From George Lammers at Club Fed

December 14, 2002

Dear Sir or Mrs.

Hello it is George A. Lammers. I first want to thank you for sending a letter back to me. Your last letter that you sent me was November 2, 2002. In your letter you ask me how I got your address, well when I came to Ray Brook I met a man named Charles King and he gave me your address, but I do not know where he got your address from, I would ask him where he got your address from, but he is not here anymore. Also you gave me an address of a lady here in New York, her name is Mrs. Conte. You said that she looks after or helps Dutch people get back to Holland, well yesterday I sent her a letter, so I hope she can send me a letter back this month. I hope she can answer all my questions. When I get a letter back from her, I will tell you what she says. Well I would like to tell you some of my story and I would like to ask you some questions. I am going to tell you that long story short. When I was arrested in Spain, Spain said that America wants me because I gave someone in Holland 10,000 etc. pills, and that person took the 10,000 etc. pills to America and was arrested, and that person said I gave them the 10,000 etc. pills, so then the Judge said America will and can only charge me for the 10,000 etc. pills. The Judge in Spain said if you go now to America, America can not give you anymore charges, then can only charge me for 10,000 etc pills, well I told the Judge that no I do not want to go to America, so then I was sent from Barcelona to Madrid, and there I went to court two more times, and there the Judge said the same thing. The Judge said if I go to America now, well America can only charge you for the 10,000 etc pills, and America can not give you any more charges, so I told the Judge again, no I do not want to go to America. The Judge told me that if I lose the extradition, when I am in America they can give me more charges, but the Judge said if I go now, America can only charge me for the 10,000 etc. pills, so again I said no I do not want to go to America, so then some time later I went to court again, and my lawyer Mario told the 3 Judges why I did not want to go to America, and also Mario told the 3 Judges that our law in Spain is different than in America, so Mario had many reasons why Spain should not send me to America. Well in the Court hearing, the 3 Judges said that they will give their answer in a week or two, whether I must go to America or not, so I asked my lawyer Mario, Mario if we lose can we appeal it to a higher Court, and Mario said yes if we lose in this Court, we will appeal it to the Constitutional Court. Well a week went by, and the Court said, well 2 Judges said I must go to America, and one Judge said no George does not go to America, so the outcome was that we lost, but that was ok, because now Mario put an Appeal in to the Constitutional Court, so America could not take me to America because we have an Appeal in the Constitutional Court,and Mario said if we lose in the Constitutional Court, well then we will appeal it to the Supreme Court,and then Mario said if we lose in the Supreme Court, well then we will appeal it to the European Court, and Mario said if we lose in the European Court, then I will have to go to America, but also Mario really believed that we would win in one of these courts. But anyways, so Mario put an Appeal in to the Constitutional Court, and at the same time Mario made a civil case in Naval Carvero, and in the Court in Naval Carvero we won. The Judge said I do not go to America, so that was good. So now we are waiting to hear what the Constitutional Court would say, and also I said to Mario, that if we lose in the European Court, can we put in the papers, that after I get my sentence in America, that America must send me back to Holland, so I can do my sentence in Holland, and Mario said yes we are going to do that, and America will have to send you back to Holland after you get your sentence, so then you will do your sentence in a Dutch prison, soI said ok, that is good, and also Mario made it very clear to me that America will have to send you back to Holland after you gt your sentence, because we will put that in the paperwork, so Mario explained that to me very clearly. So now I knew that if we would lose in the European Court, and after I get my sentence in America, America must send me back to Holland so I can do my sentence in a Dutch prison. Well a couple of weeks went by and then one day I got a paper at the prison, and it was from the Constitutional Court, and the Constitutional Court said that I must go to America, so then I called Mario my lawyer, and I told Mario about this paper, that the Constitutional Court says I must go to America. Well Mario said don't worry, I will now put an Appeal in to the Supreme Court, so then two days later I called Mario, and Mario said I have put an Appeal in to the Supreme Court. Mario also said to me, that even if America comes to Spain to get you, well Mario made it very clear to me that America can not take me, because we have an Appeal in to the Supreme Court, and again Mario said even if we lose in the Supreme Court, we will appeal it to the European Court, so Mario said that America can do nothing until we hear what the European Court says. Mario said if we lose in the European Court, then and only then can America take me to America. So then Mario and I were waiting tohear what the Supreme Court would say. Mario said it can take 2 months before we know what the Supreme Court says. Well Mario came to see me a couple of times, and Mario said things are looking good. Mario said he thinks we are going to win in the Supreme Court, well a couple of weeks went by, and then a guard came to my cell very early in the morning, and the guard told me to pack all my things up. I asked the guard why, andthe guard told me that he must put me in protective custody. I said I do not want to go to protective custody, I said Ihave no problems here with no one. Well then the guard said I have been told that I must put you in protective custody, so then I packed up all my things and I went with the guard. Well we went down the hallway, and then he gave me to another guard, but this guard did not take me to the protective custody unit, he took me to a small room, and then he took all my bags, and he said wait there. I asked the guard what is going on, and the guard said, I don't know, but you will know soon, so then another guard came, and I asked him what is going on, and he said that I am being transferred back to the other prison that I was in, called Ocano 1. I asked him why, and he said he did not know why. Wellthen he left, and then another guard came, and he took me to his office, and then this guard wanted me to sign a paper, and I said no I willnot sign it, and he got mad at me. I asked him what is this paper for and he said, you are going to America today, and this paper is that you say you will go to America. Well I said I will not sign it, and I told him that they cannot take me to America because we have an Appealin the Supreme Court, and I even told him that even if I lose in the Supreme Court, I also have the right to appeal it to the European Court. Well he only said that if I knew what was good for me, I will sign the paper, so again I said no I will not sign it. Well then I asked the guard if I could call my lawyer, and he said no. I asked him can I call my dad, and he said no. Well then the guard signed the paper and then he told me to sign it, and again I said no I will not sign it. Well then the guard took me to another room, and I waited there for one hour or 1 1/2 hours, and then 4 men in suits and one guard came in to the room, and again they tried to get me to sign a paper and I said no I will not sign it,and I told all 5 of these men why I will not sign this paper. Well then they put me on the ground, and one guard left, and then the guard came back to the room with another man, and the other man had a brown leather bag with him, andthen the 4 men in suits held me on the ground and then they pulled up my sleeve on my arm, and then the man with the brown leather bag, he pulled out a little bottle and a needle and he took some stuff out of the bottle, andthen he put the needle in my arm, and then I woke up on a small jet airplane. I asked these people whree am I going, and they laughed and said I am going home to Holland, andthen the one man said that I am her prisoner and I am going to America. Well when we landed in America, the one man told everyone to get off the jet, and then the man grabbed my throat and I could not breathe, andhe said to me that if I tell anybody, it willbe the last thing I do, and he also told me that there is going to be a man that is going to come on the plane, and he said the man will have problems with him, so then I was so afraid, and then he said do you understand and I said yes, and then a man came on the plane and he gave me some papers to sign. What the papers were about, I don't know, but I was so afraid I just signed them, and then they took me to a prison, and then 2 days later I went to Court. They gave me a public defender, and his name is Tomas. Well Tomas said I have 6 charges, and one charge is a CCE charge, it carries 30 years to life, and a mandatory sentence of 20 years. Well to make a long story shorter, well 2 weeks later Tomas called me and he made a 3 way call to my dad, and when I got to talk to my dad, he was so happy, because he said no one knew where I was. My dad said I was KIDNAPPED. My dad said that he and Mario call the prison in Spain and the Dutch Embasada and they called the American Embasada, and everyone said we do not know where George is. So then the lawyer Tomas told my dad all my 6 charges, and how much time I can get. Also my dad told tomas that I was kidnapped, and Tomas said he will look into this, but to this day Tomas has done nothing about this, and really Tomas has done nothing for me. Tomas has only said that he is going to try to get me a deal for 20 to 25 years. Also after being here for 5 months, I met another lawyer, and I told the whole story of what happened to me, and this lawyer said I must start a civil case. This lawyer said that if I start a civil case and I can prove that my rights were violated, they will have to send me back to Spain, andthen they will have to EXTRADITE me the proper way. Well I told Tomas that I want to start a civil case, and Tomas did not even ask me what the civil case is about, Tomas just said that if I want to start a civil case,that I msut then find a new lawyer. This is crazy. I would like to start this civil case, but I do not think that America will send me back to Spain. But this other lawyer tells me that if I can prove that I had an Appeal in the Supreme Court and that America took me from Spain, this other lawyer says they will have to send me back to Spain. So I would like to start this civil case to prove a couple of things. I do not think America will send me back to Spain, but I know I can prove that my rights were violated, because my lawyer Mario has a copy of the Appeal to the Supreme Court, and I have been told that if I can prove this, well that means my rights were violated, so I think what America might do is drop all 6 charges and just charge me with the 10,000 etc pills, because my rights were violated, and when I was in Spain in the beginning the Judge said if I go to America now, America can only charge me with the 10,000 etc pills, this is hard for me to explain. I want to say this, that if my rights were not violated in Spain, and that would mean that I would have heard the outcome of the Supreme Court, and even if we would have lost, we had the right to an appeal to the European Court, and if we would have lost in the European Court, well then we would have put in the papers that America has to send me back to Holland after I get my sentence, and then alsowhen I would go to America, I would have the guarantee that America must send me back to Holland after I get sentence to do my sentence in a Dutch prison. But now, because I was kidnapped, I have no guarantee that I can do my sentence in a Dutch prison in Holland. Well I am getting lost in this story, well I think that if I start a civil case, and I can prove that my rights were violated, I think the Judge should only charge me with the 10,000 etc pills, and also give me the guarantee that after I get my sentence, that America must send me back to Holland so I can do my sentence in a Dutch prison. But if the Judge does not drop the charges and keeps all 6 charges, well then at least the Judge should give me the guarantee that I can do my sentence in Holland, because I was kidnapped and my rights were violated. What do you think should happen, so I believe if I start this civil case, I think America must reinstall my rights, and only charge me for the 10,000 etc pills and give me the guarantee that I can go back to Holland to do my sentence, but to do this civil case.Because the lawyer that told me that I should start this civil case, and I do not know how to find a new lawyer to help me with this civil case. Also I want to say that if I would not have gone to the European Court, I would have appealed it to the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. Well what do you think of this story, and what can you advise me to do. I need all the help I can get. Also I would like to ask you if you could send me a couple of addresses, it could really help me. I need the address of the Spanish Embasada in America, or the Spanish Consulate in America. Also I need the address of United Nations in Geneva, and the address of the Supreme Court in Spain. If you could get me these addresses, it would really help me, because I have asked my lawyer Tomas for these addresses,but he will not send them to me. I do not understand that. Well I would like to tellyou this now, if I do not do the civil case, well then I must pray that I canget a plea bargain for 20 years, and also I have been told, that if I take a plea bargain and I want to do my sentence in Holland, I have been told that if we can get the prosecutor to put this in the plea bargain, well then I will be transferred back to Holland within one year so I can do my sentence in a Dutch prison, is this true. Also I have been told that if the prosecutor says no I can do my sentence here, they said then I will have to do my sentence here in America, is that ture. Also my lawyer Tomas told me that he has asked the prosecutor if I can do my sentence in my own country, and the prosecutor told my lawyer Tomas, that no George can do his sentence here in America. I know why the prosecutor wil not let me do my sentence in Canada, I have been told that if I get 20 years here, and if I would go to Canada to do my sentence, well 20 years here means I must do 17 years out of the 20 years, but if I go to Canada with a 20 year sentence, well in Canada I would do 6 years 2 months out of the 20 years, and the prosecutor wants me to do the most time that he can give me, so that is why the prosecutor wants me to do my sentence here in America. But last week my lawyer Tomas got a phone number from the Dutch Consulate in New York, and the number they gave him was for a man in Holland, and this man in Holland is the one that converts the American sentence to a Dutch sentence, and this man in Holland told Tomas that if I get 20 years here, I will have to do 15 years to 20 years in Holland. The man said that because I have a CCE charge,when he converts the CCE charge to a Dutch sentence, I will stillhave to do 15 years to 20 years. So in Canada I would do 6 years 2 months and in Holland I would do 15 to 20 years, so now I know why the prosecutor will not let me do my sentence in Canada, because I will only do 6 years 2 months. But yes I would rather do my sentence in Canada, because I will only do the 6 years 2 months, and I have been in jail already 2 years, so I would only do 4 years 2 months, but the prosecutor knows that ifhe lets me go to Canada I will not be in jail that much longer. But now that my lawyer Tomas knows that if I go to Holland I will still do 15 to 20 years, so I think if Tomas tells the prosecutor this that I willdo the same amount of time here as I would do in Holland, I think the prosecutor will let me gohome to Holland to do my sentence, because I will have to do 15 to 20 years in Holland. Do you think if the prosecutor will know, that if he lets me go to Holland to so my sentence I will still have to do 15 or 20 years, if the prosecutor will know this, that in Holland I will still have to do 15 or 20 years. Do you think the prosecutor will let me go back to Holland to do my 15 or 20 years. I would do the same time in Holland as I would do here, so he should let me go back to Holland, what do you think. Do you think he will let me go back to Holland. ALso I want to ask you this, if the prosecutor lets me go back to Holland to do my sentence, well how long will it take to gt back to Holland after the prosecutor says I can do my sentence in Holland, 6 months 10 months, how long will it take to be transferred back to Holland in jail. Do you think I can ask to be transferred to Canada to do my sentence. Do you think if I am in Holland and I ask for the Treaty Transfer to Canada, so you think Canada will accept me, and do you think Holland will let me go to Canada to do my sentence. The reason why I ask you this, is because I would rather do my sentence in Canada, but the prosecutor has already said no I can do my sentence here, but I think when the prosecutor finds out from Tomas that if he lets me do my sentence in Holland, I will still do 15 to 20 years, so I think the prosecutor will then say yes I can do my sentence in Holland, and then when I am in Holland, I will ask if I can get on the Treaty Transfer to Canada, to do the rest of my sentence in Canada, and if I can get back to Canada from Holland, well then I will only have a couple years left to do. But if I can't get to Canada from Holland, then I will do the full 15 years or 20 years in Holland and also if I can't get to Canada from Holland, well that is ok, because at least I will be in Holland, and some of my family can come and visit me. But do you think that once I am in Holland, do you think I can be transferred to Canada. Also I was born in Canada, but I have lived most of my life in Holland, and I carry the Dutch passport. Also I have a daughter that lives in Claremont north of Toronto. But do you ink if I can get to Holland, do you think that I can get to Canada. Well I hope you can answer all my questions, and I hope this letter is not too long. And I hope you can send me a letter back as soon as you can. Also my mom lives in Chatham, Ontario and her phone# is 519-[555-5555] and my dad lives in Holland, and his phone # is 011-31-20-[5555555] and if you need to call them you can. I want to say that there is more to my story, but I hope I have explained you most of my story. Also do you think I sould put my story in the newspaper, because a magazine in Holland wants to put my story in their magazine, do you think I should do this. Well, I am going to go now. If I get any news from my lawyer I will tell you. Well I hope you can answer all my questions, I will be excited to get your next letter. I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Bye bye for now,

George Anthony Lammers
Register Number 05041-082
Federal Correctional Institution Ray Brook
P.O. Box 9001
Ray Brook, New York 12977

Dec 14/2002