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Deceased Members

Oriskany Independant Fire and Hose Company, Inc.  Celebrating 100 Years of Service.

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James Ashworth                     George Baer Sr.              Harry Baker

Hiram Baker                          Alfred Bolton                   James Bolton

Walter Bolton                        Joseph Bowers                Willis Boyce

David Braun                          Nicholas Buffa Jr.             Albert Bungert

Albert Buttenschon                Phillip Carpenter               Victor Carpenter

Howard Carroll                     Thomas C. Carroll            Thomas F. Carroll

Almon Clark                          Frank Clark                     Abbott Clawson

Charles Clawson                   Henry Clawson                 Edward Clawson

Robert Clawson                    Fred Clawson                   Arthur Cole

John Cole                             Charles Conklin                 George Davis

Anthony Donnatelli                James Dowd                     John Dowd

Fred Enos                            David Evans                       John Fay

Farnum Gregory                   Morris Hall                         Asa Holman

Carl Huber                           Karl Huber                         John Hughes Sr.

John Hughes Jr.                    Allen Humphrey                  Robert Humphrey

Walter J. Humphrey             Walter Humphrey               Charles Jones

Clarence Jones                     William Kraeger                 Charles Lawrence

Donald Lawrence                 Edgar Lloyd                       Clyde Lowrey

Bernard Meyers                   Charles Monnier                 Frank Monnier

William Murray                    George Ottaway                 Charles Page

R. Kirk Parkhurst                 Richard Parkhurst               Albert Phelps

Everett Phelps                      John Plunkett                      Alfred Radell

Francis Radell                      Raymond Radell                  William Radell

Clarence Ramsdale              Fred Rice                            William Rogers

Adolph Roman                    Michael Ross                       Paul Rouiller

Fletcher Salisbury                Harold Salisbury                   Robert Schumaker

Walter Scott                       Carl Smith                             Harold Smith

Louis Smith Sr.                    Louis Smith Jr.                      Howard Spavin

George Steele                     Ben Stevenson                       Fred Stooks

Bert Sweet                         Harry Tomasi                         Francis Tracey

William Vale                       Charles VanShufflin                William VanShufflin

Mark Waterbury                 Sanford Waterbury                William Weller

William Wharram                Thomas White




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Web page developed and maintained by Lt. Jeffrey Burkhart

This page was last updated on 06/03/00.