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GrandParents Day !!

Picture Frame For Grandparents

Here is an easy craft I made to hold a special
picture for the grandparents.


1 wooden picture frame (any size)
Paint (Pink or red)
Small Paper Doilies
Decoupage Medium

Paint frame desired color. When frame is completely
dry, coat doilies with decoupage medium. Apply the
Doilies to the frame. You can also decoupage stickers
and confetti onto the frame. Simple and it looks

Crafts to Make:

Check out the Subject Library to find a
perfect gift to make for your grandparents!

Draw a picture of your grandparents.
Make cards for your grandparents.
Make extra cards and deliver them to a
nursing home!
Make a collage by cutting pictures out of
magazines of people you think look like

Activities for Families

Complete a family tree chart:
for printable sample, click here

Grandchild can "interview" grandparent about
his/her life, using either video camera or
casette recorder. For sample questions click here.

Grandparents may help grandchildren write names
and dates on backs of old family photos.
Grandparents can relate info about ancestors, to
preserve family history.

Complete "Hand in Hand" activity--grandparents
and grandchildren. Preserve family photos and
history on video tape, CD's, etc.

Parents can help 4 to 6 year olds color Grandpa
and Grandma. For an excellent book of activities
for grandparents and grandchildren, order GRAND
ACTIVITIES by calling Career Press at 1-800-
CAREER-1. Tis A Wonderful Book :)

Other Things to do:

What makes your grandparents special. What do
you call their grandparents?

Learn how to say grandma and grandpa in
different languages.

Put on a special play or performance for your
grandparents. Or, have a special dinner.

Write a special poem for your grandparents:
Or write down questions/sentances about your
grandparents, such as "I love it when my grandma
and grandpa..........."

Home Made Cards

Crafts For Everything

Some Things To Do For Grandparents Day