Attack List
Attack List
- Final Flash-100PL
- Desructo Disk-80PL
- Tenta-Ku-80PL
- Kamehameha-100PL
- Kamehameha Wave*-200PL
- Big Bang Attack*-50PL
- Gallot Gun-70PL
- Genki-Dama-*500PL
- Beam, Jab, Punch, kick-all BASIC attacks-5PL
- Blast-20PL
- Ki-Shot-20PL, Ki Barrier-invincible for 2 turns-100PL. This attack can be upgraded to Double Shot-2x damage of Ki Shot-50pl.
- Solar Flare-Opponent Loses 2 turns in battle.-100PL
- Phantasams*-ghosts that drain enemy health by 3,000HP and give it to you.500PL
- Special Beam Cannon*-80PL
- Thunder Strikes-Like strong punches-40PL
- Spirit Bomb*-500PL
- Evil Spirit Bomb*-Only evil people can learn this attack. Same as regular spirit bomb.-100PL
- Kaio-Ken* Times whatever ssjtransformation you are at. Each Lv. of ssj you go up to, your Kaio-Ken attack goes up. Your attacks get stonger temporarily. -200PL for each Lv.
- Ki Bolt-30PL
- Instant Transmission-After Traveling to another planet or location (besides the another dimension) you may return there in a shorter amount of time, instaed of taking a ship of some sort. 120PL
- Final Shine*- 80PL
- Jubie Kamehameha*- Another form of kamehameha-300PL
- Mesenko-90PL
- Finger Beam-2 beams shot from extended fingers.-100PL
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PL usage will increase as members get stronger.Be sure to buy some items in the shop to restore PL!!!!
Note* attacks will also get stronger throughout the game.The site masters will tell you your strengths if they increased.We will eventually have more moves to pick from and learn so be patient! If you have and idea or attack we didnt post tell us and we might put it on the site.(Who knows you might even get a hefty bonus....)* indicates that you cannot choose this attack as a free attack.