ketchum: An Antonio Banderas blow-up love doll with realistic genetalia!

Misty: Sweet!

Brock: Hmmm...that reminds me...I think I heard about an animal sanctuary up in the mountains...

Misty: Let's go check it out!

(Meanwhile, back at Big Gay Rocket's Big Gay Animal Sanctuary)

Jesse:...and we just want you to know that no matter what, we're still your friends.

James: But, Jesse, I'm not gay! I'm effeminate!

(Ash-tachi enters. Togepi wanders ahead, chirping giddly. Jesse and James stomp on him, crushing him flat.)

Meowth: Oh my god! Dey killed Togepi!

Misty: You bastards!

**Who's the Pokemon?**

**It's Ike!**

Ike: Don't kick the baby...

Ketchum: Hey, you're not Big Gay Al; you're Team Rocket!

Jesse: Prepare for trouble...

James: Make it double...

Jesse: To protect the world from Chef's smut,

James: To announce that Ketchum's mom is a dirty slut,

Ketchum: Hey!

Jesse: To eliminate Terrance and Phillip too,

James: To finally kill Pikachu,

Jesse: Jesse!

James: James!

Jesse: Team Rocket, capturing pokemon from far and near!

James: Man, this is pretty f***ed up right here...

Meowth: You fart knockers killed Togepi!(bursts into tears)

Brock: Give me back my gay Geodude!

Jesse: Go, Arbok!

James: Go, Weezing!

Ketchum: Aughh! Pikachu's still dead...uh...go Squirtle!

Squirtle: Squirtle!

Jesse: Arbok, glare!

James: Weezing, get him with your sludge attack!

Ketchum: Squirtle, water gun!

(Arbok and Weezing trip over their gold chains and pink Hawaiian shirts, then fall down and get tangled up.)

Jesse: Oh well...

James: At least we're not on the cover of Poke-Whore Magazine...

Brock: Well...actually, Jesse is...

James and Meowth: What?!

Jesse: I...I was young and needed the money!

Brock: Dude, these pictures were taken like two months ago...