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Veteran's Day 2009 Greeting's !!

And For The Men & Woman Who served
And For The Men & Woman Who Are Serving Today

Novenber 11, 2009

Past, Present, & Future

I was born in the early 60's, so I don't remember
much about the war than, I heard alot more as I grew
older. Than I learned about all the other wars. And
how are men and women fought for our freedom and for
the people over seas, Weather you did it cause it was
in your heart or you were taken abruptly, I know your
life changed dramatically, You will never forget no
matter what war you were in, Nor will the civilians
who watched and listened, I know I will never forget.
I dedicate these pages to all the brave men and woman
who fought for us and the other countries. Thank You.

My Dad is an Army Vet of WWII, My Uncle the same
I am very proud of both of them and for all the rest
of you. I love listening to the stories they have to
tell, They weren't all good, but I would sit there quietly,
listen and learn. My Brother went into the Marines
right after school. Thankgoodness there were no wars
than, but if their were, he was ready. He did what so
many do today, to get a better education.

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Thank you Doc and Angel for the great Graphics : )