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Chapter 2

As the party rolled on I met more people and chatted with them. I saw Meg flirting with Paul on his lap and drinking a few beers although under age. Meg had blonde/brown hair and crystal blue eyes. Her hair was long and straight plus she was the same size as me! Well I was an inch taller. Anyway, I got a little jelous of her flirting, but I got over it since I knew he was just a Beatle. Besides I guess you can call what John and I did flirting. I felt like these guys were like normal friends. I mean these were the Beatles and I didn't feel any way different then I would around normal guys. They were so down to earth, and so cute. I giggled at my own apprehension and then muffled my laughter with my hand. I think I was getting giddy so I decided to go sit back down. I think I had a little too many wine coolers.

"Hang over?" someone asked. I looked up to find a girl with long blonde hair. Her blue eyes were AMAZING, better than anyones I'd seen all night. Even better than Ringo's baby blues.

"Nah, just a small headache," I said putting my head in my hands.

"Maybe you should get rest," she said putting a helpful arm around me. She walked in front of me and knelt. Suddenly Paul had walked over to say hello but I shushed him with my finger. He looked confused but he had no idea.

"So whats your name?" I asked.

"Evelyn, and my favorite beatle is Paul." she said blushing. I could tell she was a Paul girl. I don't know how but that is why I told Paul to be quiet.

"And why do you like him so much?"I asked smiling at Paul.

"Oh he is so HOT," she said sitting back. Paul smiled greatly and acted all macho. I tried to hold my laughter in.

"But I do love Ringo too," she said with a questioning look. Paul's cocky smile turned to a frown and he dropped his head.

"But Paul is so cute I can't resist him," she said turning Paul's face to a smile again. I finally burst out laughing.

"What?" she asked innocently. She turned around to find Paul smiling with a finger under his chin as he was an angel. Her face turned bright red.

"Come dance with me luv?"he asked taking her hand.

"I'll get you back!" she said waving a finger but laughing at the same time. I gave a small wave and sat back in the chair. My headache went away from my laughter. I guess it is the best medicine.I felt someones cold hands around my eyes.

"Hey John," I said removing them from my eyelids.

"How'd you guess?" he asked turning to squat by my chair.

"I'm just that good," I laughed. A slow song emerged from the record player.

"Dance?" He asked taking my hand. I nodded slowly and got up to dance with him. I almost fell at standing up.

"Too many wine coolers eh?" he asked wrapping his arms around my waist. I just grumbled a small yes and danced closer. Unfortunatly enough our time was up and the party was over. I breathed a small sigh and tryed to pull away from John's grasp.

"Don't let go yet, the songs not over for me," he said pulling me back. I saw Lucy's face as she winked at me after hearing that comment. She walked a little closer to John and whispered something. He let out a hearty laugh and replied, "No I still think she likes the other John," he laughed. I saw Paul out of the corner of my eye holding hands with two girls.

"Don't tell me you've fallen for the McCartney charm too?" he asked.

"Nah, not yet," I said giggling.

"Good, I would have shot him," he laughed. Finally I convinced John to let me go. He still held my hand though as we walked into the elevator.

"Whats your room?" he asked.

"1510," I said pressing the 15 and 16th floor button."Lucy is rooming with me" We finally reached my floor and I let go of his hand.

"Stay," he asked trying to reach my hand again.

"No I--Goodnight John," I said interupting myselt. I don't know why I said no. I'm sure I could have had QUITE a good time up there. He had a sad expression on his face as the door closed. I walked sadly over to our room to see Lucy with Ringo on the bed watching TV. Well they weren't exaxctly watching TV, more like kissing.

"Lucy take that upstairs," I said flopping onto my bed.

"Ok!" she said happily and hand in hand almsot walked out the door.

"Stop, turn," I said laughing.

"But he's Ringo Starr!" she complained.

"and I turned down John Lennon," I whined.

"He wont be happy bout that one," Ringo laughed. I flashed him a look like no other and he quickly shut up.

"Sorry to burst the bubble but well, I'm sure the beatles have alot to do tommrow Lucy," I said.

"but MOM!" she giggled.

"G'night," Ringo said giving her one more kiss.

"G'night," she said floating to her bed. "Turning down Ringo Starr, geeze"

*** Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Lucy.

"John wants you," she said wiping her eyes. I looked at the clock to see it was only 6:00 am. I got out of bed and walked to the door to see John fully dressed.

"Ahem?" he said looking at me. I realized I only had a tee- shirt and underwear on. I ran to the bathroom and got my robe. I wrapped it around me quickly.

"Ahem yourself, it's 6:00 in the fuckin morning," I said wiping my eyes. John was taken back by my language.

"Not my angel in the morning I guess?" he asked wrapping his arms around me. I grumbled softly and snuggled up against his chest.

"I'm sorry, about last night," I said rubbing his back.

"It's ok, It's understandable," he replied.

"So what ARE you doing here this early you fool," I said brushing my fingers through my hair.

"I wanted to say goodbye for now, we got loads of crap this morning. We'll be back around 1:00 to rest though. We got the whole rest of the day after that." he said holding me tighter.

"I can't wait," I said. I heard Paul screaming in the backround for John to get going.

"I have to go luv',"he said pulling me away from his body. He leaned in a gave me a kiss on the lips.

"Farewell," I said waving to him. I shut the door pulled off the robe and went back in my bed. I would try to get back to sleep over Lucy's loud snoring and take a shower later. He's so cute I thought.


I finally woke up around 11:30 to find Lucy in a towel watching TV.

"Get some clothes on!" I yelled.

"Wait, they're on TV!" she said back watching the TV intently.

"The Fab Four dissapointed many teen hearts when they realized that they already had arrived in NYC last night. They still came down to wait by the hotel doors hoping to catch a glimps of them. Rumor has it they were partying last night at their hotel with a Beatles Fan Fiction Club. Just what the Beatles needed, more girls"

"HEY! They enjoyed thoes girls!" I yelled at the TV. Lucy just laughed at me as she gathered some clothes up and went to change. In the next hour I showered and changed and went downstairs to the brunch with Lucy to find Tara and a few other girls. We walked into the resturant to find a whole table of reporters. Too bad we all had our fan fictions buttons on.

"Did you party with the beatles last night?" they asked.

"Yes," I answered calmly.

"Were they fun to have at the party?"

"Yes, it was quite a surprise!" Lucy said. The answered a few more questions but I was concentrated on something else. The eggs on the other side were looking very tempting. I convinced the girls to brush off the reporters and come eat with me. After we filled our plates we went back to a table.

"I'm sorry we never met, I'm Ter," she said shaking my hand.

"I'm Julia," I said with my mouth full of food, "sorry." They giggled at my muffled speaking and started to eat themselves. Ter had beautiful curly redish blonde hair. She had deep blue eyes and by her I love Paul button I could tell she must have been a Paul lover from day 1.

"I'm Sarah," the other girl said with her mouth stuffed also. She had redish brown hair which was glowing in the sunlight streaming in through the glass windows. It was in a short bob and her eyes were a dark brown. By the time we finished our meal it was about 1:30. We walked into the lobby and heard screaming outside.

"Look who's comming home!" Ter laughed. The Fab four came running in and into an elevator.

"NICE OF YOU TO SAY HELLO!' I screamed. We decided to round up everyone and reserve the pool. We got the pool out to ourselves since we were so many and all went outside for a dip. The pool was a HUGE olympic sized pool. Some girls decided to swim and some just prefered to stay out and sun bathe. I personally loved diving and swimming so I jumped right in.

"Water's warm!" I said and about 13 others jumped in with me. Some decided to play volleyball as I went straight to the diving board with Evelyn. She was alot better than me but I didnt care I just liked to have fun. After a few dives I decided to go sun bathe with Sandi. It was VERY hot out so we only chatted a little before I decided to go swimming again. I met a girl named Ashley who happened to be good friends with Lucy. She was a GREAT swimmer! She had BIG blue eyes and blondish-brownish hair. She was really nice and was always making me laugh. I also met a girl named Jennifer. She had VERY dark beautiufl brown eyes and golden brown hair. She was another great swimmer. Serena had been swimming like a fish the whole time! I'll be surprised if she isnt pruned in an hour! After meeting new friends and watching Serena's swimming habits I went back to the board to do more dives.


"Look at her out there, " John sighed, " I want to go swimming."

"ME TOO!" George cried running to his suitcase to get our his swimming trunks.

"Anyone else?" John asked.

"Might as well go," Paul said dragging Ringo to his suitcase. In seconds flat they were downstairs near the pool. George dropped his towel, ran to the diving board and did a cannon ball into the water. Tara swooned. John walked over to the edge of the pool where I was treading water to see him. He bent down to give me a kiss and I pulled him in. He came up soaked and full of water.

"You're gonna get it ya know," he said.

"I hope so!" I laughed and swam off. I went over to the diving board to dive again. I jumped up and felt something touch my back but I ignored it. I swam over back to John only to see him smirking innocently. I smiled back knowing something was wrong. He opened his mouth to laughter and was rolling. He could not stop. I tried to figure out what it was while he kept laughing. Suddenly I looked down. My top was half off. Someone must have untied the strings on top and now my chest was hanging out to the world and John saw it. Then I remembered.

"EVELYN!" I screamed. I saw her laughing atop the diving board with George rolling just as everyone else.

"It's ok dear, you know I'd see them sooner or later," John laughed. I punched him in the arm and cried miserably underwater.


Later on around dinner time, The Fab Four, Lucy, Tara, Jane and I had ordered in. We watched TV up in their room, their HUGE room. George had asked Tara to come up once he heard she was his biggest fan. I could see the look in his eyes though. He invited her up for more reasons. I had invited jane up knowing that Paul would go ape for her. Jane, Miss georgous could probably get any beatle but Paul seemed to fit her perfectly. Like their hands were met to fit in eachothers palms. Somehow I thought John and I didn't belong. But for now, he was just a fling and nothing had happened. Paul was working his charm on Jane out in the balcony. I've never seen Jane happier than that moment. The full moon was perfect on them. I watched as the held hand in hand watching the stars and knew that something would happen.

George and Tara were eating ice cream with eachother and scooping it into eachothers mouths. I also had never seen Tara like that. She seemed so angelic like she didn't belong on this planet. George seemed to be enjoying her company alot more than he expected.

Ringo and Lucy. Well they were kissing as usual. They were one of thoes types that just loved small little kisses every second and just loved to be around eachother. Lucy's dream had come true. She was in Ringo's arms getting love every second.

John and I. Well we were watching TV. I sometimes belive that John was the only NON romantic Beatle. I mean he either wanted to have sex or laugh around but never wanted to just chat or give little kissed. Although this morning he was pretty romantic. I don't know. I got flings with John. One minute I'd love him to death and the next I'd be bored. I think John and I didn't belong in eachothers arms. I needed a more romantic type, more original. He finally leaned over, knowing I was jelous of all the other Beatle love, and whispered sweet nothings into my ear. He set me on his lap and tilted my head back for a kiss. He started to kiss me but I stopped him in the middle.

"John-- I... it's....not working," I finally spat out picking up my purse and walking towards the door.

"For bloody christs sake what is it? I dont get it! I mean you love me one second and the next you're fucking thick and don't want to do anything!" he yelled. I noticed all the others starting to stare.

"No, it's you John. One second you love me and the next you're more interested in a bottle of wine and a TV. All you want is sex or fun and well, I'm just not that kind of girl. All I want is love and well Beatles don't care about love. I'm just kidding myself and humoring myself until I go home crying cuz I lost someone who didn't love me back. Forget it John, I don't want to be hurt."I started crying hysterically and slammed the door back. I ran to the elevator and pressed my floor. I hated doing this but I really didn't want to see him again today, or ever.

I got back down to my room and sat on the bed. I cryed into my pillow for about 15 minutes when finally the phone rang. I stopped my sniffling and picked up.

"Come back," he said. I knew it wasn't John's voice.

"Who is this?" I asked swallowing in a sob.

"Come 'ead, It's Ringo," he said soothingly, "Luc is worried about ya and well John is ruining everything and drinking all the bottles of vodka."

"Well I'm not getting in the way of that I'm sorry," I said hanging up. Five minutes later I heard a knock at the door. I answered to find Ringo. He gave me a huge and I started sobbing into his shoulder.

"I don't know why it hurts so much, we weren't in love," I cried. As soon as I finished crying and confessing Ringo had something to say.

"I love you," he said grabbing my hands.

"WHA--" i was interupted by Ringo. He had kissed me. My best friends date was kissing me. I pushed him off of me and started to cry again.

"That wasnt supposed to happen!" I screamed.

"but I---" Ringo stated.

"Get out, Get out you bloody fucking bloke, GET OUT!" I screamed."You realized what you have done. You ruined a perfectly good relationship with Lucy and probably my friendship. Now go up there and tell her what happend AND John. You try to make things better by telling me things I don't NEED now. and you don't LOVE ME! Love is too strong. That doesn't just happen in 2 days Rich. Just--get--out," I cried. He walked towards the door and I saw tears in his eyes.


"I know Rich, I know, sorry," I said between sobs.


"You bitch"

"It wasnt me,"


"IT WASNT ME!" I screamed," HE IS THE BASTARD! HE IS THE ONE WHO TOLD ME THAT!" Lucy and I were a wreck. Crying because of our stupid Beatle boyfriends. I was so dissapointed. What if I could never like their music again?


"What do we do," John said pacing the room. Ringo was still crying.

"YOU BASTARD WHY DID YOU KISS HER," John said shaking Ringo by the shoulders. Ringo cried even harder.

"Im sorry Rich, really," he said embracing him in a hug," I went out of control." Jane and Tara decided it was a good time to go. Tara glanced at John and saw tears comming from his eyes.

"He never cries, it's best you go now," George whispered. He kissed her softly goodnight and the ladies went to their room.

"should we go visit them?" Jane asked.

"The girls? yeah lets go,"Tara answered. By the time they got there they heard laughing inside.

"maybe they don't need us," Tara whispered.

"But they could be breaking down inside and laughing until thy can no longer breathe! They might not understand crying and laughing and--"

"OK!" Tara said knocking on the door.

"Hows everything?"Jane asked when Lucy answered the door.

"Peech Keen!" Lucy answered. Then they noticed the bottle of vodka in her hand. They grabbed it out and emptied it into the sink.


"Beatles? Who needs em?" I answered swaying my glass back and forth. Brittney came in from the next room and grabbed it out of my hand.

"Something tells me I missed alot!" Brittney said dripping the glass into the sink.

"Tons," Tara answered. Finally when they noticed Lucy and Julia had drifted asleep they tip toed out and closed the door.

"We gotta solve this," Tara said as she walked into her room.

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