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Stream of Consciousness

You Want Me. You All Want Me. You All Want Me Bad. Unless You're a Guy. Then Ignore This Section

A Stream of Consciousness Whatchamuzzit?

Not that kinda stream, you pervert. I know what you're thinking. I'm refering to a stream of consciousness, which is a literary technique where the author writes down everything that he/she can think of. It can show the author's true thoughts, and can look like incoherent babble. This website has never been writen using a stream of consciousness...or has it? Anywho, streams of consciousness are evil. They are part of an evil conspiracy, run by a mysterious psyhcic gypsy. Since we do not know his/her name or gender, the person shall be called by his/her alias, Sam-(S)he-Am.

I Do Not Like Green Eggs & Ham
I Do Not Like Them Sam-(S)he-Am

I would not, could not here or there, I would not, could not anywhere, I would not, could not in a train, I would not, could not in the rain, I would not, could not in a box, I would not, could not on a door, I would not, could not with a whore. Besides, they're not kosher. However, there are good reasons not to write streams of consciousness. They cause hand cramps. They make no sense. All they do is kill time. They are utterly retarded. They cause hand ramps. They make no sense. They create soft money whores.

Can You Repeat That Last Part?

They create soft money whores. Now, back to the point. Yes, there is a point, if you stop asking questions and let me finish. Large corporate conglomerates buy (assumning campaign-finance reform is not passed after this is posted. In which case, we have succeeded, and this page is uselsss. But stop harassing me with the quesitons and let me talk) politician's souls, such as Sen. John Breux (D-La), Rep. Bart Gordon (R-Tn) and Rep. Jim Ryun (R-Ks). These politicans, along with Sam-(S)he-am, conspire to force students to write streams of consciousness. The students go insane. Then they join the Republican Party. They then support large corporate conglomerates buying politicans with soft money. But why would conglomerates want this? What does this have do to with the psychic gyspies. The answer, my friend, is in the cards.