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Chapter 1

"Last reply note today!" Mom shouted. I came running to the kitchen table where I ripped open the small envelope.

"YES! Brittney can come!" I shouted walking to the living room to place it in a manilla envelope with the others.

"What a lovely name," my mom commented, "nice names like, Tara, Sofia, Nicola, LOVELY!" My mom hadn't heard most the names until the letters started comming. I think she wanted to have another baby just to name it one of these unusual names.
My name was as common as they come. Julia. Mostly everyone called me Jules, so that was unusual, I guess. I had been home for a day now from college and already was packing again. I was going into the city to go visit the Beatles. Well, New York City that is. For the FIRST time EVER, The Beatles were going to be in America. I studying in college to be a singer someday was studying to be a fashion designer. Going to a college in NYC was an advantage already but I lived on the island so made regular trips to visit my family. Most of the girls in college with me were obsessed with the Beatles as I was. Not in the same way that most do though. We had a club in our college called Fan Fiction. Well 1 showed up and Lucy and I were infatuated with the Beatles We became the closest of friends and closed the club so no others would be inducted. We studied colleges around the world to find that many more around the world had small groups dedicated to writing about the beatles. Fan Fiction. It was so much fun to write and didn't take much time out of my work. I basically wrote in my spare time and that was all. Anyways, we had been writing letters to each group the last two years and well we invited them to a Beatles Fan Fiction Convention! My college booked us a couple of rooms in a hotel and the downstairs ball room was where we were going to have the convention. We were even more excited to find that in the same week, The Beatles were staying at the hotel. Lucky for us, eveyrone was arriving a day early for the convention so we didn't have to deal with traffic. Lucy and I were going to get there a day early to set up so I got a good night sleep that night and packed everything I would need.

Early the next morning I picked up Lucy and we went to the hotel. We didnt hit much traffic from the island and got there around an hour later. Perfect timing! To prepare we had made copies of eveyrones stories they had sent us and put them out on tables. We had made pins saying "I love Beatles Fan Fiction" and had decorated the place like a huge party! There were streamers and ribbons and balloons and everything. We had set up a list in everyones room of what everyone's hotel room and phone number was. We had learned that we were going to be on the floor below the Beatles. They had the presidential suite (16th floor). More excited than a bunch of babbling babboons Lucy and I hardly fell asleep on the 15th floor!!


Lucy and I woke up at 9, took showers, got primped, had breakfast, and waited in the lobby for the girls to arrive. At around 11, Our first girl arrived. Her short blondish hair was fit to her face and her bright green eyes shone in the sunlight streaming through the swinging doors. She had fair skin and was about 5'5. She had a tennis racket over her shoulder and a suitcase almost the size of her! For two week's vacation there sure was alot of clothes in there! She walked over to the desk where she checked in. The man told her to come sit by us and she walked over smiling.

"Tara?" Lucy and I said in unison.

"Thats me!" she said tossing her bags to the floor and running over for hugs.

"I'm Julia and this is Lucy," I said pointing to her. We all excitedly sat down and anxously awaited our next guest. Tara went to go put her bags upstairs and we then decided to wait in the ball room instead. Even though the party wasn't starting till 8 tonight, we knew people might just check it out.

"Excuse me? Are you Julia and Lucy?" a girl asked.

"It depends who you are?" I asked giving her an eyebrow. She gave a small laugh as if nervous and sat down. Her hair was long and golden. She had blue green eyes that stuck out from her fair skin. Her glasses were awesome! they were white wit 3 rhinestones in the corners. An great pair if I ever saw one. She had an acoustic strapped to her back and 2 suitcases.

"I'm Cassidy Fontana," she said sticking out her hand to shake. Lucy took her hand and shook it vigourously.

"I'm Lucy and this is Julia," she said popping her gum in her mouth.

"Pleasure," I said kicking my legs over the side of the arm chair.

"I must go put my bags upstairs. I'll see you later tonight," she said picking up her things.

"Ta ta!" Lucy waved.

"Gear Glasses!" I screamed.

"I think you scared that sweet girl!" Lucy said to me tipping me over.

"I didnt mean to I swear!" I said nervously sitting upright in my chair."I'll be on my best behavior tommorow I promise!" Lucy just laughed at my nerves and I finally sat back in my chair. A girl then walked in with pretty long brownish redish hair. She had a nice skin tone and a smile pretty wide. She looked quite young, and looked about the same size as me, 5'1. She looked a little taller though.

"I'm Serena," she said shaking our hands and plopping down on a leather couch that was nearby.

"Are you in high school?" Lucy asked.

"Yep. I heard about you're group from my college friends. Anyways I sent you guys my story." she said blowing a bubble with her pink gum.

"Oh yeah! I remember! Great story," I said picking up her guitar from the floor.

"May I hang here?" She asked.

"Yeah sure, " I said popping another slice of gum in my mouth. Then a girl with golden brown hair walked in and set her self down in a seat. She had soft grey eyes and an olive complextion.

"You've had the pleasure of meeting Serena?" she asked kicking her legs over the seat like mine.

"Oh yes, she's our young one!"I said.

"Well keep an eye on her, we'll probably find her making out with Paul McCartney," she said laughing.

"Nah, that'll be me!" I said giggling.

"No ME!" the girl said.

"Alright, I'll just have little ol' Ringo all to myself," Lucy said.

"By the way, I didn't catch your name,' I said sticking my hand out to the girl.

"Lupita," she said shaking back.

"How's Ardvan," I asked.

"good," she giggled. Ardy was in a beatles tribute band called the Fab Four! Lupita quickly became their groupie and fell in love with Ardy. Little did she know that Ardy was for her too! Just then a girl quite tall walked in. She had brown eyes, long wavy blonde hair and stepped in and sat down.

"I'm Hana," she said and shook everyone's hand.

"What's that on your leg?"I asked pointing.

"Oh thats a mosquito bite," she said scratching,"Itch's like hell."


"MONSTER ones," she laughed.

"Hey guys, it's 1:30, can we go get lunch?" Lupita asked. We all agreed and went over to the hotel resturant where we met Tara. We introduced everyone over and had a long luch chatting about college, high school, and basically the Beatles. After the chat, Lucy and I went to our room to take a nap (hey it was a long day!) and the others went to their rooms also. Cassidy had dropped by to ask about something for tonight. I apologized for not inviting her to lunch with us but she said she was sleeping anyways. I also apologized for scaring her. She denyed it, but she was so sweet and I think I gave her the wrong impression on me. ANYWAYS, It was nearing 8:00 and we were all getting dressed. I was wearing a black miniskirt and a balck and white tanktop. I had high black go go boots up to my thighs and a matching headband. Lucy was wearing a pshycadelic print dress with long flowing sleeves and white high go go boots. When both of us convinced we looked good enough to go downstairs, we took the elevator to the ballroom. It was already full of tons of girls we hadn't met yet. We finally put on a Beatles LP and started dancing. Some girls were sitting on the white leather couches so I decided to take that moment to go meet them.

"Hey I'm Julia," I said shaking one girls hand. She had dark brown hair and eyes and had very pale skin. It was a beautiful combination for the girl. She had a PERFECT body and looked a bit older than me.

"Jane,"she said. The girl next to her waved.

"Ello' I'm Nicola," she said. She had an english accent which i've never heard form a girl. Being a NY chick I guess it sorta surprises you. She had copper colored hair and pretty brown eyes. Her skin was fair which wasnt as much as a contrast as Jane's but was still quite lovely! We chatted a while about NY since this was Nicola's first time. We discussed broadway and the great big buildings and JFK. Jane lived in manhattan so she knew alot more than I did. I mean I went to college there but still she LIVED there. It turned out that Jane went to college RIGHT by me! They were both very nice but I had to go to meet more people. We said our goodbyes and I met up back with Hana. We then walked over to some girls sitting at a table drinking some punch.

"I'm Julia and this is Hana," I said shaking their hands.

"I'm Sandi," she said. She had pale skin that fit with her red hair and bright green eyes perfectly!

"I'm Brittney," the other girl said sticking her hand out. She had deep brown eyes and brown hair with blonde highlights. She had tan skin alot like mine.

"My mom was going to name me Brittany," I said, " But BrittA-N-Y" Brittney and I had hit it off real well. Infact all four of us talked for about an hour. Suddenly it was 9:30 and I decided to meet some others.

"Call me I'm room 1510," I said writing it on her hand. After we finsihed writing eachothers numbers down I left to go meet others but Hana ended up staying with them and getting up to dance.


(Meanwhile, with the Beatles)

"Brian dont you think it's cruel comming in a day early then expected?" Ringo asked as they jumped out of their limo and into the hotely lobby.

"Would you rather be bombarded by girls?" he asked.

"YES" John shouted. George looked at a small sign next to the ballroom door.

"Hey guys look! Beatles Fan Fiction party!" He said traling the words with his finger.

"Party?" Paul asked a grin appering on his lips.

"Let's go crash it," John said rubbing his hands together and snickering.

"I hear Beatles music, we might get "Bombarded", Ringo said using quotations with his fingers and giving a little sarcasam in his voice.

"Hanging out too much with John," Brian sneered."I'm going up to the room,"

"BYE!" John said waving innocently.

"Come 'ead," George said waving and opening up the doors.


I had just started walking towards the door when suddenly it opened. I fell to the floor when I tried to open the door since it was opening the other way. I then saw the fab four looking down on me and offering a helping hand for throwin me to my bum.

"I'm sorry luv'," John said picking me up.

"Thanks," I said calmly. I didn't want to seem like some Beatles Fanatic, although I was. "Acutally I gotta go," I said pointing to the doors.

"But the party just started" John laughed.

"Actually to the ladies room," I said turning a new shade of red.

"Oh go ahead do your thing," he said letting me out of his arms. I scurried away almost to tears at my stupidity.

"Looks like she needed a different John!" George laughed. Lucy stopped dead in her tracks and her jaw dropped.

"We didn't plan this," she said grabbing hold of Jane's hand. She looked longingly at Ringo and sighed. "He's more beautiful in person!" she swooned. Ringo caught her staring at him and suddenly started to walk over.

"Would you like to dance luv'?" Lucy looking astonished nodded slightly and took his hand. Jane giggled and skipped over to Brittney to talk about what happened. John went over to look at the many tabels of fan fics and George and Paul went searching for alcohol. Finally they found the bar , grabbed a drink and danced over to the floor. I walked back into the room and immediatly saw John. He waved me over and I nervously walked over.

"Enjoy the John?" he asked.

"Oh thouroughly," I sarcasticly said laughing.

"Ah I'll give you a better time than that one," he said pulling me onto his lap. Looking quite red I grabbed a fan fic and hid my face behind it. He laughed and pulled it down to read it.

"hmm...hour of darkness," he said opening to the first page.

"Oh, thats Lucy's" I said.

"Where's your's?" he asked.

"On the other side," I lied.

"Whats your name anyways angel?" he asked.

"Julia, you can call me Jules though," I said. He called me angel. I sighed over the thought.

"Oooh, I can call you a nickname, You can call me John," he said wrapping his hand around my waist.

"Hey Sofia!" I called. She turned around and her blonde hair whipped around. She had beautiful brigh blue eyes. She trotted over and knelt down in front of us.

"John this is Sofia," I said unwravalling myself from him. Obviously Sofia was a John fan as we all knew. She was very calm and collected so I knew she wouldnt get nervous.

"What! You're leaving me?" he asked grabbing my hand.

"I wanna go dance, sorry babe," I said.

"Give us a kiss," he said as he did in a hard days night.

"using pickup lines from your movie?" I asked giving him a peck on the cheek.

"OH THAT WAS CHEAP," he yelled.

"More later," I yelled dancing over to the floor. I felt him smile behind me.

next home mail