Restorative Practices 2003




A Message from Robert Van Pagee

Dear Colleagues:

I am writing to encourage my fellow Europeans and others around the world to submit a proposal for a presentation for the upcoming conference 28-30 August in Veldhoven in my country this year. In the Netherlands we have established an organization that is implementing restorative practices nationwide. I have attended the last two IIRP conferences in Toronto in 2000 and in Minneapolis in 2002 and found them remarkably informative and refreshing. So I was delighted when we were asked to help find a site in the Netherlands for the first IIRP conference in Europe.

Without government subsidy or grants, IIRP consistently attracts a host of social workers, probation officers, police, educators, teachers, academicians, corrections officers researchers and other professionals from around the world, who in their everyday work are moving restorative practices forward.

The most important presenters are not high government officials or famous individuals. They are simply people like you and me who are passionate about restorative practices and are willing to make an informal presentation or set up a discussion panel with some colleagues to share their successes and struggles, research findings, significant challenges and interesting stories.

This is a self-defined conference. You make it happen by volunteering to present. Presenters are offered a reduced conference fee. Although there will be several large plenary sessions with a few featured speakers and videos, most of the conference is comprised of small or medium-sized 40- and 80-minute sessions. Staff of our organization, Eigen-kracht Centrale, is preparing for several presentations on our daily work.

The formal deadline is 17 January, but that is flexible. If you need more time it would be helpful if you just send an email to say your proposal is forthcoming. Please join us.

The form for submitting proposals is at:

Robert Van Pagee, Eigen-kracht Centrale, The Netherlands

For more information go to:


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