Item List
Item List
- Sword-$500-You gain attacks with the sword, check your character whenever updated to see if you have a new attack.
- Shield-$400-The shield has its own HP of 10,000 and takes a certain amount of hits for you. After a battle, you discard the shield. You may only use this item once in a battle and it cannot be revived.
- Dragon Radar-$1000-Takes 3 days off the search for dragon balls.
- Small Space Pod-$800-takes up to 2 people to the next planet.(see planet chart).
- Earth Armor-$350-Takes very small amount of hits in battle.+3,000hp
- Saiyan Armor-$1750- very strong armor- +7,000 HP
- Namek Armor-$2,500-Stronger than earth armor. + 10,000HP
- Namekian Space Ship-$25,000-Holds up to 4 people for space travel.
- Grenade-$100-does 500 damage to your opponent and hardly misses.
- Bomb-$300-does 3,000HP to opponent and has 50-50 chance of hitting, using dice. 1,2,3-hit and 4,5,6-miss.referee will use the dice
- Nuke-$10,000-CAN kill opponent automatically if the dice are rolled correctly. (20 sided dice) Every number misses except 7.10 is a partial hit. that means that your oponent loses half their HP. Take a risk!
- 1 Senzu Bean-$400-restores 30,000HP.
- Scouter-$350-senses opponent and referee tells opponents HP and PL.
- Senzu Bean Bag-$1000-contains 7 senzu beans. A Bargain
- Weighted Clothes-$600-helps gain HP for a month, then the clothes must be discarded. Raises HP by 10,000 and the PL by 200.
- Rejuvination Chamber-$10,000-stay in here after 1 week and then your HP goes up 20,000 and your PL goes up 300. You can only go in here once a month.
- Red Senzu Bean-$250-Restores 200PL
- Green Senzu Bean-$500- Restores 500PL
- Gravitational Pull Chamber Chips-Each chip allows you to spend different amounts of time in the chamber. As you stay in the chamber, you grow stronger. 100x Gravity Chip-$100-1,000HP. 200x Gravity Chip-$200-2,500HP. 300x Gravity Chip-$350-4,000HP. 400x Gravity Chip-$500-5,000HP. 500x Gravity Chip-$1,000-10,000HP. Each time you go into the chamber you must spend 1 week in it. You may still spar with people even if you are there.
- Book-$1000-increases Intelligence by 5 (NOT USED FOR ATTACKING!)
- Dictionary-$7000-increases your Intelligence by 20.
- Speed Elixir-$7000-increases your Speed by 20.
- Steriods-$1500-Increases HP by 7,000 and PL by 300.
- PL Pill-$1000-Increases PL capacity by 300 every 100,000 HP that you receive.
- 10 Ton Training Weights-$5000-You buy arm and leg weights (10 tons each) that can be used for 2-day training and you will gain 25,000HP and 500PL.
- King Yemma's Fruit-$800-This fruit heals you 50,000HP in battle.
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Many more items to come. Email Yuguiri245 to buy an item.Be specific with ur purchases!!!!! After a while stronger armor, weapons,and items will be for sale.