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Pinky Drops Out of Race

News Follows Poll Results Showing Pinky at -3.4%

According to the latest polling, Pinky is losing badly before the first poll. The results are:

Brain-Nye 32.2%
Marvin-Alf 31.4%
Hartman-Farely 23.6%
Jeeves-Bess 6.9%
Pinky-Announcer -3.4%

The remaining voters remain undecided. The margin of error is 87.47275%

Due to these disappointing results, the Pinky Campaign released the following statement:

"Narf! Brain says I can't win the race! Poit! What are we going to do tomorrow night?"

This leaves the four major candidates Brain, Marvin, Hartman and Jeeves. A reminder, the vote will be on November 7th and 8th, from approximately 5:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. If no candidate gets more than 50% of the vote, there will be a run-off election. The top 3 candidates will be the only ones on the ballot. If that does not give a 50% majority, than a final election will be held between the top 2 candidates. Got all that?