Butterfly Kisses

Lessons You Learned

For every petal you pluck from a daisy..
You're granted one measure of love...
For every rainbow you find with two ends..
I wish you two stars from above...

For every tear you brush from a cheek..
I promise you kindness will follow...
Wherever you walk, under rainbows or stars..
Over daises, or down lonely hollows...

For every child you play with and talk to..
I grant you one heart full of laughter...
For every smile you place on a face..
I promise you peace ever after...

If you think I am giving you priceless gifts..
Look close at yourself and your deeds...
The gifts you earned were the lessons you learned..
While answering other folks' needs...

—Marlene Gerba


Forgive the sun who didn't shine..
The sky had asked her in to dine...

Forgive the stars that heard your wish..
The moon prepared their favorite dish...

Forgive the rain for its attack..
The clouds have tears they can't hold back...

Life intends to not cause pain..
The flowers bloom from the rain...

The storm will come and it will pass..
The sun that shines, it grows the grass...

The wind it cannot help but cry..
The stars at night light up the sky...

Forgive the world in which we live..
We'll all find peace if we forgive...

—Danielle Rosenblatt

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