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Chapter 6

Another party was the next night. I wore my new blue dress that I HOPED would "dazzle" John. Lucy wasn't planning on going since she didn't want to see the "fucking bloody bastard, otherwise known as dick, ass, idiot, jerk" and thoes were all quoted. I finally convinced her to go after ALOT of convincing. Lucy wore a tight black mini-skirt and a red cardigan over a white tank top.

"Not trying to impress anyone?"I said as I put on makeup.

"I want him to know what he's missing,"she said brushing through her hair. I laughed at her list of ways to get back when she screamed.

"My bra snapped," she sniffled.

"And you cry for that," I sighed,"Looks like it actually broke in half!"

"Can I borrow one of yours?" she asked looking desprate.

"Yeah right busty, You're gonna fit into mine?"I laughed. She stormed out knocking on the door to find another. After having no luck she sat down outside.

"I NEED A BRA," she screamed not really meaning to say that out loud.

"I can't help you with that," she heard someone say. She looked up to see Ringo's face looking pouty at her.

"Just what I needed, My ex boyfriend comming over when I have no bra on," she said starting to walk to her room.

"Ummm, here," he said handing her a bouquet of flowers.

"thanks," she said sarcastically grabbing the flowers and throwing them back down.

"You know you still look great. I mean you have a shirt on whats the big deal?"he innocently asked.

"Very funny. Like I'm stupid enough to wear no bra to a BEATLES party," she laughed,"Guess I'm not going to the party." She slammed the door behind her. Ringo sadly picked up the roses and unwrapped the bundle. He started to slide one by one the roses underneath the door.

"The whole bouqet won't fit under!" he yelled and walked to the stairs up to his room. Lucy picked up the flowers and set them on her dresser. She picked up one of Julia's bras from the draw and put it on.

"WOO HOO! Instant booster!" she laughed.

"I'm not walking in with you, I'll look smaller than I already am!"I said looking down at what was hardly there.

"Oh stop, You're big," she said laughing at this conversation we were having.

"yeah, then you are HUGE," I laughed walking out the door and up the stairs. Lucy laughed, pulled down her shirt a little and took the elevator up to floor 16.


When I got in the room I saw John sitting in an arm chair with his legs hung over the side of the chair. He saw me enter and I looked at him and smiled. He rolled off the chair onto a heap on the floor.

"My eyes! TOO BEAUTIFUL!," he yelled screaming on the floor.

"Picking up the McCartney charm eh?" I laughed picking him up off the floor. Paul who was right there laughed and stuck his tounge out at John. He had Jane all cuddled up in his lap. John gave me a kiss on the lips and hugged me.

"You really look beautiful, and that was Lennon charm," he whispered in my ear.

"Told you he'd like it," Jennifer said walking by. I grinned from both John and Jennifer's remark. I sat on John's lap and laid my head on his strong chest. Occasionally giving him small kisses. Lucy walked in with Tara and they looked over to us and turned their head away quickly. George and Ringo were with us. They both sobbed at the looks of their ex.

"I could of had thoes," Ringo cried.

"Sorry now?" Paul laughed. Ringo let out a small cry for an answer.

"That was her intention," I whispered to John.

"I HEARD THAT," Ringo said picking his head up. I gave John another small kiss and walked over to get a drink. I sat by Ashely who was admiring George from afar.

"Intercept, he's free," I said taking a sip of my drink.

"EEP!" she squeled and walked over to George. I saw her ask him something and he quickly got up as they made their way to the dance floor. I saw Tara's eyes concentrate on George. I saw her knuckles become white on her glass of beer. The glass shattered from her hand and she quickly picked up the pieces and threw them away. She came to the bar to sit next to me.

"Don't like him with Ashley eh?"I asked. She gave me an evil glance.

"Shot of Vodka, NOT watered down," Tara said looking at the bartender.

"Where's the crutches?" I asked.

"Screw them," she said swallowing down the shot,"ANOTHER."

"Tara listen, I don't want you breaking the other ankle, and I dont know what to say about George." I said taking a sip. She shot down another and asked for more. I stopped her finally and she laid back.

"I miss him, I love him, I need him, I want him," she said starting to cry. I saw George's eyes searching the room for Tara. His big browns hit mine and I saw him look at Tara's sad face. His eyes became soft and he almost started to walk towards her but Ashley pulled him in for another dance.

"He's a Beatle Tara, they come and go," I said rubbing her back.

"BUT HE WAS MY BEATLE," she sobbed. I saw George start to come over and kneel.

"I'm sorry I made no effort to come before, but I really miss you," he said taking her hands.

"You were PROBABLY busy with your little kissing girls!" she snarled snatching her hands back.

"Tara, they came in my room, started to kiss me, and then you walked in!" he said,"Come talk with me over here." He led her to a couch in the corner and I decided to go visit John. There were no girls on his lap, which I was surprised at. I kissed him gently and started to sit down.

"Well arent you being conservative today miss, ONE BEER!" he laughed holding up his shot.

"Well obviously you havent been, and if you are just trying to get me smashed so I can get in bed with you well...ok," I said grabbing his shot and gulping it down. John, Paul and Jane all cheered. The three already drunk! Ringo sarcastically gave a hooray and sat his head in his hands.

"Cheer up Rich, go get busty! She liked thoes flowers ya know," I said putting my arm around him.

"BUSTY! Well I... oh you know what she sorta is in that shirt," he laughed. He finally got up the nerve to go walk over to her and say something, while I ran back to John's lap for another shot. George and Tara came back happily and sat on the couch.

"I forgave him," Tara smiled winking at me," I WANT ANOTHER DRINK!" Woozily I walked back to the bar and ordered more drinks. I couldn't believe that Tara was drunk again, well everyone was this time. Even Ringo had a few more drinks. Things were going to be QUITE interestng after everyone left!


"Listen, I wasn't sure why, but now I'm positive, I LOVE YOU," Ringo said taking Lucy's hands in his.

"Thats all I wanted to hear," she said smiling and wrapping his hands around her for the next dance.


After everyone left, Lucy, Tara, Jane and I decided to stay in the apartment for the night. Tired and drunk we decided to sleep early. John, Paul, Jane and I stayed up for ice cream though. George and Tara pulled out a couch and slept on that and Lucy and Ringo were kissing on a love seat in the corner. So we ate our ice cream in the kitchen and watched TV. We got a little restless and started having an ice cream fight and finally so tired from the wet ice cream and whipped cream we walked into one of the bedrooms and got ready for bed. There was only one bed in the room and too tired to care we all plopped down on the bed. Our clothes were soaked from the fight so lucy and I ended up wearing T-shirts of the guys. When we were dry and so tired we couldnt walk we snuggled up on the bed and fell asleep.


When I woke up I found myself sleeping next to Paul. Did I do anything? Paul's eyes opened and started to scream .

"We didn't, you didn't, I didn't, did we?"He said pulling the covers over him.

"I don't know I can't remember. We quickly got on our stained clothes,(we couldn't remember why)and walked into the kitchen.

"John, did I, with Paul?"I said giving him and kiss and massaging his shoulders.

"No luv, we were all smashed and tired so we all slept in Paul's bed last night," he said turning around and wrapping his arms around me. I sighed in relief and hugged him back. Paul and I laughed at what we thought and walked into the kitchen. Lucy, Jane and Tara had started to make pancakes already.

"The princess awoke!"Jane laughed turning around and spreading batter onto my nose.

"Well royal subjects, finish breakfast will ya?"I laughed. They started to throw flour on me but we stopped noticing the mess that was already there. I started to help fixing breakfast by squeezing orange juice. When we finally finished we called the guys in.

"YAY, REAL BREAKFAST!"Ringo yelled running to his seat.

"Thank you dear lord for giving us girls who can cook," George said picking up a pancake and shoving it in his mouth.

"Your welcome," we said in unison. We finally sat down for our breakfast with the boys, although they had eaten most of the pancakes already.

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