Do your spring-blooming bulbs fall prey to
squirrels, mice, or voles? Those critters may
assume that your fall-planted tulips and crocuses
are really an all-you-can-eat buffet. Nice for
them, but pretty disappointing for you when
nothing comes up in the spring. One possible
deterrent is to cover the bulbs at planting time
with a layer of crushed oyster shells (available
at feed stores), followed by the normal layer of
soil. Rodents don't enjoy digging through the
rough stuff to get to the bulbs, so you might
actually get some blooms next spring!
A Few Tips
1. Whether you are drying or pressing your flowers,
it is best to pick or cut the flowers on a dry day.
Try to do it in the morning, as soon as any dew has
2. Try to pick your flowers just before they
reach the full bloom stage. Some flowers do
open more as they dry.
3. Thin out the petals of thicker flowers before
pressing; otherwise, your pressed flower might
look more like a smashed flower!
4. Some flowers will darken as they dry in the press.
5. You can store your flowers in the press until
ready to use!
6. Store your dried flowers in a dark, sealed
container until ready to use.