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thank you's

This is just my little page, where I can thank everyone who has helped me get informations or pictures or other things for this site. Or anyone who is also a Julianna fan and has contributed in some way. So, here I go..

  • Ruth: I gotta thank you first! Thank you SO much for allowing me to use whatever pictures I wanted from your site. Without those pictures, this site would look like crap. :)
  • Jack-O: Hey Jack-O, whuts up? LOL. Anyways, thanks for being a huge Julianna fan like me and helping me decide what does, and doesn't look good on the site!
  • Samantha: A huge D&C fan like me! Thanks for keeping me laughing, and crying with your fanfiction and support for this site!
  • The entire JMML: To all of you! You all deserve SO much thanks for keeping me up to date on whats happening with Julianna and for just being a great group of people to talk to!

    If I forgot anyone, I'm really sorry, but it's hard to keep track of everyone! But if I did, I thank you just as much as everyone listed! If you feel cheated for some reason, and want your name up, just send me an email and I'll add you!