“Honey?” said the woman in the mistletoe house as she looked out the window.

“What is it?”

“Our front porch is being used as a make-out spot…”

“I’ll get the hose.”

Meowth could hear the screams as he approached. “Oh yeah? Well we’ll give you some holiday spirit!” Jesse was shouting. “Go, Arbok!”

“And where exactly are you keeping your pokéballs in that outfit?” asked Meowth.

“Oh, that’s right,” said Jesse, blushing.

“Should we change back into our uniforms?” asked James.

“I don’t think I can…”

“Just keep moving!” snapped Meowth as he scratched them both. A seam ripped on Jesse’s costume, causing her hair to spill out the back.

James giggled at the thought of the delightful possibilities. “Do it again!” he told Meowth. Jesse kicked him. “Ow! Quit it!”

“Come on,” said Meowth, starting to push them away. “We have to go yell at those twerps.”

“Why?” asked Jesse.

“They’re mocking us!”

Meowth led his teammates to where he had left Ash and Co.

“Look who’s back,” said Misty, smiling triumphantly.

“Misty, I’m hungry,” whined Ash. “Can we eat our candy now?” Misty whapped him with a paper fan.

Brock and Pikachu noticed Jesse. “Sweet Mary, mother of God!” exclaimed Brock, his eyes bulging as much as they could.

“Pikaaaa,” sighed Pikachu, beaming at her.

Misty sniffed. “Hmmph. She doesn’t look half as good as I do,” she said.

“You don’t even have breasts!” said Brock.

“Maybe in another eight years,” said Ash. Misty hit both of them with a frying pan.

“I thought you said they were imitating us,” James said to Meowth, who rolled his eyes.

“Hand over your pokémon!” Misty commanded.

Jesse and James laughed. “It looks like you were right, Meowth. This is quite a tribute!” Jesse laughed.

Misty’s eyes narrowed. “Prepare for trouble,” she said.

“Make it double,” Ash added, pulling out another rose.

“Prepare for a major lawsuit,” Jesse retorted.

“We own that entire routine!” James added.

“To protect the world from devastation,” Misty continued.

“To unite all peoples within our nation,” Ash added.

“To denounce the evils of truth and love,”

“To extend our reach to the stars above,”



Jesse turned to James. “We need a pay phone,” she said. “I’m calling our lawyer.”

“Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!” Misty yelled, posing.

“Surrender now or prepare to fight!” Ash finished.

Meowth took out his cell phone. “Where did you get that?” James asked.

“It was one of da benefits of being top cat, if you must know,” he said. “So what’s his number again?”

“555-1337,” said Jesse.

Ash and Misty each took out a pokéball. “Go Arbok!” yelled Misty.

“Go Wheezing!”

Psyduck and Squirtle appeared, both looking very confused. “Psy?” Psyduck asked.

“Squirtle,” Squirtle replied, shrugging.

Jesse snapped her whip threateningly. “I don’t know what you brats are up to, but no one rips off Team Rocket!”

At the sound of the whip, Ash and Misty screamed and leapt into each other’s arms.

“Dis is pretty accurate!” said Meowth, putting the phone away. “I’m impressed.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” said Jesse, sweatdropping.

“Long live the Team Rocket Babe Magnent Method!” said James.

“Right on!” said Brock. He walked up to Jesse. “Fancy a shag?”

Jesse’s eyes narrowed. “Excuse me?”

“What’s new pussycat?” Brock asked her, attempting a wink. Jesse backhanded him into a porch.

“Yikes,” said James and Meowth, taking a step back from her.

Jesse turned to them. “Life’s a bitch,” she said in a sultry voice. “Now so am I.”

Meowth rolled his eyes. “Oh come on,” he groaned.

“What?” Jesse and James asked.

“Did you two just watch that movie?”

“What movie?”

Zubatman Returns? The movie you’re getting most of your conversation from?”

Jesse shook her head. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Me neither,” said James.

“Big surprise dere.” He jumped as Jesse snapped her whip dangerously close to him.

“What’s the matter?” Misty asked, placing a hand on her hip. “Afraid to fight us?”

“And ruin our Halloween?” asked James. “Come on, Jesse, let’s just sue them later.”

“I’d be careful if I were you, Jesse,” said Misty. “You wouldn’t want to gain any more weight…”

Jesse and James froze. “Beauty before booty,” they said in unison. Meowth snickered. “You know what we mean!” snapped Jesse.

James pulled out a batarang. Jesse snatched it from him. “What?”

“Your aim is terrible,” she said, preparing to hurl it at Ash and Misty.

“It is not!” snapped James, trying to take it back.

Meowth covered his face with his hands as his teammates began fighting viciously. “It’s a piece of plastic,” he said.

“She insulted my aim!” said James as he tried to struggle out of Jesse’s headlock.

“My dead grandmother can throw better than you!” Jesse screamed. She was sitting on his back, holding him by the ears of his cowl with one hand and clutching the batarang with the other.

“Next time I go to a Pokécenter, I’m picking a fight with Nurse Joy,” Brock announced, a blissful smile on his face.

“This really isn’t part of the method,” James told him.

“Give it to me, or I’ll do the worst thing I can think of…” Jesse threatened.

“Slam his face into the concrete?” asked Meowth.


“There’s worse than having your face slammed into concrete?” Brock asked.

“Give me the batarang, or I’ll give you a bad haircut,” said Jesse.

“You wouldn’t!” James cried, starting to struggle.

Brock snorted. “There’s a worse haircut than that?”

Jesse and James glared at him. “You’re next,” said Jesse.

“Whoo-hoo!” Brock cheered. “Did you hear that Ash? You were wrong! In your face!”

Misty shook her head. “He is so pathetic…”

“He’s not the only one,” said Ash, looking at Team Rocket. “Jesse sure looks good in that outfit though…” A large anger vein popped out on Misty’s face.

Brock laughed. “Jealous, Misty?” he asked.

“No, I just hate girls like that,” Misty said.

“I’ll give you the batarang,” said James, “but only if you promise to throw it at Brock.”

“Only if you admit that your aim sucks,” Jesse replied.


“Then I’m going to shave your head.”

James screamed and struggled even harder. All he managed to do was roll over, causing Jesse to let go of his hood. “If you shave my head, I’ll shave yours,” he said.

“If you shave my head, I’ll break your legs.”

“If you break my legs, I’ll cut your credit cards.”

Jesse screamed and slapped him. “You wouldn’t!”

“I will if you shave my head and break my legs!”

“Well, if you cut my credit cards…did I already break your legs?”


Jesse thought for a moment. “So, I’ve already shaved your head and broken your legs, right?”


“Then I’ll duct tape your mouth shut.”

“Then I’ll duct tape your mouth shut!”

“Hooray!” cheered Meowth. “Now if only dey can remember all of dis…”

“If you duct tape my mouth shut then I’ll…” Jesse paused again, “call your parents. And tell them where you are.”

“If you tell my parents where I am, I’ll make Arbok into a pair of boots.”

“If you make Arbok into a pair of boots, I’ll evolve Growlie and give the Boss a new Arcanine.”

“Meowth, tell Jesse that I’m not speaking to her and that if a fire stone comes anywhere near Growlie, I’ll…” James turned to Meowth. “Meowth, you’re a jerk. What else can I do to her?”

“Well, if the light was better, I’d take a picture of this fine Kodak moment and give it to your kids twenty years from now,” Meowth said. “But that would be bad for you too.”

“Kodak moment?” Jesse and James asked, then suddenly realized that they were in a very compromising position.

“Here,” said Brock, handing Meowth a camera. “The flash is great. But you have to promise to send me a copy. With just Jesse in it.” He nudged Ash. “Sound good, Ashy-boy?”

Misty glared at them both.

Meowth quickly took the picture before Jesse and James could move. “I’ll trade you the batarang for the whip,” James said.

“Deal,” Jesse agreeed. They both got up and headed towards Meowth.

Ash, Brock, Misty, and Pikachu watched the savage beating that Jesse and James delivered. When Meowth was finally subdued, Jesse looked down at the tear in her shoulder. “Got any thread?” she asked James.

“Why would I have that?” he asked.

Jesse grabbed him by the collar and forced him to the ground again. “You have an entire utility belt.”

“That has zubat gadgets!”

“Zubatman never needs thread? You’re holding out on me!” Jesse pulled his cowl back. “That’s it; I’m shaving your head right now! Does anyone have any scissors?” She gave James a suspicious look. “You wouldn’t happen to have any in your threadless utility belt, would you?”

“Why would I give you scissors to ruin my hair with?” he asked.

“He’s not even the one with split ends,” said Misty.

“At least I don’t need a wig to look this good,” said Jesse.

“Jesse, what is with you today?” asked Meowth. “You’re even worse than usual!”

“Jesse, if I had thread you know I’d give it to you,” James said, looking sadly up at her. The pity tactic generally worked.

Jesse blinked several times, then stood up. She offered James her hand, then helped him up. He pulled the mask back over his face and gave her a strange look.

“Am I the only one who hasn’t gone completely whacko?” asked Brock.

“Can we battle now?” asked Ash.

“Pika, pikachu,” said Pikachu sadly.

“What did he say?” James asked Meowth.

“He wants us to remember the true meaning of Halloween,” Meowth translated.

“Ka chu, pika pika-pi, pika, kaa,” said Pikachu.

“Halloween isn’t about fighting, it’s about candy and dressing up so demons can’t find you.”

“He’s right,” said Jesse.

“Let’s go get some candy!” cheered Meowth.

“But, Jesse,” said James. “That pathetic midget called you fat!”

Jesse’s expression darkened. “That’s right,” she said. She glared at James. “How could you let her do that?”

“What do you expect me to do?” James asked, glaring back at her. “You’ve made it very clear that you don’t need my protection.”

“What protection?”

Seeing that another fight was on the verge of breaking out, Meowth stepped between the two. “I want some answers,” he said. “You two are obviously attracted to each other—“


“She wishes!”

“So why do you keep trying to beat the crap out of each other?” Meowth turned to Ash and Misty. “And why are you acting like us?”

“I know what it is,” said Brock. “I saw it on the Simpsons’ Halloween Special last year. It’s cursed voodoo costumes. Ash and Misty obviously went to a costume shop owned by a strange gypsy who sells objects with horrible, ironic curses!”

Misty snorted. “We only shop at high quality Salon Roquet boutiques,” she said.

“Yes!” Jesse and James exclaimed, hugging each other.

“Another satisfied customer!” Jesse cheered.

“And another profit!” James added.

“And why do you want money so much?” Meowth asked. “You’re rich! All you have to do is go home and…have Jesse pretend to be Jessebelle.”

“That’ll be hard, since I look nothing like her,” said Jesse.

“Do we have any cursed stores?” James asked.

“How am I supposed to know?” asked Jesse. “It is a major retail chain.”

Meowth pulled Brock and Pikachu aside. “So how do we fight…cursed voodoo costumes?” Meowth asked. “At least Jesse and James haven’t gone any further over the edge than they already were…”

“Hmm…let me see what I can remember…” said Brock. “Okay, so everyone in Springfield except for Bart and Lisa is under the spell of the cursed voodoo costumes so…I’m pretty sure Groundskeeper Willie gets killed by an axe in the back.”

“Don’t tempt me,” said Meowth, glancing over at his teammates who were still in a victory hug.

“Uhm…I think eventually the other kids swarm Bart and Lisa and they die too,” said Brock. “But I’m not really sure.”

“Great,” said Meowth. He needed to think about this. Which was more important, his teammates or his sanity? Sure, he’d been with Jesse and James for a long time. He’d even felt bad for ruining their few, feeble attempts at romance, and he’d even been willing to help Jesse after she told him and James how crappy her Princess Days had been. But going insane because of their freaky Zubatman antics would quickly cause his paltry sentimental feelings to quickly shrivel and die. “Wait…wouldn’t the spell end if they took the costumes off?”

“Oh,” said Brock. He looked at Jesse. “Oh,” he said, smiling. “That’s a good idea!”

“You have to admit there’s something between us,” Jesse said.

“You’re right,” James agreed. “And I’m afraid it’s the law…”

Misty yawned. “How tacky,” she said.

Ash nodded. “I’m glad we have better taste than that.”

“But how can there be cursed voodoo costumes if we made those?” Meowth asked.

Brock tilted his head to the side, trying to get a better look at Jesse. “Uh-huh,” he said.

Meowth scratched him. “Wake up, ya moron! We need a way out of this!”

“Pika pikachu!” said Pikachu. He leapt onto Ash’s shoulder and removed the wig.

“Pikachu, what are you doing?” Ash asked as Pikachu scampered away.

“Looks like we’ll have to teach that overgrown rat a lesson,” said Misty.

“What?” asked Ash. “Misty, what are you talking about?”

“Ash, he completely ruined your look!” Misty said.

“So what?” Ash said, putting his hat back on. “Lighten up! You’re starting to sound like Jesse!” Ash looked over at Jesse and James who were starting to explore another facet of their new love/hate relationship. He felt a slight pang of jealousy.

“So what do we do about them?” Meowth asked, pointing to Jesse and James. “If you take their masks off, they’ll just change to Bruce Wayne and umm…”

“Selina Kyle,” said Ash.

“Wow, you’re an even bigger dweeb than I thought,” said Meowth. “And dat isn’t much better.”

“We can’t…get Jesse to take off anything else?” Brock asked. “I mean, umm, get them to change into their uniforms?”

Meowth gave him a withering look. “She had to be sewn into that,” he said.

“I can tell!”

“I wish Todd were here,” Ash sighed.

“We need a plan,” said Meowth. All three of them looked at Misty. “Pikachu, leave her wig on. Misty, we need a plan to get rid of the cursed costume voodoo that’s affecting Jesse and James so we can steal their pokémon.”

“I’ve got a plan that’s pure genius,” said Misty.

“Wonderful,” said Meowth.

“We dig a hole, and once they fall into it,” she waited.

“We’ll…” Ash had a sudden brain freeze. Pikachu put his wig back on. “Then that rare pikachu will be ours!”

“It’ll never work!” said Meowth. “We need a plan that will get them out of those costumes and into their uniforms!”

“How will that get their pokémon?” asked Misty.

“It just will! Now come up with something!”

“After careful consideration of the matter, I’ve decided that all we have to do is pull that thread sticking out there on Jesse’s costume and our problems will be solved,” said Brock.

“And I’ve decided that you’re an total lamebrain,” said Meowth, giving him another good fury swipe across the face.

“I wish I was Zubatman…” Brock said, watching Jesse and James.

“All right, why doesn’t anyone have a plan?” Meowth asked.

Pikachu took off Ash’s wig. Ash then removed Misty’s wig. “Wasn’t doing any good anyways,” he said.

The first thing Misty did was whap Ash upside the head. “Did you give them rare candy again?” she asked.

“No!” Ash snapped. “Brock says it’s cursed costume voodoo!”

“It is!” Brock added. “If only I could’ve gotten Nurse Joy to dress as Felicity Shagwell…”

“I liked Venessa Kensington better,” said Misty.

“But she was an evil fembot!”

“She was still more interesting than Felicity.”

“Brock, how come you’re unaffected?” asked Ash.

“Just be grateful that you didn’t copy all the aspects of Jesse and James’ personalities,” said Meowth.

“What do you mean?” asked Ash.

“Just that they’ve wanted each other since second semester at Pokémon Tech.”

Misty shook her head. “Look, I buy into the whole relationship thing,” said Misty, “But isn’t that like a decade of unrequited love?”

“Would you agree with me that Ash has one of the thickest skulls known to man?” Meowth asked. Misty nodded. “And how long has it taken them to get Pikachu away from him?”

“Good point,” said Misty.

“It doesn’t seem too unrequited anymore,” said Brock.

Meowth shook his head. “By tomorrow they’ll have denied everything. It’s one of the unhealthiest things I’ve ever seen.” He thought for a moment. “Not that I don’t try to squash every passionate confession that I can. What?” he said as Misty and Brock gave him a dirty look. “I can barely live with them now!”

There was a thoughtful pause. “I like the thread pulling idea,” said Ash.

“What are they talking about?” Jesse asked James.

“Well, you’ve apparently come under the influence of cursed costume voodoo and…we need to get you—“

“Jesse especially,” said Brock.

“—out of those costumes,” Meowth finished as Misty hit Brock with a mallet.

Ash watched in horror. Regardless of what his mother had taught him about the facts of life and love and caring, he knew that Misty was probably still under the influence of some residual Jesse-ness. Which meant that the blow to the head she gave Brock meant that she really liked him. Like liked him. Ash’s eyes narrowed.

Jesse and James pulled off their masks in unison, then looked at each other again. “Want to come back to Wayne Manor with me?” he asked.

“Only if you help me get funding for a wild cat reserve,” said Jesse.

“What are millionaire playboys for?” They laughed before returning to their previous activities.

“I wish I was Bruce Wayne too,” said Brock.

Meowth thought carefully about this. “There are only two people who can help us get out of this mess…both of them are masters of disguise and display.”

“Jesse and James?” asked Ash.

“Seigfried and Roy,” Meowth replied. “But, since they’re not available…” He looked at Ash and Misty, smiling frightfully at them.

“Jesse and James are right over there!” yelled Misty, pointing to Team Rocket.

“Yes, but right now, they’re Bruce Wayne, millionaire playboy and secretly Batman, and Selina Kyle, animal activist by day, cat burglar by night,” Meowth said sweetly. “Pikachu?”

Ash and Misty slowly backed away from Pikachu and Meowth. “Ashton?”

“Yes Misty?”

“I’ll always remember what a wonderful trainer you were!”

“So will I!”

“Kachu!” snapped Pikachu.

“We haven’t even done anything yet!” said Meowth.

Jesse looked away from her millionaire playboy. “That is so trite!” she said, laughing.

“Yeah,” James said, laughing nervously. “Who would say something like that?”(author's note: Hey, why would James laugh nervously when Jesse said that? Because while writing this, I forgot that fact.)

Once Ash and Misty were in full costume again, Meowth looked hopefully at them. “Now, we have to get dose two morons back to normal,” he said.

“We’ve got an invention that’s pure genius,” said Misty. Ash pulled out a fishing net.

“Oh no…” said Meowth, burying his face in his hands. “Excuse me for a moment.” He dashed off and returned with a gold spray-painted pokéball. “Here,” he said, tossing it to Ash. Ash screamed. “I found your magikarp.”

“Stupid magikarp!” yelled Ash, kicking the pokéball.

“Don’t kick it!” Misty screamed. They leapt into each other’s arms again, waiting for it to evolve into something that could kill them.

James put his mask back on. “Gotham needs me,” he said, running towards Ash and Misty. “What seems to be the problem, citizen?”

Misty looked dreamily up at him. “Nothing…” she said, quickly pushing Ash aside.

James picked up the pokéball. “I’ll take dat,” said Meowth.

“Be careful, Pidgey. It could be dangerous.”

“Holy you’re a lamebrain, Zubatman, it’s a different color! Ooo, frightening!” said Meowth. “Ow!” he exclaimed as the crack of a whip knocked the pokéball out of his hand.

Jesse leapt in front of him and picked it up. “I’ll take this,” she said. She winked at James before running on ahead.

James grinned. “Meowthwoman…one of my greatest enemies…looks like we have no choice but to follow her!” he said and started running.

Meowth turned to Ash and Misty. “Where’s da plan?” he screeched.

Ash and Misty exchanged a glance. “Fishing net,” they said in unison.

James had managed to catch up to Jesse. “I couldn’t bear to see you taken away like a common criminal,” James was saying.

“Prepare for trouble!” said Misty.

“Make it double!” added Ash.

Jesse and James soon found themselves trapped underneath a fishing net. “Good thing we work so well together,” said Jesse, taking out her whip. James reached into his utility belt.

“Where did they get the net from?” Brock asked Meowth as they ran towards the thickening plot.

“I’ve stopped asking myself questions like that,” said Meowth.

“Pika!” said Pikachu, tugging on Ash’s leg. Ash quickly grabbed him.

“We’ve finally captured Pikachu!” Misty and Ash squealed.

“And the victory hug will be right about…” Meowth waited. “Now.”

“We’ve finally captured Pikachu!” Misty and Ash repeated, now jumping up and down.

Brock watched, a strange expression on his face. “So, they should be back to normal tomorrow, right?”

Meowth nodded. “But you still have to be careful.”

“Kaaaa…” wheezed Pikachu. (“Can’t breathe!”)

“What kind of bat-moron wouldn’t have anything sharp in his utility belt?” Jesse yelled.

“Well, why don’t you have anything sharp?” James asked in return.

“Let’s go call the Boss!” said Ash, grinning like an idiot.

“We’ll get that promotion for sure!” added Misty.

Meowth approached Jesse and James who were viciously entangled in the net. “All right, you two are members of Team Rocket. This is all part of a grand scheme destined for failure, and now you need to change back into your uniforms so you can say your motto,” he said. “I recommend going behind those bushes. Here,” he said, handing James a pair of scissors. “Trust me, you’re going to need them.”

“I think I’ll go over to the bushes too,” said Brock after Jesse and James had cut their way out of the net. “I think I dropped my…umm…”

“Sweedish—“ began Misty.

“Not my bag, baby,” said Brock, holding up his hands in a protestation of innocence.

Jesse and James finally re-emerged, dressed in their uniforms and blushing like there was no tomorrow. “Crisis averted,” said Meowth. “Well, one of them…” He looked at Ash and Misty who were somehow still in victory hug mode.

“What’s with them?” asked Jesse.

“As has been explained multiple times, dose costumes make them act like you two,” said Meowth. “You’re seeing what you two would look like if you ever succeeded at something.”

Jesse pulled out a bottle of soda and turned the cap. “We just won a free Coke,” she announced.

“Hooray!” James exclaimed.

“Oh, no you don’t!” said Meowth, quickly stepping between them.

“I think we’ve had enough Halloween fun for one night,” said Brock, taking off Ash and Misty’s wigs yet again.

“But we didn’t even get that much candy!” Misty protested.

“But dose of us who didn’t flip out have memories that will provide us with nightmare material for weeks to come,” said Meowth.

“Things will be normal tomorrow, right?” asked Brock with a tone of desperation in his voice. He dropped down to his knees and grabbed Meowth by the neck. “Because the last thing I need when I can’t get one stupid woman’s phone number is two overly affectionate, romantically involved eleven year olds!”

“I…thought he was ten…” Meowth said, squirming slightly.

“And it’s not like we’ve never seen each other naked before,” James was saying.

“No big deal,” added Jesse. “All part of the job.”

“And the occasional…necessary recreation…”

“Strip poker is an important part of training!”

“Very important!”

Team Rocket suddenly found Ash and Friends staring at them. “What?” asked Jesse.

“Can we go one day without finding out something I definitely didn’t need to know about Team Rocket?” asked Ash.

“I want to actually get something out of this,” said Misty. “Come on, Brock. Let’s at least get some candy.”

“You mean other than that entire bowl you took from the ‘please take one’ place?”

Misty blushed. “You’re right…let’s go see what we got.”


Back at their lodgings for the night, Team Rocket was involved in a battle of wits. “I’ll see your mini-Twix and raise you two pieces of nasty gum,” said Meowth.

Jesse and James tossed in two pieces of nasty gum each. Jesse had utter junk, James had two pair, and Meowth had three of a kind. “I don’t understand this,” Jesse whispered to her partner. “You used to be really bad at this!”

James laughed nervously. “Maybe my luck’s changing,” he said weakly.

“Unfortunately,” muttered Jesse.


“Nothing.” Jesse sighed. “I forgot how boring poker is…since Meowth is obviously cheating,” she quickly finished.

“Of course,” said James.

“And because nobody’s—“ Meowth tried to say.

“Shut up!” snapped Jesse. “I’m not playing anymore. You’ve taken enough of my candy.”

“I just hope you two got rid of those cursed voodoo costumes,” said Meowth. “I don’t need to have to put up with that again.”

Jesse and James exchanged a glance. “Of course,” said Jesse.

“I hate spandex anyway!” added James.

Meowth looked at them suspiciously. “I’m going to bed,” he announced.

Once he was out of the room, Jesse turned to James. “So where do you want to hide them?” she asked in a whisper. “Just in case we need them to capture Pikachu.”

“There has to be somewhere…”

“How about with the Antony and Cleopatra ones?”

James stared at her. “I thought we agreed to get rid of those. And the pictures,” he said.

“They were good costumes!” said Jesse. All sentimental value aside, she added to herself.

“Did you get rid of the pictures?”

“Most of them…”

James sighed. “Which one was I again?”

“Cleopatra. I think we got our costumes mixed up or something…” Jesse thought for a moment. “That seems to happen a lot.”

“Yeah, weird, isn’t it?” Yeah, Jesse. You end up in a short, pleated leather skirt, and it’s an accident. Sure. James started coughing nervously.

“I mean, we don’t have much time, but…it happens a lot.”

“Yeah, imagine that…” said James, starting to think about how much better she’d looked in his Salon Roquet outfit.

Jesse shrugged. “So…I’ll just hide this year’s costumes with…the other ones?”

“Sounds good.” He looked at the floor. “So you didn’t destroy the pictures?”

“Well…I figured they were safe…I got rid of the negatives…”

“Jesse!” James whined. “That was the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to us!”

“I know…but Cassidy did take some good pictures…”

James started choking on a piece of nasty gum. “That was Cassidy?”


“Butch-and-Cassidy Cassidy?”

Halloween sure was full of fun, and surprises, for our heros! Who knows what adventures will await them tomorrow, on All Saint’s Day! Maybe there will be more ghostly surprises in store for our hero…or should I say, “ghastly surprises”?

To be continued…