Greeting's !!
Grandmother's Talent
A grandmother has a special talent-
She always knows just what to do
To make her grandchildren happy
And to show she loves them, too.
At the family get-togethers,
She's the first person to look for-
She can entertain small children for hours,
And they always keep asking for more.
You can tell when a grandmother's teasing
By the twinkle that shines in her eyes-
She's an expert at settling problems,
For she's loving, patient and wise.
Her grandchildren always admire her,
Even when they are grown-
They always feel proud and happy
To claim Grandmother as their own!
Mary Dawson Hughes
There For Me
by C.h. Stokes
She is always there for me
Through thick and thin,
Showing me the way to be;
And when I am down she lifts up my chin.
I always wonder -
How can I repay her?
Then I think I just love her,
And I hope she wants that too.
Where would I be without her?
Nowhere, I suppose;
But then, I fear -
What will I do when she goes?