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Chapter 3

The next morning everyone decided to go to breakfast with the Beatles, except me. They went to some small cafe and decided to take a walk after wards. I couldnt imagine what it would look like for about 20 girls and 4 boys walking down the street but it turns out all the girls except Lucy, Jane and Tara came home. Lucy had forgiven Ringo this morning when he came with a bunch of flowers in his hands. I realized I didn't love John. I just knew I'd get hurt in the end. I decided not to get tied down this trip. A knock on the door woke me from my glances out the hotel window and I ran over to get it.

'Hi I'm Patty and this is Sandi as you know," she said shaking my hand. Patty had brought me a cup of hot chocolate to help me out. Sandi had brought over a romance novel for me to read.

"Dont you think this just may make me a little more depressed?" I asked in the nicest way I could.

'TRUST me not this one!" she laughed. Patty had long black hair and deep brown eyes. Some what like what I used to look like as a child. Knowing they were both John fans I didn't really know what this was about but they swore it was just to help me out. I thanked them greatly for the wonderful gifts and they went back to their rooms. Another knock came on the door 5 minutes later. I opened the door to find John. I almost shut the door but he had stopped it with his hand and came in.

"Listen I know what I said was wrong but you are right. We don't belong together. You are way to sweet and innocent and well I, well I'm me. And well I just wanted to say that I hope we can be the best of friends again and well...yeah," John said taking a deep sigh after. I gave him a hug and he sat me down on my bed.

"Now can I have one last great kiss?" he asked holding my hands. He leaned in and gave me a very good kiss. The problem was it didn't stop. He started to unbutton my shirt and I started to on his. I guess the kiss was going to lead to more.

"John I--"i started to spit out.

"Stop," he said,"One last time remember?" I gave in quickly and was glad that Lucy wasn't back yet.


"And that didn't affect me at all?" I asked him.

"Not one bit, we're friends again right?" John asked taking my hands.

"yes,"I said proudly and we laid on the bed and watched the televison. Thank god we had gotten our clothes back on soon enough because at that instant Lucy and Ringo came barging through.

"awww, back together?" Lucy asked.

"Well, we're just friends," I said putting my head on his shoulder. Ringo just smiled at John and I still felt bad about what I said to him. I mean I screamed my head off at Rich last night and it wasn't out of hate, it was out of frustration.

"Ringo can I talk to you outside?" I asked.

"Listen I'm sorry about last night. I was just frustrated and I didn't really need that," I laughed.

"I understand," he said kissing me on the cheek. We went back in the room happier than ever. I made two new friends.


That night we had another party up in the Fab Four's room. I think I met almost everyone now! I met a girl named Diane who had beautiufl blue green eyes and a mop top blonde hair cut. I met a girl named Marianne who had long beautiful red hair and light brown/hazel eyes. She was a dancer just like me. I missed dance so much though. Once i went to college I had to leave my old dance studio and go to a new one. I went to Broadway Dance center now just for a few classes. When I was dancing I met a girl named Jenn. She had auburn hair and brown eyes. She was involved greatly with Shakespere. Another girl who I met at the bar was named Sara. She had beautiful redish-brown hair and hazel eyes. She was a little underage but I admit, I did sneak her a few drinks. Obviously it was her first time because she was asking for more and more and more and finally fainted. John took her downstairs to her room. He figured he'd thrill her if she found out her favorite Beatle brought her upstairs. Lydia had pretty long brown hair and blue eyes. Both of us were out of Beatles so we decided to watch Tara and George. She was completely infatuated with him. I was pretty busy checking out Paul's deep eyes. After all, he WAS my favorite Beatle, but I couldnt steal the Beatles from all the friends that I made here. I mean John had already picked up Sandi and they were on their way to her room! While we were admiring our favorite Beatles a girl next to us, Anna, was admiring Ringo. She had light brown hair and green eyes. She was a BEAUTIFUL girl, almost any guy would fall head over heels for her. I noticed that Ringo's eyes met hers and so did Lucy's. Lucy wasnt very happy about the meeting so she made Rich move to the other side of the room to dance with her. Finally I had another person to check out Paul with. A girl named Kristin had come with me to look at him. She was enjoying Paul and the drinks as much as I was. We were almost drunk out of our minds but I stopped myself. I finally left the bar to go search. Tara and I decided to be the go go girls and dance on the chairs. John finally emerged from the room looking quite happy with Sandi and saw me dancing. John eyed me carefully, I saw him. I was tired and drunk and I decided I had to sit down. I had to impress John though so I kept dancing. I don't know why I wanted to impress him. I just felt I had to. I turned around to see Paul looking straight into Jane's eyes, George staring up at Tara, Ringo and Lucy making out on the couch and well, John's eyes were on me. Maybe we did belong together. Maybe I was wrong. I had to tell him soon. Suddenly I heard a thump beside me. Tara had fell off her chair into George. She was crying heavily so he carried her to the couch.

"What, WHAT HURTS" he screamed over the music." George said looking worried.

"My ANKLE," she yelled back staring into his eyes.

"HEY EPPY! CALL AN AMBULENCE ALRIGHT?" Brian walked over noticing the swelling of Tara's ankle. George lifted her up into his arms and held her tight.

"Its alright luv', I've gotcha now," he said kissing her on the forehead. Tara looked teary eyes at George.

"I love you," she whispered before fainting from a mix of the alcohol and pain. Finally John had come up to me.

"GET DOWN," he screamed. I got down quickly and collapsed into his arms. I giggled uncontrolably and picked my head up. I then walked out of the room and into the elevator. Unaware of where I was going I reached the doors of the hotel and sat down on a bench outside. It was raining heavily and lighning lit the dim sky. Finally sick from the drinks I threw up in the landscaping. I did feel better after that but decided to curl up on the bench and go to sleep. I couldn't really feel my limbs from the cold wet rain on me but I was too drunk, tired and cold to care. I finally fell asleep after watching the rain hit the lamp post.


"THATS JULIA!" Tara screamed limping over.

"Why would she be outside? AND GET OFF YOUR ANKLE!" George yelled. Tara instead hopped over and looked.

"It's Julia alright. Why the hell is she out in the rain?" Tara called looking worried at Julia.

"I don't know but we better get her in," George insisted and threw her over his shoulder, "Can you use your crutches please?"

"NO! I'm NOT going to use them," Tara said crossing her arms.

"Alright, I think you just want me to carry you," he said scooping her up.

"Could be!" she said as they walked through the double doors. John nervously ran to George and Tara.

"WHERE IS JULIA?" he asked. George whipped his body around so John could see her face.

"BLOODY HELL WHAT HAPPENED?" he screamed pulling her into his arms. George shrugged.

"We found her ouside on the bench," he said pointing to outside.

"Geeze I let her go thinking that she would go back to her room and I go there and she's gone! I've been looking all over this hotel!" He cried, "Hey what happened?"

"I broke it," Tara said sadly.

"Use the crutches!" John laughed and started to walk away with Julia in his arms. Tara stuck her tounge out at John while he got into the elevator, Julia in his arms.

"He loves her," George said quietly.

"WHAT?" Tara said finally using her crutches.

"He told us tonight. He spit out everything to her this afternoon, they had sex, said they were friends, and now he loves her. Thats why he was looking for her! He wanted to tell her."

"I wish I could tell you the same about Julia but, well, I don't know." Tara said.

"I know I love you!" George said kissing Tara.

"I love you too..." she said, "Wait a minute! They had sex?"


John ripped off Julia's wet clothes and dried her off. He put on her pajamas and set her in her bed. He wanted to tell her he loved her so bad. But he knew he shouldn't wake her. Finally, John tired and sleepy took off his shoes and went to sleep on Lucy's bed. He left a note saying to wake him up when she got back and he'd go on the floor.

I awoke at nine and saw John resting on Lucy's bed. I had no clue where she was but wasnt interested in that at the moment. I wanted to tell John I love him. I brushed back his hair with my fingertips and kissed him softly on the lips. His eyes opened slowly and his dry lips started to smile.

"Good Morning luv," he said stretching out . He leaned in to my face and started to kiss me. He immedatly opened his eyes in mid kiss and pulled away. I looked started at him and smiled.

"Listen I--"John started to say.

"I know we're just friends! I interrupted and walked out the door and downstairs.

"DAMNIT!"John yelled, "Can't I just tell her already!"

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