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Chapter 10

Jane's eyes widened and a tear dropped from her face. She smiled weakly and let him slip the ring onto her finger. She let out an sigh and replied..."n--ye--no--yes. Yes I will!" she said. Paul grapped her into his arms and gave her a kiss. She smiled again. She seemed speechless.

"How long should we wait?"Jane asked.

"I don't know... it's an american thing eh? Well lets see, we'll get pick a month! And you can pick the place and have it in America and whatever you like luv!"Paul said giving her a kiss on the forehead.

"ok.." she giggled.

"Perfect, he said smiling and embraced her in a hug. I ran over to Jane jumping up and down.

"CONGRATS!" I yelled hugging her.

"Thanks," she giggled," I've alwyas dreamed of planning my wedding!" We had a few drinks and sat on the couch talking. I snuggled up onto Johns chest, nestling my head on his shoulder. He put his strong arm around me and gave a sqeeze. I felt so warm and safe and loved in his arms. After the party we returned home. I was VERY tired so insisted ACTUALLY going to bed. John agreed sadly but made me come sleep in his bed. I was safe in his arms and warm in his naked body once again. I smiled sweetly at him, gave him a kiss and drifted off to sleep.


The next morning I slipped away from John's grasp and took a shower. I made my way downstairs to have a bowl of hot cereal and a glass of orange juice. The phone rang and I picked it up quickly so John wouldn't wake up.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey it's Jane. Wanna go shopping with the girls?" she asked.

"Sure!" I said excitedly. I scribbled a note for John and Jane was over quickly. I hopped in to find Lucy and Tara already in the car. We stopped off at a long street filled with shops. The first one we came across was a beauty parlor. We all gave eachother one look and ran inside. First we got our nails and toes done. Tara had a bit of problem with the toes because she kept giggling when they tickled her foot. We all decided on getting our hair done too. We sat in four chairs next to eachother.

"Cut it as a bob," Jane said. We gasped at her.

"NO DON'T MAKE THAT CUT!" I screamed grabbing the hairdressers wrist,"Jane... you're hair is so BEAUTIFUL! Don't chop it off!"

"Well I wont make it that short then. Cut it just below my shoulders," she said. I let go of the girls wrist and leaned back in my chair.

"What are you going to do to yours?" Tara asked.

"Well I'm just going to trim it, but I'm going to do something else special.You guys will have to wait!" I giggled.

"I'm scared," Lucy laughed. Tara decided to trim her hair slightly and Lucy decided to cut it to shoulder legnth. We walked out of the parlor and started to walk towards a small boutique.

"It's probably SUPER expensive!" Jane said looking inside.

"Let's check it out! Come 'ead!" Tara giggled. We gave her a small confused glance ,"Ok I know the english accent is growin on me." We looked at the beautiful clothing which turned out to be pretty inexpensive since it just opened. I bought a pair of tight jean shorts and a tanktop. Tara bought a black mini skirt, Jane bought a red litte dress and Lucy bought three shirts, 2 skirts and a pair of shorts. Lucy loved to shop.

As soon as we payed for the clothes we walked down the street once again. Jane stopped in front of a bridal salon.

"In a year, I'm getting married," she said,"Should I marry Paul? I mean I'm young! What if Paul isn't the right one! Will I ever find the right one anyway?"

"Jane, everyone gets second thoughts! You love Macca! You know you do! Let's go inside and pick a dress!" Tara said dragging her by the hand.

"It's so early to pick a dress! I got engaged yesterday!" Jane complained.

"This is the best part!" I giggled dragging her in.

"May I help you?"A lady asked walking up to us.

"She's looking for a dress!" Lucy said shoving Jane up. Jane smiled weakly and rubbed the back of her neck.

"I'm getting married next year...I.. um... need a dress," she spat.

"I've got 1 million choices for you! You're georgeous! Anything will go great!" the saleslady smiled. Jane giggled and stepped into a seperate room with us. The lady started bring dress by dress into the room. Jane looked astonished at the beautiful dresses.

She tried on many and found a few she fell in love with. She promised not to buy one today so we stepped out of the shop. Tired from all the shopping we returned home. Lucy dropped me off at John's and I stepped inside.

"John?" I called.

"Ello' lu--" John stopped,"your hair... it's....".

"Blonde!" I giggled.He gave me a kiss on the lips and hugged me tightly.

"What was that for?" I asked.

"I love you! It looks great!," he blushed.

"Thanks," I smiled and set my bags down to give him another hug and kiss.


The weeks passed quickly and it was finally time to leave. We all sat silently in the car driving to the airport. We stepped up to the baggage counter and dropped our bags off. Since Jane and Tara were going to a different gate we said our goodbyes there. I grasped Jane tightly in my arms as tears dripped down my face.

"Tell me how everything goes," I cried.

"You'll be there," she sobbed. I switched over to Paul. I gave him a huge hug sobbing into his chest. He brushed his fingers through my hair lightly.

"I'll see you soon luv," he smiled giving me a kiss on the cheek. I moved over to Tara and grabbed her. Tara was the only person crying more than me. Tara wouldn't let go and I finally pulled her off of me.

"We'll get together on spring break, I promise," I said rubbing her shoulder. She smiled and nodded as I walked over to George. George seemed distant but I gave him a hug anyways. He looked into my crying eyes and I saw a tear come from his eye. My lips quivered and I dug my face into his chest.

"I'm gonna look like a queer, crying like some ass," he remarked.

"We already do," I laughed removing myself from him. We waved goodbye to Paul, George, Tara and Jane as they dissapered into the crowd of people. Lucy and I walked besides Ringo and John silently as we reached the gate. I took John's hands and looked into his eyes.

"I'm sorry," I said wrapping my arms around him and crying. John sniffled in my ear. I gave John a warm kiss and looked into his eyes once more.

"I'll miss thoes big brown eyes," he said brushing the hair away from my forehead.

"Promise you'll write?" I sobbed.

"Promise you'll stay," he said seriously.

"John, you know I can't," I said looking down. I slipped away from him and grabbed Ringo. I grabbed him tightly and snuggled my chin into his shoulder. We said goodbye and I took Lucy's hand as we started to walk towards the gate.

"You never answered my question John," I said glancing back. Johns eyes watered and he looked away.

"yes," he sighed and I walked to the gate. I cried knowing I wasn't going to see John for a very long time.

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