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FILE 10 of 15 - CompuServe Astral Projection Class by Don DeGracia, 1994


Astral Projection Class on CompuServe

by Don DeGracia: 72662,1335

Copyright 1994

None of this material

may be reproduced without

explicit permission from

the author.









ii. The Middle Realms (continued from FILE 9)



(This is an example of me discovering a "Rehab

Center". In this case, it was a place for the elderly,

and it was very much like a nursing home. Also, though

it is somewhat premature in the notes, in the following

entry I met what seemed to me during the projection to

be a deceased person, a young child. I have

decided to include this here for the sake of keeping

the journal entry intact. Later I will discuss meeting

deceased people in more detail.)


"Laid down. Broke consciousness. Was out of my body in my

bedroom here at Dad's house. Passed out my window into the

backyard but nothing looked familiar. Went around to the front

and still didn't recognize anything. I can't recall any of the

details. I wanted to fly away and explore so I shot upwards. I

was afraid I'd blackout. I remember seeing suburb and city

streets spread out below me. The scene below me looked like a

bluish-green microchip. Then I blacked out. I was in the void

and I tried like hell to fly downwards. I managed to go downwards

somewhat and my vision faded back in and I saw the microchip

looking city below me. There was a force tugging me back upward,

but I resisted, broke it, and hovered back downwards. I watched

the microchip scene turn back into city streets as I lowered myself.

But now I was somewhere totally different than where I started

and I still didn't recognize anything. I was standing in front of a

building that had an official looking appearance. I went inside.

There was a group of older women inside the doorway. I tried to speak

with the one who looked the youngest (she looked to be maybe 50). I

got her name, but she was basically ignoring me as if I was a

bother to her. She was wearing a nurse outfit. I noticed that

there were only old people around. I continued trying to talk

to this nurse. I told her that I had a physical body at home,

and that I was projecting and I wanted to know if she was aware

of the fact that she was not in the physical world. Yet she

continued to ignore me as she was too busy with the older folks.

When I was talking to her, at some point a little blond boy with

glasses, kind of nerdy looking, maybe 10 years old, appeared. He

was hanging around me but I ignored him cause I was trying to talk

to Kate or Katherine (the nurse). After the nurse left pushing

someone in a wheel chair, I walked into what appeared to be a TV

room. There was a TV on and a few old men sitting around watching

it. I saw a bulletin board and went and tried to read it. I

managed to read, with great difficulty, one line of what looked

like a flyer announcing a party. I tried to reread the line so

as to memorize it, but it now read something completely different.

Familiar with this kind of a thing, I gave up on trying to read. The

little boy was still following me around. I decided to leave. As

I walked out, it dawned on me that this was probably an old folks

home for recently dead people, like the kind that Robert Monroe

describes. When I realized this, I really wanted to scram.

The little boy followed me outside, then he took off running

in front of me and indicated that I should follow him. He ran

across the street to an old abandoned house. He ran around to

the back and "stepped" up this ten foot step onto a platform of

some kind, that looked like a scaffold. The whole while I was

following this kid I told him to slow down or that I'd disappear.

When we got around back, it took me a bit of trouble to climb up

onto the platform that he got onto with merely one step. But I

managed to pull myself up there. When I got up on this platform

he told me that "this was the funnest place with the best toys."

He was playing with a few broken wooden soldiers. I had the strange

feeling that this child was dead and was simply running around

unsupervised and uncontrolled on the astral plane. I started to

fade and I held onto the child to stabilize myself. I tried to

talk to him. I got that his name was Steven and he was from

Illinois. He said his address was 1717 High Hill. Then he seemed

to read my mind, cause I was going to ask him his zip code, but

before I could he started mumbling a string of numbers. He didn't

seem too intelligent. He seemed like a normal 10 year old. I

asked him if he knew whether he was dead or if he was just

dreaming. He told me he knew that his Dad was dead. As it

was that my lockmold was unstable anyway, I faded out and awoke

back in my physbod."




(Here is the excerpt from the infinite shopping mall

I mentioned above.)



"...Very dramatic and very very conscious. I was somewhere,

don't remember where, or how I got there. I know I didn't like it

though. It was a big place inside a building, high walls and giant

rooms. It seemed like a giant shopping mall. Not giant in the

sense of proportions, but giant in that it went on forever.

Actually, I got both senses from the place. I felt claustrophobic.

The escalators looked more like roller coaster cars and I couldn't

figure out how they went round like an actual escalator. I asked

someone where the exit was, and they pointed down to a lower level.

I flew down that way. My perceptions were strange, very 4 d. No

matter how I moved, the front always stayed in front of me.

Somehow I ended up in a big room. There were people in a queue

for what I thought was a ticket window. I tried to pass through

the wall but couldn't. It was kind of funny cause I was bouncing

rapidly against the wall but not going through it. Someone in

the queue pointed up at me saying something to the effect "the nerve

of some people". I thought to myself "fuck you". I landed

frustrated . Stood there wondering how I was going to get out of

this place. Then my vision blacked out..."



This is all I am going to say about the middle regions of the

OOBE realm. Again, I want to stress that the majority of typical

OOBEs occur in these realms.





iii. The Higher Realms


There are higher realms in the astral plane. I have

not visited these as much as I have the lower and middle realms,

which, given the psychological correspondence between the OOBE

realms and one's personality, could be construed as a not too

pleasant situation. Still, my few visits to the higher realms

are characterized by the following. The higher realms

appear much more ethereal than the middle realms. Colors are

very delicate and "light" (i.e. the opposite of heavy). Colors

and things can also appear very much like sparkling jewels.

In general, the higher regions still have buildings and

recognizable landscapes. The most important clue that you are

in a higher region is *how it feels*. When in a higher region,

everything feels really, really good. It is peaceful and

satisfying and makes you feel light, relaxed and content.

It is my suspicion that here too, as with the middle realms,

you will find regions where deceased people dwell. These are

likely the regions people pass into after they have worn out their

earthy desires which bind them to the middle regions. According

to occultists, and other authors (Monroe, for example) these

higher regions are NOT the final resting place for the departed.

They are still intermediate stages in the long soujurn that occurs

after the death of the physical body.

Another thing that differentiates the middle from the higher

regions is something I forgot to mention in the discussion of the

middle regions. This is the fact that you may sometimes encounter

dreaming people in the middle regions. How you can tell

dreaming people from dead people will be discussed ahead. Here I

just want to say that you rarely encounter dreamers in the

higher OOBE regions. Let me now give a couple journal

entries that I believe were visits to the higher

OOBE regions.




(Here is an excerpt of what I feel was a projection

to a higher subplane. It was a beautiful place.

Note too the potential romance.)


"....I faded in alongside a pink house that reminded me of my

old place on Houghton Ave. - which is one of the reasons I thought

I was in Houghton. Standing on the lawn I saw a white picket fence

running up the walk to the front door. Across the street was a lake

and beyond the lake an amazing horizon of sun and colors. Everything

seemed to have a pinkish red tint to it. The colors were like

soft delicate pastels. A warm breeze was blowing.

My movements were like slow motion as I walked through the

front yard (not the slow motion kind of movement that makes it difficult

to move, but a slow motion in the sense of being very dream like).

My thoughts seemed very removed from my situation. The whole

thing seemed to be beautifully unreal (but not contrived,

like I feel when I'm in a thought-form. This feeling was different,

what one might call a "sense of surrealism"). These feeling were

compounded by a deep realization of the novelty of these feelings

in the context of the fact that I was projecting. I was trying to

figure out what to do next. Should I fly into the colored sky-scape?

Should I walk about and explore? I dreamily went up and leaned on

the picket fence in awe of the serene beauty that was filling me at

the moment.

Then, from across the street came a very beautiful blond

girl. She was wearing a black sleeveless top and a plaid skirt of

greens, yellows and reds. Her beauty fit in exquisitely with this

place. She ran across the street towards the house I was at. She

walked up the front walk past me apparently not noticing me.

"Hey, Blonde," I called to her. My voice was distorted and

in slow motion. I waved at her and my motions were in slow motion.

She turned and saw me. I tried to say `come here', but the words

wouldn't come out. But she could tell what I wanted for she

walked over to me. Up close she was even more beautiful than I

first thought. Straight blond hair draped over her elfin features,

thin high cheek bones, slender green eyes, cute upturned nose. I

was irresistibly drawn to her. We hugged. I caressed her breast

which felt so soft and real. She responded to me erotically and

sensuously. We kissed and I felt myself begin to fade. I pressed

my entire body against hers trying to stabilize myself. I rubbed

my face, arms, legs, torso and groin against hers. Still clutching

her I faded out..."




(Here is another episode in which I believe I was

in a higher region. The place in the following

entry is very much like a place described by

spiritualists called "Summer Land", which is

a beautiful meadow strewn region where the

deceased rest. Note that this occurred in the same

projection where I was in the infinite mall.)

"(after I had escaped the shopping mall and was in the void

for a while)...I materialized somewhere else! I was now standing outside,

in what seemed to be a pleasant countryside. There was a guy and a

girl standing near me looking at me. They looked like hippies to

me. Both were wearing loose white tops and white skirts, with

sandals on their feet. She was blond and cute, he had a beard.

I asked them where I was at. They seemed to be paying attention

to me. I asked them what was this place and what their names were.

They didn't respond to my questions but we did talk. The girl

said something to me but I thought she was just speaking nonsense.

Yet it didn't seem to matter. There was an incredible happiness

that filled me and I wanted to make love to her. She took me by

the hand and I walked with them. I saw wood shacks dotted about

and other people around the shacks. The area seemed to be a

beautiful meadowland of rolling hills of green and yellow. I

remember fighting to hold my lock mold, and they seemed to sense

this and we moved slowly and cautiously. We ended up on a hill

under a tree. I flew up into the tree, and they flew with me,

still holding my hand. We frolicked about the tree in the air.

The tree seemed very 4-d, as if I could see many perspectives

simultaneously, and the tree looked as if it was weightless.

I remember looking in her face as she was suspended above me,

and I lost the lock mold. I felt it coming though because we

were moving rapidly , dancing in the air around the tree. Then

I was in blackness again..."



iv. The Surreal Regions




Finally, I want to end this survey of the places you

may go by describing what I will call the "surreal" regions.

As I said, these are realms of dancing sounds and colors. They are

not really "places" in the sense we normally think of the word

"place". I have actually been in these surreal regions quite a bit.

Getting to them has a lot to do with the void. Often, I will

be in the void and it will transform into a surreal region.

What are the surreal regions? There are a couple answers

to this question as far as I can tell. Some of the surreal regions

are related to the physical plane or how the physical plane

affects the etheric plane. That is, such regions have

something to do with perceiving the physical plane from a viewpoint

we normally cannot. Many times I have seen what look to me like

biological structures in my projections, and I wonder if I may

be actually seeing my brain or my own body from on the inside.

That is, sometimes it seems like my perception "shrinks" and I

can see things that normally one would need a microscope to see.

This is one class of surreal region.

Now, the idea of perceiving minute things that we cannot

see with our normal vision is not new. Yogis have described this

ability for centuries. The earliest known description of this

psychic ability is in Patanjali's Yoga sutras, which dates

back to 500 B.C.. At the turn of the century Annie Besant and

C.W. Leadbeater used this psychic ability, which they called

"magnifying clairvoyance" to literally see atoms and molecules,

and they published these observations in a book called Occult Chemistry.

In 1980, this ability was dubbed "micro-psi" by Stephen Phillips,

a physicist who studied Besant and Leadbeater's descriptions of atoms.

The Hindu name for this ability is "anima" and anima is this name

I will use.

What I am saying is that you will be able to use this ability,

anima, when out-of-body. This will occur in two contexts. In

the first case, this may be the basis for some of the hypnogogic

images you see. That is, during hypnogogia, some of what you may see

may actually be you using anima, shrinking down your perception

and actually seeing the cellular and molecular structures of

which your body is composed. I will give examples of this below.

The other context in which you may find yourself using the

anima ability is that you will seem to be in a PLACE that is

very "biological" looking. In this case you are not merely

viewing biological structures, but are actually *inside* of them.

Now, in both cases, I do NOT believe you are literally

viewing your physical body. I feel that these perceptions

exist on the etheric plane. So what you are seeing is etheric

plane images that correspond to biological structures inside

your body. This is very similar to when you see your bedroom

during a projections; it is not your physical bedroom, but its

etheric counterpart. Whatever the truth behind these biological

appearing images, there is no question that you may see them.

The second type of surreal regions you may visit falls into

a different category than the anima images. This second

category of surreal regions is closely related to the void.

Sometimes you may be in the void and it will transform into

a space of abstract colors and shapes. You will have a hard time

putting what you see in such spaces into words. The shapes and colors

will also move and be very dynamic. When you are in such a surreal

space, it may either transform back into the void, or you may

transform into one of the middle or higher regions of the astral


What is going on here is the following. When you move from

the void to a subplane (using the hands trick, for example), what

you are doing is phasing into that subplane. Again, using our

"radio station theory of consciousness", this is analogous

to moving from a region of static on the radio to tuning into a

radio station. Now, tuning into a subplane, though it is

*analogous* to tuning into a radio station on your radio, is

by no means the same process. When you are tuning into a subplane

during an OOBE, it is possible to PARTIALLY tune into a subplane

and perceive that subplane from a completely different angle

or perspective than if you have completely tuned into the subplane.

When you percieve a subplane from such a partial angle, it

looks TOTALLY DIFFERENT than it does if you tune into it

completely. What you see during a partial tuning into a

subplane is a weird space of moving colors and geometric

patterns. In other words, you appear to be in a surreal region.

Now, this idea is not speculation on my part. I have

literally observed this to be the case. I will give an example

below showing how this works.

So, in summary, I have discovered two types of surreal regions

encountered during OOBEs. The first results from anima and these

are perceptions of biological and molecular spaces. The second

results from partially tuning into a subplane. Both types of

surreal space are perceived as very abstract looking "places"

of moving colors and geometric images. I have made minor references

to these types of perceptions in some of the entries I have listed

so far. In one I speak of falling through the "meme bacteria" and

this is a description of using anima to see biological structures.

These "meme bacteria" are green and purple neonish colored images,

and they may appear as green tubes with purple liquid flowing

through them (which I think my be me seeing my blood flowing

through my veins or arteries), but they may also appear

as swirling vortexes of green and purple. or as a wall of

green and purple patterns. I also have referred to seeing the

"green and purple" images during hypnogogia and these also

refer to using anima.

Finally, to close I want to say that the two categories

of surreal space I describe here by no means exhaust the possible

causes of surreal spaces in the OOBE realm. According to reports by

occultists, yogis and other OOBE authors, there are many types of

surreal spaces including planes beyond the astral. The reader

interested in further information is referred to the bibliography.

This said, let me list some of my experiences in surreal regions

while out-of-body.




(Earlier in these notes I presented an entry in which

I was being dragged along by the wind force, in

FILE 8, entry 2 under the heading "a. Moving, Flying

and the "Wind". While I was being dragged backwards

by this wind force, I decided to turn around

and see if I could see what was dragging me. When

I turned around I saw a surreal landscape. The

following is the continuation of the entry from

FILE 8, and I believe this was an anima based



" ...For a while I relaxed and let it drag me along.

Soon though I became impatient and wanted to see if I could

turn myself around and see what was dragging me. I struggled very

hard to pull myself around, and it felt like I was trying to pull

myself against hurricane winds. When I had my back to the

direction of this wind force, I remember seeing trees pass me

by at high velocity. But I managed to turn around and what I

saw was unbelievable and utterly amazing. I don't even really

know how to describe it! When, after great effort, I turned

myself around, I was no longer seeing the forest. Instead I was

looking onto this unbelievable colored field and there were three

spheres ahead of me and they had something that looked like

butterflies dancing in each of them. But they were not

butterflies, though they looked a little like them. Whatever

they were, there was one each inside of the three spheres and

these "butterflies" were spinning and rotating within the sphere

and constantly changing color. The way they changed color was

strange, it was as if colors were welling into them from

somewhere I could not see, like a liquid, and flowing around inside

of these butterfly creatures.

I was both awed and confused; confused that the forest was

gone, and confused at what I was looking at, awed because whatever

I was looking at was very, very beautiful.

My first thought was, "God, this looks like what Leadbeater

describes the astral plane to look like." But there was a

peculiar quality to the scene that reminded me of looking under

a microscope. I began to wonder if I was seeing the inside of

my brain somehow. The "butterfly" things were extremely

reminiscent of cellular appearances. The background behind

the three spheres looked like a landscape, somewhat reminiscent

of a garden, but it was strangely and complexly colored, most of

the details escaping me now except the preponderance of pink

colors, and the effect of sunset-like colors.

Also, I experienced another unique sensation after I had

turned around. I still felt like I was being pulled forward by

the wind, though that was weakening. I could see nothing in

front of me that seemed to be pulling me. And the strange field

of colors with its dancing "butterflies", though appearing three

dimensional, looked like it was very close to my face. But

strangest of all was a very weird feeling that I could pull off

the top of my head. This was the first time I had felt this

sensation though it would not be the last. The feeling is that,

at the very top line of my visual field, I can reach underneath

and pull upwards, and the top of my head would rip off. Obviously,

this is not a pleasant feeling, but I was very curious as to what

it was and why I felt it, and if the feeling had any connection to

the scene before me, which I was thinking more and more was some

inner view of some type of cells and biological structures.

Yet in short order, the pulling of the wind died away, I felt

myself slowing down, and the scene before me faded away. I was

back in my bedroom again, still lucid in the projection





(Here is the first time I had been to a surreal

region resulting from partially tuning into a

subplane. You can see below that I suspected

my perceptions were due to partially tuning into

a subplane, but I was not certain at this point.)


"I was back in the void again. This time though it was

different from the last time. I was seeing really complex

geometrical patterns come spinning past me. It's hard to remember

exact details, but every now and then I'd see these really

intense color patterns. It was hard to conceptualize what I was

looking at in this "void". I'd be zipping along checking out

these spiro-graph patterns then all of a sudden I'd see a color

pattern. It wasn't that these color patterns would appear before

me in the void like the black and white spirograph patterns, it

was more like I would "fall" backwards, see these intense color

patterns, then "slip forward" back into the void. I was wondering

if I was bordering on some deeper, more abstract plane and was

blinking in and out of it or something. I do remember seeing

these really intense lime-green cones that were embedded in some

type of complicated geometrical patter. I remember yellow and

purple too. At some point I did my spinning trick and my hand

trick and cause myself to materialize again.

Now I was in what seemed like an upstairs flat or apartment..."




(In this projection, I literally saw first hand how

the surreal space I was in resulted from seeing a

subplane from a different perspective, so to speak.

In other words, it was during this projection that

I saw absolutely that my perception of a surreal

space was related to a definite subplane.)


"Had been up all night studying for an exam and gabbing with

John. Went to bed about 5:00 AM. I fell asleep almost immediately.

Next thing I knew I was walking thru a dance club, very reminiscent

of the Detroit dance club scene. The place was large and dark,

and there was a huge dance floor filled with very underground

looking people. I was not lucid at this point, but I had a very

strong feeling that something was up. I walked off of the dance

floor into another room that was a bar. Sitting at the bar was

my good friend Eric, with whom I had jammed in a band. When I

saw Eric it dawned on me - I was in the dream world! And also,

at this realization, I most definitely experienced the "headrush"

feeling. My lucidity was incredible. Everything was absolutely

clear and vivid. I felt exactly like I do when I'm awake. Once

my lucidity clicked in though, I became very aware of my potential

to fade out so I moved very slowly and carefully...

(I spoke to Eric, then faded out into the void)

...I seemed to now be floating in the void. However, there

were what seemed to be colored triangles moving around, crossing

and spinning over one another making distinctly geometric patterns

in front of me. The colors were mainly a yellowish green with red,

orange and pink hues and they had the texture of clear and smoky,

but smooth glass. "This is a weird view of the void," I thought

to myself. I stared at these patterns wondering what the hell I

was looking at. I began to focus harder and harder on these

patterns, trying to discern some detail in them. Then, as I was

focusing, the most incredible thing happened. I watched these

patterns "solidify" and transform into the scene on the dance

floor of the club I had just left. The spinning triangles were

actually the dancing people in the club! I was amazed. I relaxed

my focus and the scene faded back to the spinning triangles. I

was thinking, "Wow! This is amazing!" I tightened my focus again

and the triangles again transformed into the dancers on the dance

floor. This time I tightened my focus so much that the entire

bar scene faded in around me! I was back in the bar again!

My lockmold was again very strong, but again, I moved slowly

and cautiously so as not to get too excited and fade out. I

wondered if Eric was still here. I walked off the dance floor,

through a neon lit hallway, back into the bar where I had seen

Eric. And no shit - there he was in the same room! I was

extremely lucid and I really had to fight to keep myself calm

because I knew I would fade if I got too excited..."





(The final example I will give of a surreal space

is perhaps the most dramatic I have ever experienced.

However, I failed fully to record this experience until

4 years after it had happend. Here is what I wrote

in my journal the day I had the experience in 1988:)


""Laid there thinking/talking to myself, did hands trick and

skipped/fell down/backwards. Landed by a gymnasium. Skipped to

an acting stage (i.e. artificial, like it was a stage set) looking

city. Got bored and left. Voided a bit. Explored four levels of

physiological structure: 1. the meme bacteria, 2. swirling colors,

eddy fluxes, 3. cells and proteins, 4. rock plateau with embedded

gems and atom lattice. Skipped to 5th level and was in a city.

Skipped into a room and talked to a girl. Various other things

that I can't remember. Laid in focus 10 remembering then

fell asleep."


(This is all I wrote originally in my journal.

It was 4 years later that I elaborated on

these brief notes when typing my journal into the

computer. Below is what I remembered of this

experience four years later. What we have here

is a lesson in being lazy. I was too lazy to

record this experience in detail, and, as you will

see, I forgot significant parts of the experience.

This is, in my mind, one of the most significant

uses of anima that I ever have done. I was a fool

to not record it in more detail. What I could remember

when I entered my journal into the computer is:)


"...What I do recall very clearly is that, while I was in the midst

of the meme bacteria level, I got the idea to shut my eyes, spin around

rapidly, and pretend that I was shrinking. When I did this and

opened my eyes up I was quite surprised to see that I was actually

somewhere else! That I had or had not shrunk down I don't know

absolutely, but then again, there is not one thing described in

this journal that I have any absolute understanding of (other than

the fact that this stuff did occur!). And what I saw when I opened

my eyes was amazing. I was in the midst of a spectacular panorama

of swirling activity and spiraling colors. In the entry above I

refer to this as "swirling colors, eddy fluxes". Even now I can

remember some of the images of what I saw. At the time my

impression was that I was watching the biochemical cycles inside

my cells, but I was seeing them up close. The scene was

staggering in its complexity. In this projection, I was floating

amongst the images, floating surrounded by these color patterns.

I remember that I was amazed, but baffled, and didn't understand

in the least what I was looking at, other than that it was very

beautiful and moving around too much to make out any definite


At the time, during the projection, the main thing going

through my mind was the new travel/skip technique I had just

devised. Since, at this second level, which I had assumed to

be nested inside of the meme bacteria level, I didn't really

know how to make much sense of what I was seeing, I decided

to try the same technique again. So, in the midst of all these

swirling colors, I shut my eyes, started spinning around and

once again pretended I was shrinking. Then I opened my eyes and

again I was somewhere else! In the entry above I have the

description of this third level as "cells and proteins".

Unfortunately, at this point I don't remember a single image

I saw at this level. Whatever it was though, it must have been

things that reminded me of protein structure, which would mean

coils and loops, or I wouldn't have written this in my journal.

I do remember clearly though what I was thinking at this level.

I remember thinking to myself something along the lines of the

following logic, "if I'm really looking at proteins, then I

should be able to shrink down and actually see the individual

atoms that the proteins are composed of." So I shut my eyes,

spun around rapidly, and pretended to shrink even further. When

I opened my eyes I was again at a new level and this I remember

clearly even now as I type. I opened my eyes and I was standing

on a rock ledge, and in this ledge were embedded little glistening

jewels. I looked up and in front of me as far as I could see were

little dots of light all lined up in a lattice pattern. "Are

those atoms?" I wondered, "if they are, then why aren't they

moving?" The ledge that was overlooking this lattice work was

only about three feet high and I stepped off of it into the lattice

sea of lights. I floated out into it, mostly confounded by what I

was looking at. It was very still and quiet. The lights were

simply embedded in the darkness, and they were not moving or

anything, only sitting in place glowing softly. I remember these

images clear as day. I floated through this panorama and became

bored because it was the same thing in every direction I looked.

I know I was trying to see things like Besant and Leadbeater

described in Occult Chemistry. So I shut my eyes, spun around

again, and pretended to shrink.

And again, I opened my eyes and was somewhere else! This

time though I was standing in a city, and it felt very gloomy

to me. It was misty and kind of dark. Things were colored,

but pale, and mostly shadowy. I felt a little scared by this

place. Far off in the distance I saw a creature running and it

seemed to me to look like a wolf running like a man. I remember

at this point thinking to myself, "I wonder if I'm on the lowest

astral plane now? Maybe what happened is I started out at the

meme level, shrunk deeper and deeper into the physical level,

until I finally popped right out of the physical level into the

astral plane." That's what I thought when I was actually

there seeing it first hand, and this is what I believe today."





So there you have it. We've now gone through a survey of

what it's like on the other side of the veil, in the OOBE

realm. By any standard, what I have described here is only

a fraction of what has been described. And moreover, what has

been described here is obviously slanted by and limited by my own

experiences in the OOBE realm and my own interpretations of these

experiences. I do, by all means, encourage everyone

to read as much as they can about what life is like in the planes.

You may find contradictory reports, you may find differing

interpretations, but this is to be expected. The realm where

OOBEs occur is vast beyond anything we know or understand here

in the physical world. It is truly important if you want to

have as full an understanding as possible that you expose your-

self to as many views as possible about the OOBE/astral projection/

lucid dream experience. And, as always, you want to use YOUR OWN

EXPERIENCE IN THESE REALMS, as your basis for interpreting the reports

of others. Other people's reports are great for giving us ideas

and for exposing us to possibilities, and for corroborating the

things we experience out-of-body, but in the end, there is

no substitute for personal, direct experience. I try here to show

you doors. It is you who must pass through these doors.







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