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Chapter 7

The boys had to go do a radio show, so us girls were left with the cleaning. I got dishes, Tara got floors, Lucy got countertops and Jane got the cabinets and the windows. When we all finished we went back to our rooms to take showers and relax. Lucy and I couldn't stand just sitting around so we went to FAO schwartz. We picked up Tara, Jane, Cassidy, Serena, Lupita, and Hana. Lucy and I were the only ones who had beent to FAO, and its where we went sometimes when we were feeling down. Sometimes you just needed some child to come out in you. Lucy, Tara and I had enjoyed the sweets section VERY MUCH. Serena and Lupita found the Lego sculpture quite interesting and Jane,Hana and Cassidy just LOVED the huge thousand dollar stuffed animals.

"Think Rich likes candy?"Lucy asked dumping pounds of gummi bears into a plastic bag.

"WHO DOES'NT!" I said throwing rock candy into my bag. I added gummi bears, sour worms, licorice, jelly beans and chocolate bars into it also. Lucy and I were FANATICS for this stuff and had almost become regulars at the counter.

"Four pounds today Julia,"Bobby said weighing it.

"FOUR!"I yelled,"Well I am sharing it with someone."

"Lucy?" he asked ringing it up.

"Nah she's got her own, John Lennon!"I said stealing one of the licorice strings out and popping it into my mouth.

"LENNON? How did you get him?" he said showing me the fifteen dollar bill.

"You know I'm a fan, and we just met up!" I said paying him," Lucy got Ringo too!"

"Wow, lucky you," he said. Bobby went to NYU. We met him in a cafe one night. Then we saw him here. He rung up Lucy's candy and we saw Tara. She was just comming to the register with a bag of jelly beans.

"This place is HEAVEN,"she squealed paying for the bag.We met up with Serena and Lupita admiring the dragon sculputure of Lego's.

"I didn't know thoes made these,"Serena said looking up at the high tower.

"Awesome isn't it?"Tara said putting a jelly bean in her mouth.

"Wish I could make that," Lupita said touching the small bricks. We dragged them away to find Jane, Hana and cassidy hugging a huge puppy.

"I WANT HIM," Hana said petting it's head.

"For 500 bucks!" Cassidy said admiring a pair of sunglasses she saw from afar. She ran to them while Jane walked over to a stuffed giraffe.

"SO CUTE!"she said looking at the price tag,"Not for 1,500 bucks." She quickly released her arms from the animal.

"Lets go before I actually spend more money on glasses," Cassidy said showing her bag of 3 new pairs. We laughed at her glasses frenzy and walked out happy. We went home tired from shopping and laid down. Lucy decided to take a nap and I was about to turn on the TV when a knock came on the door. I answered the door to find Sandi and Brittney.

"Come to lunch with us," they pleaded taking my hands.

"I guess I'm going," I said grabbing my purse and running out the door with them. We found a small cafe around the block and sat down quickly.

"I'm sorry for sleeping with John,"Brittney said taking a sip of her soda.

"Don't be. I know you liked John, alot of people do. John can do whatever he pleases and I'm not gonna stop him. He's not really my "boyfriend". I'm leaving him in three days anyway."I said lowering my head.

"I'm sorry too, I guess," Sandi said taking a bite of her crossiant.

"Glad thats settled!"Brittney said and we continuted to talk of other subjects.


When we returned home, Ringo and Lucy were watching TV.

"Some one wake you from your nap?" I asked.

"It was worth it," she giggled brushing her fingers across his face.

"Enjoy her candy?"I said looking at the half empty bag.

"Thouroughly,"Ringo laughed popping another jelly bean into his mouth. I decided to take my bag of candy up to the 16th floor to share it, and leave Lucy and Ringo alone. When I finally made it upstairs Paul was on the couch and John was taking a nap. George then walked out of the kitchen.

"Hey, Jelly babies!" he said snatching my bag.

"Jelly Beans," I said.

"Mmm, These are harder,"George said with his mouth full,"Good though."

"LET ME TRY," Paul said taking some into his mouth.

"Heaven," he laughed. I finally got the bag away before the ate them all.

"What exactly ARE jelly babies?"I asked butting some gummi bears into my mouth.

"Well like thoes you just put in your mouth, but shaped like babies and FILLED with jelly,"he said trying to get the bag out of my hand.

"Get some for me will ya?" I said putting some licorice in my mouth.

"So big concert tonight, eh?" I asked.

"I'm nervous," Paul said taing some rock candy from me,"What the hell! Americans eat rocks?"

"Lick it," I said,"Pure Sugar." Paul popped the whole thing in his mouth at once. His face turned into a smile when he tasted it. George took one and enjoyed it also.

"Where did you get this stuff?"he asked.

"FAO Schwartz. Biggest toy store in the World!" I said.

"Man, wish I went!" Paul said. John came out of the room rubbing his eyes. He looked so adorable I wish I had a camera. His face lit up when he saw me and he ran to me. He gave me a kiss and then his eyes went to the bag.

"Jelly babies?"He asked his grin widening.

"Beans,"I said,"Here we go again"


"I've got a present for ya," John said handing me a gold wrapped box.

"Like you wrapped this," I laughed unting the ribbon.

"I did, I have an art for that," he laughed,"Come'ead, open it!" I slowly unwrapped it, basically just to annoy John, and revealed a ticket.

"Tonights concert! JOHN YOU ARE WONDERFUL!" I said hugging him tightly. He gave a small laugh.

"Look under them," he said brushing his fingers through my hair. I looked under the tissue paper to find 25 other tickets.

"For everyone else!"I cried. I grabbed him once again and embraced him tightly. I gave him a very long kiss afterwards. Then remembering Paul and George were there I stopped.

"Thank you so much,"I said hugging him once again.

"It's really from all of us, but I expect a special gift,"he laughed.


"You'll get it....later," I said pushing him away. I gave Paul and George and hug and kiss thank you and went downstairs to tell everyone.


The girls were jumping up and down screaming. We were so excited since we only had 3 hours left. We all treated ourselves to ice cream at a parlor. Then we figured we'd get ready.

"I'm so excited! I've never been to a concert before. A BEATLES CONCERT!"Nicole screamed taking a lick of her chocolate cone.

"A concert, for the Beatles, and I'm going!" Sofia cried.

"I'm gonna hear Paul sing on stage,"Meg sigh.

"And I too,"Jennifer giggled. These are just some of the comments made by the crazed fans of us. Sara started singing John's part to twist and shout, while Lydia and Ter started singing backup. Then Anna started in by drumming her fingers on the table. We had a whole beatles band going on there! After they finished they got applause from all the workers in the place plus all of us. We left still singing to go get ready. Only 2 hours now.


I took a fast shower and for once blew dry my hair out. I picked out my best outfit for the night too. A black mini skirt and a red tank top.

"Clean up quite nice don't ya?" Lucy said putting on some blush.

"You too!" I laughed. Lucy was wearing her black mini skirt and her lavender peasant top. We walked out of the room QUITE confident. In 1 hour we would be watching the Beatles live on stage RIGHT in front.


When we finally reached the concert we saw Brian at the gate.

"Come on girls," he said waving us to his side.

"All 25 of us?" I asked.

"No time to explain, COME 'EAD!" he said grabbing my hand. I waved to everyone to come along. Brian led us down a long corridor and to a bodyguard.

"Let em all in," Brian said still dragging us along. Finally we reached the backstage. John rushed over to my side.

"Lots of people," he said peeking out the curtain.

"Nervous?"I asked him giving him a hug.

"VERY," he whispered. Paul and George were pacing back and forth with their guitars over their backs. Ringo was sitting down on a crate with his hands over his eyes. Tara ran up behind George and started to rub his back.

"HELP!" he screamed hugging her around the waist.

"Calm down,"she said pulling him for a kiss. Jane quickly kissed Paul and said goodluck and Lucy got a kiss from Ringo before we had to go into our seats. We all decided to stand at the foot of the stage. In minutes the announcer spoke.

"LADIES AND GENTALMAN....THE BEATLES," A roar of sound echoed off the walls. The screams were so loud I didn't know if they would be able to hear themselves. The started quickly with Twist and shout. Evelyn and I started to dance and sing like crazy right below Paul. He gave us a wink and continued with his singing. The crowd started to sway a little harder than usual and things got a little rough. I got pushed over all the way to where John was. They finsihed the song and John took his microphone.

"I know you girls want to dance but don't push to hard, the girls in the front are getting hurt ok?"John said giving a smirk down to me. They continued on with a few more songs happily and finally finished 2 hours later. Tired and exhausted, Sarah, Ashely and I made our way back stage to congradulate the guys. I saw John taking long drags of a ciggarette.

"Good job hun!" I said sitting on his lap. Brian threw me a bottle of water to hand to him. He grabbed it quickly and started to drink it quickly. Paul was leaned up against a water cooler sucking the water out of it, George was pushing Paul away trying to get a sip and Ringo was hopping around like a maniac. Rich was never tired. Sarah and Ashely congradulated everyone with me and finally everyone else filled in. We all took a bus back to the hotel while the boys rushed into their limo. We would have a pretty nice party when we returned home.


Only 1 more day till we left. Last night was a COMPLETE party. We had SUCH a blast. Of cource there was some...ok ALOT of drinking but it only made it better! That day we decided to go to the pool. Most girls were leaving in a couple of hours. Lucy and I would be the last to leave, since we only had to go back to Long Island. Patty, Diane, Marianne, Jenn, and Kristin then came outside.

"I'm gonna miss you guys!"Patty cried giving me a hug.

"Leaving so soon?"I asked.

"Well the 5 of us have to make it back to home," Marianne said clutching her suitcase.

"I hope you guys had a good time!" Lucy said tipping her sunglasses down to her nose.

"GREAT time guys thanks!" Jenn said.

"Best summer I've had,"Marianne laughed.

"Keep writing!" I said as they waved goodbye.

"FAREWELL!"Kristin said as she walked back into the hotel. Lupita, Serena, Cassidy, and Hana came outside with their bags packed.

"YOU GUYS TOO!" Lucy said throwing down her reflector.

"We gotta catch a plane," Lupita said giving me a hug.

"Thanks for an AWESOME time!"Hana said clutching her 500 dollar teddy.

"Hope you didn't drink too much," I said glancing at Serena.

"Me? NO.. I'm underage," she giggled. Cassidy pushed her sunglasses down to her nose. She gave Lucy and huge hug then me. They finally departed through the hotel gates.

"HEY CASSIDY!" I screamed. She turned around quickly,"Gear glasses!" Cassidy smiled and put her glasses back up to her eyes. I turned over on my back and drifted off into a sweet sleep.


I felt freezing water splash on my back and I awoke quickly.

"You're burning luv'!" John said throwing the bucket aside. I stretched out my back and gave him a kiss.

"I'm gonna miss you," I said hugging him.

"I too."


A knock came on my hotel door.

"Good bye calls!" Sandi said comming in. She was followed by Brittney, Sofia, Meg , Evelyn, and Ter.

"TOO MANY HUGS!" I laughed going down the row. We said our goodbye's and they quickly waved goodbye. I saw Luc's eyes get watery.

"I dont wanna go," she sniffed.

"Lucy we aren't leaving yet," I laughed.

"OH! HOORAY!" she said jumping up and down. Lucy and I slowly packed our things for tonights trip back. We didn't want to leave the city. Even though we'd be comming back for college in a few weeks, things just wouldn't be the same without The Beatles here. The girls screaming outside, the crazy parties, the Beatles themselves. I promised myself not to get too attached to John...But I think I did. We set our bags on he bed and decided to go to everyones rooms and say goodbye. We only had about 2 hours before we needed to get going. We walked into Sarah, Ashely and Jennifer's room.

"Goodbye," I said grabbing Ashley in a huge hug,"Can't wait till next year!"

"I'll be here!" Ashely said picking up her bags. Lucy crying hard now gave ahuge to Sarah and Jennifer.

"I'll miss you!" Lucy moaned.

"We'll still write!" Sarah said hugging back.

"We'll keep in touch!" Jennifer said. We finally said farewell and left the room. The last room was Nicola, Sara, Lydia and Anna. Goodbyes were short since we still needed to see the boys and we bid farewell and promised to write eachother. We exited quickly and ran up to floor 16. We opened to door to see Tara with George, Jane with Paul and John and Ringo sitting on the couch.

"John?" I said peeking in.He ran over grasping me in his arms.

"Don't leave yet!" he said not letting go.

"I have an hour John," I said taking his arms off me and sliding his hands into mine. Lucy ran to Ringo and jumped on his lap. They started to... you guessed it... kiss.

"I have to ask you something very important," he said leading me to the kitchen. He set me on his lap and I put my head on his shoulder.

"Come with me to England?"he asked. I jumped from my seat and out of his lap.

"OH NO, John... I KNEW this would happen. I have school in 5 weeks. I have to get ready for school and buy supplies and, John... I can't." I said shedding some tears.

"Come 'ead. Jane and Tara are comming for four weeks. You can buy supplies when you get back! Stay with me please, I want you with me!" he pleaded grabbing my hands again.

"You KNOW I want to be with you, but, my parents would NEVER allow it," I said starting to cry.

"CALL!" John said picking up the phone,"Now." I grabbed the phone from his hand and dialed the number.

"Hello Mum? It's Julia," I said nervously.

"How are you sweetie? Are you on the road yet?"she asked.

"No mum, I have a question to ask of you," I said as John sqeezed my hand.

"May I go to England for a couple of weeks?"

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