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Chapter 5

That night Kristin, Anna, Jenn, Nicola, and I went for ice cream at a small ice cream shop named Sarandippidies. I sipped my root beer float slowly. It was so good I didn''t want to finish it! Again the question of John came up.

"So John and you are just friends now?"Anna asked.

"Well technically yes. He kissed me the other day, I'm not really sure why," I said taking another small sip of my float.

"I heard you two were fighting!"Kristin said licking her chocolate cone.

"All we did fight for a day or two, but for now we just decided to be friends. I actually haven't seen him for two days now. I should be calling him," I said spinning on my chair.

"Well yesterday John came out of Brittney's room after staying in there for QUITE a while,"Nicola laughed.

"Thats John!"I giggled,"See everyone else is getting a ride out of John I don't know why mine was such a big deal!" Jenn nearly choked on her ice cream.

"You did WHAT to him?"She said almost having the vanilla shake come out of her nose.

"Obviously you guys havent heard this story," I said rolling my eyes,"If I tell it once more I think I'm gonna scream!"

"Well don't scream now, the place is quiet!" Kristin whispered.

"See this is what I mean! I had sex with him but so did Sandi and Brittney so why is mine such a big deal?"I said scooping the vanilla ice cream out of the float.

"Because he loves you,"Nicola said licking the remains of her ice cream off her fingers,"Don't you get that?"

"I guess I don't get it,"I said scooping the last bit of whipped cream out of the glass.


When we returned I decided to call John to talk. I was so confused about everything and just when I thought I had it figured out life gets more confusing. When I walked into my room John was already sitting on my bed.

"Hey John, I missed you!" I said hugging him.

"Well yesterday I was with ummm---"

"I know who you were with," I laughed,"Listen though, we have to talk." John's smile turned into a nervous one.

"I don't know if what everyone is saying is true, but I know that well I still do like you, I think, and well I'm just confused,"I said in one breath. He quickly pulled me into a long kiss. He started to pull me back but I stopped him.

"John I wanted answers, not a makeout session,"I laughed.

"Ok, I've avoided this enough. I'm not sure of the feelings I feel but I think I love you," he said sheepishly dropping his head. Flustered by the words actually comming out of his mouth for some reason I started to cry.

"Why are you crying luv?"he asked putting his hand on my shoulder.

"I don't know. I told you I'm confused, and this only makes it harder. I promised myself I wouldn't get hurt by you and well, a Beatles life just isn't really what I can handle! I mean I have school and my family and well, I just love you too and I'm crying because I know it won't work." John kissed me on the forehead gently.

"We can work it out... I can't belive I just said that," he laughed. Hearing John's lyrics from the song brought me into a happier mood.

"It's not a matter of wheth er we can or can't, it's how can you?"I said,"I mean it's only been 8 days and you'v had sex with 3 people!"

"I've had sex more than three times a day! With different people!"he laughed.

"That's comforting,"I said,"I love you, I guess, but well...I need a relationship, not a crush," I said sobbing softer.

"I'm sorry I can't give you that," he confesed,"But we're together now right? So let's be in a relationship for the time being!" I smiled at his attemps to make things work. If he didn't care for me he wouldn't do this.

"Ok," I said smiling and embracing in his kiss.

"I'm going back upstairs, wanna come?" he asked.

"Nah, I'm gonna go out,"I said.

"Alright then, bye luv'" he said giving me a soft kiss on the lips. He walked out of the room silently and I laid back on the bed

"Well that cleared up the confusion," I said wiping the tears from beneath my eyes.


After a whole bunch of knocking on doors, I finally rounded up a few girls to go out with. So finally, Meg, Ter, Jennifer, Patty, Marianne and I decided to just go shopping or walking around the city. I told them about what happened with John earlier. They were all quite happy about what had happened for me, but were quite speechless on the subject.

"That was sweet of him to say that he loved you though,"Patty said putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, it was," I said concentrating on the stars.

"You aren't happy are you?" Ter said

"Of cource I am I have John," I said staring at the moon now.

"Then how come I can't see it in your eyes?"Marianne asked. I looked straight into her eyes.

"I'm happy, I know I am,"I sighed.

"No, you arent,"Meg muttered.


"LET THE LORD HEAR US!" some guy on the street shouted into a megaphone. His shabby clothes and long scrangly hair indicated he was homeless. His small shrviled body shivered in the cool night wind. A light rain started to drizzle and he hid under a newspaper he had in his hand.

"He heard you," he said looking straight into my eyes. I started to sob. I couldn't take it anymore, I just couldn't be pleased. In 6 days I would lose the one man who I actually loved.

"Just enjoy him while you can and stop concentrating on the future,"Patty said leading me into a small shop.

"Now come on, buy something that will DAZZLE him,"Jennifer said leading me to some dresses. We all tried on quite a few dresses from the huge collection. I tried on one dress that was ice blue. It was gorgeous. The soft tinted sheer material was draped over the regular dress. It had sleeves that went off the shoulder and flowed down my arm that just covered my fingertips. It had a line right below the chest that started the dress from there. It flowed to mid thigh. I was completely infatuated with the dress. It was perfect for a date, not to dressy but not too casual.

"OOOOH... BUY IT!" Ter said.

"Ravishing!" Meg said with about 10 dresses in her hand. I sqealed in delight! I loved this dress! We all tried on a few more dressed. Marianne looked great in just about anything so she couldn't decide on WHAT to get. I ended up getting that dress and a pair of jeans. Meg ended up getting one sun dress, Ter got a new shirt and shorts, Patty got some smashing sunglasses, a dress and some pedal pushers, Jennifer got 2 dresses, jeans and a shirt, and Marianne FINALLY decided to get the 4 dresses she tried on and looked great in. We walked home happily with our new clothes.

"Feeling better luv?"Patty asked giving me a side hug.

"Much," I said, "Thanks guy's you're the best!"

"Any Time I wanna spend all my cash I'll come to you guys!" Jennifer laughed.


Ringo held Lucy in his loving arms swaying her back and forth.

"I love you," Lucy sighed. Ringo still remained speechless.

"WHAT SO I MEAN NOTHING TO YOU?"Lucy yelled ripping his arms off of her.

"Well I admit, I didn't come to America to find love darling,"he laughed then saw the seriousness in Lucy's eyes he stopped,"Lucy I--"

"Just SHUT UP," she said walking back to her room,"GO BACK TO YOUR STUPID ENGLAND YOU FUCKING BASTARD."

"I'm from England but I know what that means!"he yelled back as the elevator doors shut.

"Slick one Sherlock," John laughed as he a sip of his soda. Ringo screamed and started to ring John's neck.

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