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NOTE #1...

What is a Witch and what do they do? They usually look like everybody else. You can't see anything different, their jewelry which likely includes a pentacle, will be hidden. But if you are sensitive, you will 'feel' them; for they are in tune with Nature and emit energy or power. Now anybody can call themselves a Witch. But your true Witch, will strictly adhere to what is called the Rede. This Rede says: 'And it harm none, do what you will.' Now this means no harm to other people, no harm to other things, and the unstated but understood meaning: no harm to Self. Witches use magick also, and this is that natural intuitive ability that they exercise and perfect. Many of the tools they use, also aid this ability by helping the Psychic Mind to work with Natural Talent and Natural Energies for the purpose of change. And to a Witch, change means helping, healing, and living in harmony. They often won't even heal unless permission is granted, and the recipient understands what kind of help will be provided.

Now it takes more than a book and a cloak to make a Witch. A practicing Witch is one who takes responsibility for their Conscious AND Unconscious actions. Because among those things that live a long time, Magick is one of them. It's no game to play nor an exercise in wishful thinking. It works! And like a chess game, one must plan well ahead, checking all avenues that spell or ritual might take. Thus knowing HOW magick works is essential. And one book, and a couple weeks reading doesn't cut the cake.

Because Witches believe in reincarnation, they have a wide view of their world. They see the soul, a spark from the Divine; as inhabiting physical body after physical body. The purpose being to learn and perfect their Soul and its Divine Spark. No need have they for a mediator, for they themselves are their own Priest and Priestess. And between Self and the Divine, their is no barrier. They see the world and all aspects of it, as living life forces; not inert, not dead, and not our enemy to conquer. Rather a sibling spirit to live with.

Another rule recognized, is the Threefold Law. Life is a Great Circle, and what thoughts and actions are sent out onto this Circle will at some time come back - THREEFOLD! But rather than negative thoughts coming back as punishment, they are considered corrections. Thus are studied for improvement, rather than resented; for we ourselves are to blame and are accountable for that we ourselves created. And just as negativity returns Threefold, so too does positive energies. The beginner Witch soon learns, that life becomes easier as they learn to send positive thoughts out, their lives become easier and richer. Spells aren't as necessary to aid themselves in problems because problems tend to not exist as much. The person feels at ease with themselves and their world, more at peace.


May One Above All guide you on the Great Circle.



I often say that Magick is really a type of psychology because unlike the movies and TV shows, Magick isn't twitching your nose or snapping your fingers and things happen. It is a projection and bending of Natural Energies to produce needed changes. It starts with 'need' for change, and the 'emotion' that change is needed, and works because we have the 'knowledge' that it WILL work. A Witch willfully shifts consciousness, into a more attuned, psychic state; sometimes called Alpha State or Level. This then you see, is Mind Work. To aid the Psychic Mind, images and metaphors are called to Mind; rhyming words are used, and 'tools'. All aiding the Natural Power of the Witch's Psychic Mind, which need be exercised and honed to these abilities.

Now some of these tools would be things like a Tarot Deck of cards, various crystals including a Crystal Sphere or Ball, a Wand, Candles, etc. I would add that I and many others try to discourage the use of the Ouiji Board. Now, another tool would be the aspects of our Lord and Lady. Beliefs differ, but speaking of the belief that there is one single God and one single Goddess; their various aspects then also help Psychic Mind. HOW? Suppose you are a music lover, then your Diety could be music aspects such as the Muses; Minerva who invented the flute; or Apollo. Perhaps you are a Moon lover then you could pick aspects of Luna or Selene. Gods and Goddesses of all cultures can be utilized. Most Witches feel an especial affinity for a Matron and Patron Goddess and God. These, like your Magick Name, are very personal and not widely shared knowledge.

Magick is a very special part of Wicca. It improves our lives and helps us to help Mother Earth, with whom we cohabit. It is a Religious Practice. It is part of how we live throughout the turning of the Wheel of the Year, the participation and attuning to the changing Seasons. Just as some rituals recognize and are held during the Lunar Phases, so to are some held in conjunction with Solar Phases. Those astronomical events of Solstices and Equinoxes.

Magick is not 'supernatural' but natural. And all of Nature is empowered with it. There is nothing mysterious about it nor is it from the Christian persona, Satan. It is direct action of energy set into motion. And its ultimate goal, as with all religeon; is the eventual perfection of Self, the Soul, the Divine Spark within us. And though many would call themselves Witch, or Wiccan...true Craftors of the Art work magick only for positive effects. (Of course, opinions differ.) They adhere to the Rede: An' it harm none, do what ye wilt.

Meaning living trying to cause no harm to other people, no harm to other things, nor causing harm to Self.



Magick is a product of the Subconscious Mind. And the Subconscious works through Symbols. However, when dealing with 'symbols'; each person puts a different meaning to the same symbol. For example, one person sees a 'dog' as a companion; another as a feared animal; another sees it as an example of obedience. All are correct for the individual concerned.

The mind is a wonderful tool, what the mind conceives it causes to exist. Once man thought about flying, eventual he was able to build the machines capable of flight. It is this exercise that allows people to put out candles, Astral Project; and 'Draw Down the Moon'. But to do these things the mind must learn to concentrate, to visualize. Must retain a thought or image so clear, without interruption; as to empower it. Thus Positive Thinking becomes a real necessity to the Wiccan. For in our NEED, we hold the thought; and while holding the thought we use EMOTION; and our KNOWLEDGE of Magick brings about its Creation.

BUT if you cannot concentrate your need, the emotions falter, making the knowledge useless and without power. Then, you would have been better off never even having started your spell in the first place. A 'backfired' spell, is NO FUN! We are not a game, not a fad; we are responsible for our actions. Sometimes you see questions for 'a spell', perhaps for love or money or both. These are giveaway, beginner questions.

A girl who wanted and got and acted upon a spell to make her 'irresistible' to the boys at school, got what she wanted...and was gang raped. A man whose wife was dying, spelled her not to die because he 'couldn't live without her'. She lived on in a coma her remaining days. A person spelled for money, and got it. Through a terrible accident and the insurance payment...hardly worth the 'price'. Those of us who are experienced in these things, feel we ourselves would share in the responsibility if we shared such spells. Thus we usually don't. I think you can understand why!

Thus I hope to make you understand, that like all things, to practice Magick well, you must practice and use self control. And realize that your talents will vary from person to person. Where one person is good with the Tarot, another is with Runes. One uses candles, another crystals. Some will never learn to AP but they know who is calling on the phone when it rings. As long as you live, you should be learning. You should never get to a stage where you 'know it all'. No question is too stupid to be asked.


NOTE #4...

One of the first things, experienced Wiccans harp and nag the neophytes over is something called 'grounding' and 'centering'. It is also the thing many of these beginners will brag that they never do, that will drive the experienced right up the wall! So what is it? Why do it? What if a person doesn't do it?

GROUNDING: When we shift Conscious Mind into Alpha for our magicking, we need a 'clean motor'. Before such activity, we want the channels clear of debris. So we 'ground' to clear out excess or negative energy that would interfere with our spell or ritual. THEN, afterwards, you ground once more, this to clear out what I call the 'ashes' of the fire (power). It clears and closes down the channels. It sends excess energy that is left unused back into Mother Earth, replenishing Her and clearing you of unhealthy leftovers. Remember, when ritual is performed energies are raised for use, they can NOT be left without purpose. Thus send them for the need needing changed, and anything left over - ground it.

Have you ever had somebody yell at you, give you a dirty look, or write you a nasty note? Of course, we all have. Besides being rude, they are sending their negativity out and attaching it to you. Empowering you, so to speak; negatively. Here is a good time to ground, send that unwelcome energy safely away into the ground for neutralizing. Of course if your barriers are good, it would just reflect away; or you could 'give it back' to its owner. But I am speaking of grounding for now, in this note.

What if you DON'T ground? Well, very likely you will get side effects such as: light headedness, faintness, headaches, physical illness like nausea or vomiting, mental discomfort. Other problems could involve high blood pressure and heart attack, moodiness, lethargy, easily angered or depressed. Even to the point your body couldn't fight disease off, because it was so weakened.

CENTERED: is the act of Self finding its true balance and bringing all parts of your Psyche into harmony or attunement. It means your whole being finds its true identity, is happy with it, and thus secure. It means you can laugh off a person calling you names, because YOU know who you are and don't have to 'prove it' to anybody, not even Self. You are secure and content in being You. You acknowledge and except everything about you, positive and negative. And it's not as easy as it sounds...

Well this advice is all well and good but HOW do you ground energy? THAT ANSWER, in my next note...


NOTE #5...

We were discussing grounding and clearing, what it is and why it's so important. Now, HOW TO GROUND... Ideally, you should be able to take a deep breath and drain the energy right down and out of you, as you breathe out. Few seem able to do this, and I think it's because they've not practiced this method, possibly not even been told about it. But anyway for the neophyte I have found that the simpliest method is the Tree Grounding.

Go outside on grass or fresh turned Earth, and 'make like a tree', really! Instead of blood, you have sap, and your sap is the energy you want to drain and ground away. So visualize the sap running down your fingers and into your hands; from your hands down into your arms; down your arms into your body. The sap is draining from your head into your body. And draining from the top of your body down your 'trunk' and into your legs; and down your legs into your feet; and from your feet firmly planted on Mother Earth, the energy drains away safely neutralized. Breath strong and steady, visualizing the energy as it goes down your body.

Another method would to simply go out and stretch out, lying on your yard and allow the energy to be absorbed away. During rituals, the Cakes and Ale part has a partial grounding purpose. Then the 'clearing' part is done before the Circle is 'broken. To get more complicated, in crystal magick two energies of positive & negative are dealt with. These need balanced or your system goes out of whack. Usually wearing a stone of the opposite energy is all that is needed. However, some stones are good 'grounders'. This include: Hematite, Moonstone, Obsidian, Onyx, and salt. I'm sure you've heard of cleansing things with Sea Salt or salt water, well besides purifying it also grounds. With some stones, you send your energy into the stone then clear it. If you are a 'rock hound', then likely you've enough stones and crystals to be automatically cleared. This is the main method I use, a house full of 'rocks', because otherwise I'd need to clear myself at least twice a day. Moonstone is not usually thought of but it's nice and gentle for the female person, and I'm told the 'gay' person. As always, experiment and see what works for YOU.

Another easy grounding method is to take a shower. Running water clears energy, a hot tub would be nice or laying back in a mountain stream...THIS ONE is my favorite! And remember, I'm just talking from my own thoughts. The other Wiccans on this board can give you more methods if you need.


NOTE #6...

INITIATION. This is my Circle's, (and associates method; who want to Self Initiate.) method --


1) Read 'What Wicca Is:' note, which I post about the board. The purpose is to make sure you really know what you are getting into. That you're serious and really believe this path between Self and Divine.


2) I ask, 'Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill-', and am answered (or should be)...'And it harm none, do what you will.'

I ask, 'What is the meaning of these eight words?', and should be answered...'I harm no other person, nor any thing, nor cause myself harm in any way.' I then hand them a copy of my glossary and the long poetry version of the Rede, and also the Witches Creed. Both posted on P* from time to time.


3) Create Sacred Space... Blessings Chant... and then I hand out copies of the Pledge and we read this all together. (Pledge posted on P* periodically.) Then we discuss it, if somebody has a question. And I, as Lady of my Circle solemnly declare 'I, Lady ---; of the Circle of Eight, proclaim ---, WITCH!' and together the Circle shouts - ' SO MOTE IT BE!'

Then, we individually 'welcome' our new Craft Sister or Craft Brother, with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I usually cry. <VBG>


4) raising, as if it needs it by this time!... the Simple Feast of tea & cookies... give thanks to our Matron & Patron... and open the Circle, and pass the 'kiss'.


You can see this is easily adapted to an individual's needs. We are pretty informal and laugh a lot, sharing the latest jokes.


REMEMBER, we worship because we want to, NOT because of a need we HAVE to, or fear of what happens if we didn't. One of the Ladys once said - we celebrate at the drop of a hat! And this is true. If it's not fun, then you're doing something wrong - in MY opinion, please remember.


Note #7...

One often reads notes to the effect, 'I've got some books, been reading these notes, now how do I start?' You START by STARTING. No sarcasm readers, just fact. Start listening to those inner 'hunches'; write down your dreams; pay attention to the wonderful natural world around us. And I don't mean listen as with your ears...but really LISTEN, with your HEART and your SOUL!

Natural energies, or magick is always there for the person who wants to tap into it. You don't invoke it, or conjure it but dip into it like dipping your hand into a gentle stream. You stare at a full Moon, and it washes over you. And it can be found in your own backyard, so there's no excuse for not 'finding it'. <VBG>

Breathe deep, and you feel Air Magick. AIR. Unpredictable and changeable as the Winds that are part of Air Magick. Now when a person talks, like the weatherman; of an East Wind...they mean the wind is blowing FROM the East. And the East Wind is change; white colors; freshness and here where it blows off the Atlantic, cleansing and grounding; new life; intellect; and power. The South Wind, is fiery; and representative of the Fire Element; good for any spell; invigorating; yellow colors; just don't get burned! West Wind is fertile and beguiling; Ruler of Dusk and Dawn when all lies quiet; loving and healing; said to be good during Water Magicking; blue colors. And the there is North Wind, bringer of death but not so much physical death but that death of 'change'. Barren and 'cold', let North Wind blow away your troubles and cares, your negativity! Black colors are his; and a good time for Healing Magicks. To those who have followed my Crystal Magick notes, you will have lists of crystals that go well with Air/Wind Magick. Do you know that wind chimes, are Air Magick?

And do you know that Candle Magick is FIRE Magick? And how many places keep an 'eternal flame'? Being near DC, Kennedy's tomb in Arlington Cemetery comes to mind. And how many churches and shrines also use candles, etc? From candle flame to smudge pots to balefires, Fire Magick is involved. Fire the Great Cleanser. And forget the trashy propaganda that often links it to sex orgies! Write a note with your wish and throw it in the fire; or a fault or problem, and let it be burned away. Stare into the flames and be mesmerized; scry; and remember past times of other lives. And BEWARE, lest you burn down the house! When using ANY kind of fire, keep pets away; curtains from blowing into the flame; or objects from falling in. Is the container fire proof? What if the container gets hot, is it sitting on something also fire proof? Cleanse yourself and objects in its smoke, let it release fragrances into the Air - but don't get careless!


Walk with Wisdom...


Note #8...

WATER Magick, sustaining and life giving; deep and mysterious; cleansing. Many uses can be incorporated with what type of water you have: pond or lake; stream or well. There is water scrying, and dowsing. Empower a rock with your cares and throw it very hard out into a lake or ocean, to take your troubles with it. Lie in a swift running stream to ground, and cleanse Self. Wash your troubles away! And who hasn't used a 'Wishing Well'? A Diana Mirror: go on a Full Moon night, to a still pond or lake, that reflects the Moonlight. Invoke Luna, Selena, Diana or any other favorite Moon Goddess, and stare into the bright reflection upon the black waters. This is good for divining, scrying, meditation and other works in need of connecting to Psychic Self. The old saying, that evil can't cross running water is true. I prefer saying negativity, myself but running water does indeed purify, ground and neutralize. So THAT's why I often recommend a shower!

By now, I'm sure you know that my New Age friends call me a Crystal Mage, especially if you've read through the Crystal Magick subject. My Ego Self likes the sound of that title bestowed respectfully, but I always add in my mind a laughing, French sounding 'Extradinaire', just like those old time traveling shows. Just to keep myself head from getting too swelled. <VBG> But to the point...stones, crystals, gems, minerals, 'rocks' (a word I don't like!) - are all part of Natural or Earth or Crystal Magick. From grounders to healers to scrying tools; all types have their own characteristics and properties. Is there a anybody reading this who doesn't have an idea of their 'birthstone'? Not many, I think. I don't wish to get into this too much as I've already posted 7 notes on the subject. But would make this suggestion: build yourself a stone circle. Mine is outside, and made from stones gathered all across the country. It's also covered in a way so nobody would notice it. There in my Circle, do I meditate and refresh myself; grounding away cares, centering my Being, reflecting and thinking. Used so often that it emits power! But you can do the same thing inside by placing your collection on the floor. You just need enough room to comfortable sit within it. By using the same crystals, they too will be empowered by you, even if you take them up and down with each usage.


Natural Magick is there for you to just reach out...and TOUCH!


Note #9...

When one thinks of Witches and Druids and other Pagan folk, often we see them in groups dancing out in the woods, and being Tree Worshipers. Although there is no denying some truth in this, the cowan community is quite ignorant of the true magick of TREES!

First a bit of list:

ALMOND: business, clairvoyance, divination, money &

prosperity, wisdom.

APPLE: healing, immortality, love, perpetual youth,


ASH: health, prosperity, protection,

Visulization Magicks, Sea Magick.

APRICOT: love.

ASPEN: protection.

AVOCADO: beauty & love, to increase lust.

BANANA: fertility & increasing lust.

BEECH: Wish Magick.

BIRCH: exorcism, fertility, new beginnings, protection,


BUCKTHORN: exorcism.

CHERRY: divination.

CEDAR: courage, healing, longevity, prosperity & wealth,

protection, purification.

COCONUT: chastity, healing, protection, purity.

CYPRESS: past life rememories, longevity, protection.

DOGWOOD: protection, Wish Magick.

ELDER: exorcism, fidelity, healing, prosperity, protection,

peaceful sleep, snake repellant, wealth.

ELM: protection.

EUCALYPTUS: healing.

FIG: divination, energy, fertility, health, strength.

HAWTHORNE: chastity, cleansing, fertility, handfasting,

happieness, love, protection.

HAZEL: divination, fertility, handfasting, luck,

protection, reconciliation.


HICKORY: legalalities.

JUNIPER: health, exorcism, protection, snake repellant.

LEMON: chastity, divination, friendship, healing,


LILAC: exorcism, harmony, protection.

LIME: chastity, divination, healing, neutrality.

LINDEN: immortality, love everlasting, luck, protection,

peaceful sleep.

MAGNOLIA: fidelity.

MAPLE: divination, longevity, love.

MULBERRY: divination, knowledge, wisdom, the 'Will'.

MYRRH: healing, protection, spirituality.

MYRTLE: fertility, harmony, love & peace, money & wealth,


OAK: fertility & increasing lust, health & healing,

longevity, luck, money, prosperity, protection,

strength, wealth.

OLIVE: fertility, fidelity, fruitfulness, handfasting,

harmony, healing, money, peace, protection,

security, sexuality.

ORANGE: divination, handfasting & love, luck.


Note #10...Tree list continued.


PALM: fertility, strength, sexuality.

PEACH: fertility, exorcism, divination, longevity, love,


PEAR: love.

PECAN: employed, either getting or keeping.

PINE: exorcism, fertility, health & healing, protection,

prosperity & wealth, purification.

PINEAPPLE: chastity, luck.

PLUM: healing, love.

POMEGRANATE: divination, fertility.


ROWAN: protection, psychic abilities, strength, success.

WALNUT: healing & health, infertility, mental abilities,

protection, Wish Magick.

WILLOW: birthing, enchantments, healing, love & love spells,

protection, wishing & Wish Magick.

WITCH HAZEL: chastity, to decrease lust, protection.

YEW: POISON! raising spirits.


Every tree, has inherit powers; and all have healing powers. Remember to think of the tree in terms of another living entity, talk to it. Of course, it won't 'hear' you but it will feel the energy behind your words. Words, that will transform thoughts of 'it' to a 'persona', thus changing your inner energies in a subtle process that will make Tree Magick possible.

So you have your selected tree, now what? One of my favorite spells it to just go out and lean against an older tree, then just relax letting myself ground through Tree's roots, and of course thanking Tree for helping me.

A 'Granny' spell: Elder Son of Mother Earth,

High above me, tower --

To take my cares within Thy leaves,

To scatter with Wind's power.


Where I grew up in Ohio, we knew of an ancient Maple called the Indian Tree. Beneath the far ranging limbs, was buried trinkets from the Indians who not only tied items to the branches, but buried things about the ground also near the trunk. I've often wondered what words might have accompanied this act.

Lying beneath a tree, look up into the branches and watch the leaves flutter. This is an excellent scrying method, meditation exercise, and divination tool. If nothing else, it is a very pleasant past time!

And remember the oft used advise: GO HUG A TREE! It really will help you feel better, even if you just lean up against it and relax, the tree will do the rest. I'd love to hear YOUR Tree Magick methods. Do you know of other tree species and their magickal energies?


And the next time you take a deep breathe, please think of our Mother Earth's trees and all their work to give us oxygen to HAVE oxygen for us to breath.


I think that I shall never see A poem lovely as a tree.

from Trees, Mrs Henry Mills Alden


Bright Blessings!


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