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My Special Prayer

There's no problem too big,
No question too small,
Ask God in faith,
And he'll answer them all,
Not always at once,
So be patient and wait,
God never comes,
Too soon or too late,
Trust in His wisdom,
Believe in His word,
For no prayer is unanswered,
And no prayer is unheard.


I believe in angels and the help that they can give
I believe God gives us one for as long as we shall live
I believe that angels come in forms some with wings
and some without
I believe that angels guard us..
of that I have no doubt
I believe that angels roam the earth ever watchful
for despair
I believe that angels guard our land,our waters,
and our air
I believe the angels shed a tear when the words..
I don't believe..are said
I believe the angels hear all prayers,
even ones said in our head

I believe that every shiny star is an angels
twinkeling eye
I believe that angel pillows
are the clouds up in the sky
I believe in angels presence
and their love and comfort too
I believe God gave us each our own,
one for me and one for you.


Be not forgetful to entertain strangers,
for in doing so,
some have entertained angels unknowingly.

Angel beauty
Angel divine
Angel glory
Angel of mine
Angel grace
Angel above
Angel devotion
Angel Love


I fear not the darkness surrounding me,
as I prepare to slumber for the night
For deep inside my believing mind,
I can faintly see my angels light

Into sweet dreams the light carries me,
blessed respite for my weary mind
And in my dreams I hear angelic singing,
so soft..devine
When the new dawn breaks with all its splendor,
gently warming the earth with its great light
My deepest,heartfelt gratitude
I give to my angel who guarded me through the night.


When it comes to recognizing angels......
insight is better than eyesight

It isnt the size of the gift that matters's the size of the heart that gives it

Angels know us better than we know ourselves

Guardian angels never take vacations so,
they may not come when you call them but,
they will come when you need them
Jumping to conclusions is not a physical excercise

Don't let the cute angels of Victorian art fool you.....
God's angels are no wimps
When you believe in angels......
you have friends in high places
It's not enough to see the roses
Take the time to smell them too!

Angel Oh' Mine.

I felt an angel near today,
though one I couldn't see.
I felt an angel, oh-so-close, sent to comfort me.
I felt an angel's gentle kiss, soft upon my cheek.
And oh, without a single word, of caring it did speak.
I felt an angel's loving touch, soft upon my heart.
And with that touch,
I felt the pain, and hurt within depart.
I felt an angel's tepid tears,
fall softly next to mine.
And knew that as those tears did dry,
a new day would be mine.
I felt an angels silken wings,
enfold me with pure love.
And felt a strength within me grow,
a strength sent from above.
I felt and angel, oh-so close,
though one I couldn't see.
I felt an angel near today, sent to comfort me.
Author Unknown

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