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Chapter 4:

When I was downstairs I had breakfast with a few of the girls. I honestly looked like crap. I had only brushed out my hair and washed my face. Anwyas we all had our pajama's on so it didn't matter. Diane, Marrianne, Jenn, Sara, Lydia and I all sat at one table. We all were discussing our favorite Beatles! Diane's was by far George. She was quite jelous of Tara the way she got carried around by George. Diane and Lydia (who also loved him) had some "secret" plan but they wouldn't tell us! Marianne, Jenn and I were all in LOVE with Paul. We were obsessed with his fit body and his deep, big brown eyes and his long lashes and lucious lips! We dreamed of kissing thoes pouty puckers but we knew he was head over heels for Jane and we wouldn't TOUCH him. Sara was the only John lover there and said she would GLADLY take him off my hands.

"We're just friends now anyways. I mean we never really HAD any relationship, we just had one little date and it didn't go so well. That whole fight wasn't really that big and I'm pretty sensitive, he doesn't really mean that much to me."I explained while eating my fruit salad.

"What I want to know is WHY are you eating only fruit salad! You're a stick! EAT EAT!" Diane said dumping her bacon onto my plate.

"You should be talking! All of us are sticks!" I laughed.

"Well...yeah," we all said in unison laughing. I still gladly ate that bacon.


Later on that day Tara and I went shopping with Serena and Lupita.

"So whats on with John?" Tara asked giggling.

"We're just friends," I said happily. Tara sighed heavily. "What?"

"It's just, I thought you were in love with him," she said as we walked into JC Pennies.

"Well, he's adorable and sweet, but it's only half the time. Other times he is just John. I can't explain it but well I guess I still do love him but there is no way in hell he'll like me now that I was so mean to him," I said picking up a blue dress off the rack. Tara gave me a smile but quickly wiped it off. "What now Tara?"

"Nothing!" she said smiling again. I rolled my eyes at her and continued to look for a new dress.

"So Serena, did you warm up Paul yet?" Lupita asked giggling.

"We did talk for a little, about school, but I'm sure he doesn't want to hear it from some 14 year old," she said cracking her gum.

"I'm so mad that Jane already got him. I actually danced with him! But I could tell the way he was looking at Jane that he is so in love with her," Lupita said as she walked into the dressing room, "I'd never get inbetween them!"

"Well according to George, Paul said he really liked all the girls he met on the trip. He said that Serena was like a female John and that Lupita was the next gorgeous girl to Jane! I heard that Nicola and him were also really good friends!" Tara said checking out her jean pedal pushers she just tried on.

"John really hasn't said anything much about anyone. The only person he mentioned was Sofia who I sorta stuck on his lap when I was dancing at the first party. And I noticed that Sandi and him were in that room for a LONG time." I laughed.

"Sandi told me she had QUITE a good time that night,"Lupita giggled.

"Serena try on this skirt,"I said handing it to her over the wall.

"I'll look like some girl with hookers clothing on!"she laughed.

"Paul loves mini-skirts, too bad," I said pulling it back.

"OK!" she yelled grabbing it out of my hands and pulling it into her room. Finally Serena and Lupita emerged out of their dressing rooms at the same time wearing the same outfit.

"I can tell you guys are related!"Tara laughed. They both snarled at eachother, went back into their dressing room and slammed the door.

"I'm keeping my outfit!"Serena yelled.

"FINE!" Lupita growled back.

"So Tara how are you doing with your crutches?" I asked.

"Ok," she said walking over to the saleslady and handing in her number. She suddenly let out a yelp and crumpled into a heap on the floor.

"I guess I have to get used to them," Tara grumbled.


Sarah, Ashley, Diane and Lydia tip-toed upstairs and rang the boys doorbell. George answered the door looking sleepy. Sarah kissed George and walked passed him.

"HEY I--" he was cut off my Ashley kissing him.

"TA---"Diane kissed him on the lips.

"BUT--"Lydia shut him up with a kiss from her. Lydia shut the door behind her with an evil snicker.


John started to wash his face off when he heard a knock on the door. He answered to find Brittney.

"Umm, Julia and Lucy aren't here right now."

"I didn't come for them," she said giggling and grabbing his hand. She pulled him along to her room.


Tara made her way up to the boys room and knocked on the door. Paul answered groggily.

"Is George there?" she asked. Paul looked over his shoulder to see the four girls kissing George.

"I don't think now is a good time," he said his eyes wide open now.

"Shut up Paul," Tara said pushing him aside. She saw all four of the girls swooning and kissing George. George's eyes looked up to see Tara at the door crying.

"ASS HOLE," she said closing the door and dropping her crutches. She hopped over to the elevator and the doors closed. George ran to the door hoping to catch her. She can't go far with thoes crutches, he thought. As he opened the door he tripped over the crutches that lie on the floor. The four girls ran out of the room quickly.

"Bye George," Diane sighed.

"COME ON!" Ashley said pulling her arm.

"I AM an ass hole," George said picking himself up and walking back into his room,


That night Sara, Cassidy, Hana, Sofia and I went bowling. As we slipped on our ugly bowling shoes we all chatted about John. Cassidy had a new pair of fashionable pink glasses on. She always had such cute acessories! I explained to them what actually ticked me off about John. There was so many rumors going on about us it wasn't even funny. Most of them were so unbelivable!

"The question everyone is dying to know, did you have sex with him?"Hana asked picking up her bowling ball.

"yes," I sighed," I know everyone has been asking me."

"Was he good?"Sofia giggled.

"ARE YOU KIDDING?" I laughed," This is John Lennon!"

"Oh yeah, like you wouldn't know how good he was!" Sara laughed. We continued our game talking about our future plans. College and Careers. Of cource mid game John came up again.

"I though John loved you!" Cassidy said as she rolled her ball down the lane easily getting a strike.

"Well I think I love him. No. I like him, but I know for sure he deosnt love me!"I said putting an X for the strike.

"Thats what I heard,"Cassidy said handing the bowling ball over to Hana.

"Well rumors fly," I sighed. In the end Cassidy won by a landslide and I came in dead last!

"hey did you guys notice we are all John lovers here?"Hana laughed.

"yeah, it was a John's night out!" Sarah laughed.

"WOO HOO! Twist and shout is on!"Sofia yelled, "WELL SHAKE IT UP BABY NOW!"

"Shake it up baby," we echoed.


"twist and shout," we laughed. Sofia's impression of John was quite...Impressive! U did a little Paul head bob while we all ooooohed. We had the music pumping when we reached the hotel and were still singing when we were inside! We all said goodnight and went back to our rooms.


"Come on I wanna show you something!"Paul said nearly dragging Jane. He stepped onto a balcony and had a small table set up. He uncovered Jane's eyes. Her soft hair glistened under the full moon. He picked up the rose from the vase that was on the table and handed it to her.

"Oh Paul," she giggled taking the rose and placing it back in the vase. They both sat down and uncovered the dish from the sterling silver plate atop of it to find one single hershey kiss.

"A kiss for me and a kiss for you," he said taking her soft hand in his.

"Why don't we save this kiss for later and have some more kisses now," she said standing.

"Sounds delicious," he said wrapping his arms around her and indulging in a kiss under the soft moonlight sky.

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