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The Koobspiracy

Koob in a Garbage Can

His name is Walter Koob. He is a Spanish Teacher. He also spends most of his time in a garbage can near the Grand Union in North Bellmore. While there, he holds a gun to high school students. He forces them to sell name-brand candy at low, low prices. But why would he want his Spanish students to sell this candy?

La Catrina!

He does this so he can by every copy of La Catrina in the world! La Catrina, as you can see, is a Spanish movie about a 17-year old girl named Haime. She, with braces and all, goes to Mexico as a foriegn-exchange student. Her male cousin falls in love with her. She then goes to live with her cousin's girlfriend, Maria, so she can get a piece of the action.

Why would anyone watch that piece of ***expletive deleted***?

Glad you asked. He is trying to buy these movies because he is Haime. Koobert plans on giving those tapes to every Spanish class in the country. If they are all played on May 65th at 1:32 p.m., they students will all imagine they are Haime Koob. This will cause Koob to have an army full of willing slaves that will help him and his fellow Martians on the Moon take over the world!