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Fall Crafts

Wind Sock

Materials Needed:
Tin Can
Crepe Paper or Material
Masking or Duct Tape
String or Yarn

With an adults help, use a hammer and nail to
punch 2 holes directly across from each other
in the sides of the tin can (you will want to
make them as close to the bottom edge as
possible). This is where you will thread the
string through to hang your wind sock.

Paint the tin can with any colors and designs
you choose; let dry. Cut 5-6 pieces of crepe
paper so they are 24 inches long. (If you are
using fabris, cut the pieces to be roughly 2"
x 24".) Once your can is dry, use the tape to
attach the crepe paper or fabric along the
inside, top edge of the tin can; the pieces
should be touching or even slighlty over-lapped.

Thread a piece of string (about 20 inches long)
through the holes you punched and tie.
Hang for all to enjoy!

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