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by Lyn

You stood by me through it all
You saw me stumble
You saw me fall
You picked me up and held me tight
In your arms the world felt right

You washed away my tears and fears
You walked with me through the years
You were there when my children came
You opened your arms once again
You showed them love - you showed them strength
You did for us at great lengths

What we treasure most of all
Is your love through it all
Your handsome face
Your big blue eyes
Your heart of gold eternal size

I miss your smile when I'm away
I think of you each and every day
My Love for you will never die
You are the apple of my eye


The wee ones I once nurtured
And cared for night and day
Are all here in my album,
But they have all gone away!

They all have babies of their own,
They say I've had my day--
Don't they know that I'd trade places
With all of them today?

Wash diapers? Oh good Lord!
They don't do that today.
They buy them at the super mart,
Just use, and throw away!

They all do things so different now,
Beats all I ever saw!
So I'll just curl up with my album,
And Be a Smug Grandma!