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*** My Christian Page ***

Fear knocked.
Faith answered. No one was there.

The task ahead of us is never
as great as the Power behind.

God promises a safe landing,
not a calm passage.

Do your best then sleep.
God is awake.

I am God's melody of life God catches fish first,
then cleanses them.

God will put us through tests but
they are ALWAYS an open Book test.

If you do what you can with what you have
where you are, God will increase what you
have and won't leave you where you are.
and He sings His song through me.

No matter what happens in your life,
know that God is waiting with open arms.

We can never really go where God is not,
and where He is, all is well.

God works when you work God's word.

God loves us just the way we are but
loves us too much to leave us that way.

Jesus wasn't free because He didn't sin.
He didn't sin because He was free.
In prayer, God hears more than words,
He listens to your heart.

The Bible is bread for daily use,
not cake for special occasions.0

If your Bible is in good shape,
you probably aren't.

Ability: The winds and the waves are always
on the side of the ablest navigators. Edward Gibbon

Ambition: I am what I say I am for in every
ambition there is "A & M" ... I AM!!!!! Isn't <
that AMazing? AVerzADay

Belief: We are born believing. A man bears
beliefs, as a tree bears apples. Ralph Waldo

Believe: If I tell you a fly can pull a plow,
don't ask me how, just hook him up. AVerzADay's

Bible: The Bible is a window in this prison of
hope, through which we look into eternity. John
Sullivan Dwight

Change: Christians are supposed to not merely
endure change, not even to profit by it, but to
cause it. Henry Emerson Fosdick

Contemplation: Is something itching you? Then
maybe it's time for a new flea collar. Sometimes
you have to scratch a lot to find the best
solution! AVerzADay

Dream: Each day sit and wonder. In all you can
believe, in anything you can imagine, and in all
you dream, remember to search you deep blue
yonder! AVerzADay

Faith: To one who has faith, no explanation is
necessary. To one without faith, no explanation
is possible, Saint Thomas Aquinas

Faith: Faith which does not doubt is dead faith.
Miguel de Unamuno

Faith: Faith is not a sense, nor sight, nor
reason, but simply taking God at his word.
Christmas Evans

God: We love the Lord, of course, but we often
wonder what He finds in us. Ed Howe

God: Men talk of finding God but no wonder it is
difficult: He is hidden in the darkest hiding-
place, your heart, You yourself are a part of
him. Christopher Morlev

Heaven: To be with God. Confucius

Hell: I never give them hell. I just tell the
truth and they think its hell. Harry S. Truman

Hurting heart: For a heart burned by love's fiery
rage, beneath the ashes, you seeds will blossom
again for another time --- if you give it time!

Imagination: What good is a body not drawn into
God's creation? The soul craves to exercise its
own imagination. AVerzADay

Inspiration: Knit your dream with a spool of
ideas, needle vision and the thread of
inspiration. AVerzADay

Kiss: Wet and fresh, delicious as candy
peppermint, especially meant to align your moist
pucker with mine. AVerzADay

Knowledge: When life makes you sick, watch what
you feed yourself. AVerzADay

Knowledge: When we admit to know nothing. We can
begin to explore anything. Our minds are open to
everything. Such truth is worth something!

Love: Revealing love you'll never know until you
let love inquire whenever you fell love knocking
within you heart. AVerzADay

Love: Love gives itself, it is not bought. Henry
Wadsworth Longfellow

Obedience: Whoever obeys the Gods, to him they
particularly listen. Homer

Passion: Stars are embers smoldering form the
sunlight, that can ignite two souls by star
light. AVerzADay

Patience: Everything comes to him who hustles
while he waits. Thomas Edison

Patience: He that can have patience can have what
he will. Benjamin Franklin

Perseverance: No rock is so hard but that a
little wave may beat admission in a thousand
years. Alfred, Lord Tennyson.

Poetry: With me poetry has not been a purpose,
but a passion. Edgar Allen Poe

Poetry: Writing free verse is like playing tennis
with the net down. Robert Frost

Poetry: A-poem-a-day the AVerzADay way is WAY
COOL to start your day. AVerzADay (bookmark our
inspiring web site)

Praise: I can live for two months on a good
compliment. Mark Twain

Prayer: God hears no more than the heart speaks;
but if the heart be dumb, God will certainly be
deaf. Thomas Brooks

Prayer: Certain thoughts are prayers. There are
moments when, whatever be the attitude of the
body, the soul is on its knees. Victor Hugo

Prayer: Prayer is a confession of one's own
unworthiness and weakness. Mahatma Gandhi

Prayer: The fewer words the better prayer.
Martin Luther

Spiritual growth: Dare we walk into the shadows
of our sadness, we might see a brighter Light.

Starting over: Sign you life over! I wish this
day was over! Just roll over! Cry over! Well,
it's time you GOT OVER it. Sign on the dotted
line ..................... AND START OVER!

Success: Great success is commoner than great
abilities. Luc deClapiers de Vauvenargues

Success: Success is going from failure to failure
without a loss of enthusiasm. Anonymous

Stress: Has chasing your tail got you down? Then
sit on it and think about it! AVerzADay

Wisdom: Stand tall like a giant redwood tree.
Let your experiences branch out as you grow up and
straight by wisdom. AVerzADay

Zeal: Zeal without knowledge is like expedition
to a man in the dark. John Newton

Reflections on love
by Roger Mangrum

Discover your rainbow in your heart wherein lies
your treasure to fill your dreams and pleasure!

Through each and every thought that dwells within
our heart, all knowingly, the soul is love!

Sweet is love when you know its joy and feel
passion with a friend. Love is sweeter still when
a friend becomes your soul companion!

Reflections on love
by King Solomon

Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal
on your arm; for love is as strong as death, its
jealousy as unyielding as the grave, it burns like
a blazing fire.
Songs 8:6

Many waters can not quench love, rivers can not
wash it away, if one were to give all the wealth
of this house for love, it would be utterly
scorned. Songs 8:7

The Power Of Love

The Power of Prayer by Kelly Stewart

I pray to You
And feel my spirit
Rise up into Your almighty presence;

Filling my body and soul
With the warmth of
Your Holy Spirit.

Of their own accord,
my hands, tingling with feeling,
raise to worship You.

My mouth, quivering with need,
sings words of adoration and praise
for your never-ending love.

No needs, no wants,
Simply worship for You,
The One whose love overcomes all,
My God, My Lord.

"The Power of Prayer" grips-the-heart like a vise
with hope when your soul is bruised. Kelly
Stewart lives in Everett, Washington, is 22, a
single mom with a 3 year-old boy. Kelly says, "I
recently lost my fiancé to heart disease and
writing poems and praying to God have been the
biggest help in overcoming my grief. When I pray,
I feel God inside me and I don't feel so

The Cure by Cindy Capozzoli

There are days
that I feel foreign
to all the world outside

I hear the language
I see the acts
and simply want to hide

Then from somewhere
deep inside
comes a voice so pure

Inciting me
to open up
and be a part of the cure
My name is Cindy Capozzoli, I live near Orlando,
FL. The Lord has used me to write to people
several times with a message of encouragement and
hope. The things that are usually so hard to
express become much easier when I write them down.
I wish only to please my creator and through
prayer I wish to know Him more intimately each

I see by T. Tsering

I see love today
behind those looks
I am able to realize
the true potential
of how wild,
how crazy
she is.
The look in her eyes
the sadness
the expressions of loneliness
reveals it all
and I know no one has loved me so dearly.

Poet T. Tsering remarks "This poem revives in
people the feeling that love is eternal... One
should always see the brighter side and the result
is --- Love is on your side." T.Tsering lives
in Bhainsepati, a small town in Nepal, where the
air is still fresh, the mornings still beautiful
and the mountains majestic

Treasures by Joni Larson

When I count up all my treasures,
I am truly pleased to see.
That the things that are important,
Were bestowed on us for free.
Like the gentle rolling hillside,
Where the joyful daisies play.
And the robin sings his merry tune,
upon a summers day.
Or the splendor of a meadow,
where the monarch butterfly.
Expands his regal amber wings,
Beneath a pastel sky.
And the multicolored seashells,
all along a rivers edge.
Or the sweet sublime aroma,
drifting from a lilac hedge.
When I count up all my treasures,
Gods living works of art.
I know that I am truly blessed,
God gave them from his heart.

Menasha, WI 54952

Life by Tammy Copello

It's like a song playing over and over in my head,
Yet I cannot figure out the words.

It's like standing behind a raging waterfall
completely drenched,
Yet feeling not one of the drops touch your body.

It's like being in a crowded room,
Yet feeling all alone inside.

It's like being lost in the world,
Yet knowing all the right directions.

It's like being in love,
Yet not feeling it.

Life so clear,
Yet so confusing.

"Life" was written by Tammy Copello, a profound
and passionate poet living in St. Marys, PA.
Tammy is 20 years old and says "I have experienced
some of the worlds greatest miracles and some of
the worlds most tragic feelings... I know what it
is like to love and and then lose that special
person in your life. But like it goes it is better
to have loved and lost then to never have loved at

Inspirations by Cathy H. French

Holy Spirit be my guide
In the Word my heart doth hide
Touch me with Thy loving hand
Upon His Word my life will stand

Help me O Lord, King of Kings
To be the person You'd have me be
Instruct me in Thy Word and Will
As I pray humbly on my knees

"Inspirations" by Cathy H. French are short yet
wise stirrings of the heart and soul. Cathy
raised two beautiful daughters. "I'm terribly
proud, Cathy says, "Elizabeth is 20 and Miranda is
19 (and married) so I'm a victim of the empty nest
syndrome. Funny, but I don't feel like a victim. I
stay busy with writing, embroidery, being with
friends. My inspirations come in all colors, but
my children, my faith, life and nature move me to
write with more conviction and imagination. Cathy
lives in Zeeland, Michigan

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