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Chapter 8

"ENGLAND! Darling you didn't pick up a Beatle did you?" she asked.

"Well yeah, sorta." I made John get out of the room so she wouldn't hear him.

"Darling, THATS WONDERFUL!"she exclaimed. I almost fell of the chair,"So is it Paul? Such charm that one! Wonderful voice! He's so innocent, is it that quiet one George? or the drummer! or the other one... John is it?"

"John," I said sliding down my chair.

"And he's taking you to England? I don't think you can afford that!"she said,"But I'll take out some cash for you. You can come here and pick up some things! AND YOU CAN BRING JOHN! Is Lucy going?"

"I don't know mom, but my friends Jane and Tara are," I said almost shaking in excitement.

"Well bring everyone over. Come around dinner time it'll be lovely!"she said.

"No mom, we have to be in there and out. I'll bring everyone in but we can't sit down for a cup of tea."

"Cup of tea? I can tell you've been hanging out with them," she laughed.

"Ok mom, well I gotta go, but I'll come over tonight to pick up everything," I said.

"TONIGHT! Then there is no time for CLEANING!"she said nervously.

"Mom, don't clean, it's ok. Goodbye mom," I said.

"Bye dear," she said. I decided to act like I can't go just to freak out John. I lowered my head. I walked in to see John's happy face turn sad.

"I'm sorry there an extra seat on the plane for me?" I said lifting my head and smiling. He started to laugh and ran over to me. He picked me up and swung me around in a circle.

"You're wonderful!"he said. I smiled and just kept on hugging him.

"Let me call me mum," Lucy said tearing her lips away from Ringo's,"Oh my dear lord I can't belive I just said that."

"I just told my mom we can't have a cup of tea!" I laughed. We laughed at our New york gone british accents and sat down on the couch.

"John we have to stop by my house tonight, Is that ok?"I asked.

"Anything luv, but we have to leave tommorow morning," he said kissing my forehead.

"She wants you to come along. Everyone. She wants to be part of the group," I laughed.

"Anyone who lets you spend 4 weeks with me is gear to meet!" he said,"Hey everyone is comming to Julia's house tonight!"

"Sure,"Paul said.

"ok,"Jane shrugged.

"yep," Ringo replied.

"alright," Tara giggled.

"sounds good,"George said.

"Great!"I laughed. Lucy bounced in happily.

"I CAN COME!" she screamed hopping back to Ringo's side. Ringo kissed her happily.

"But, we have to stop off at my house tonight? Agreed?"she said.

"Sure,"Paul said.

"ok,"Jane shrugged.

"yep," Ringo replied.

"alright," Tara giggled.

"sounds good,"George said.

"Gear," John smiled.

"agreed," I said.

"Great!"Lucy laughed.


We piled into Lucy and I's small car and drove back to the island. Finally an hour later we reached my house first. We stumbled out of the car and ran up the small steps. I opened the door and my mom came in.

"Hello sweetie!"she said giving me a hug.

"Hi Lucy!" she said hugging her next, "So who is who?" she asked.

"This is John, Paul, George, Ringo, Jane and Tara," I said pointing to everyone in line.

"Nice to meet you all," she said nodding her head.

"Mom, I'm gonna go in my room and get everything packed up," I said walking down the hall to my small pink room. The walls were plastered with Beatles posters. My four post bed was in the corner and my closet was filled with clothes. I took out my larger suitcase which was in the corner of my room and filled it with clothes I would be needing.

"Gear room," Ringo said looking around, "funny I don't look good in any of these pictures."

"Aww, you're much cuter in person!" I laughed. I closed my bag filled with clothes and rolled it down the hall.

"Come 'ead," I said dragging Ringo back to the den.

"You've been hanging out with me for too long!" he laughed. I set my bag next to the door and went to the den where everyone was sitting.

"Who are these?" John asked taking a picture off the mantle.

"My three sisters, Jessica, Danielle, and Courtney," I said pointing them out. John gave me a look after I said Courtney.

"It's a girls name here," I said punching him in the arm.

"Just making sure," he laughed,"where are they?"

"They're all married and live elsewhere," I said," I'm the youngest."

"Can I take a photo before you leave luv? You must be off soon," my mom said picking her self up to the kitchen.

"Sure mum," I said standing up. She snapped a shot of the eight of us and we were off.

"Bye mum, see ya in a few weeks," I said giving her a hug and kiss goodbye. We all squashed into our car again and were off to Lucy' house. When we arrived we fell out of the car and walked up the stone pathway. Her parents welcomed us with a warm greeting and we stepped inside. Lucy motioned us to her room which was upstairs. We followed her up the spiral staircase and into her room. Her walls were covered with beatles posters also.

"Looks like Jules's room," Ringo laughed. We filed out as soon as Lucy was done and went downstairs. We said goodbye quickly to Lucy's parents (she didn't want them embarrassing her) and went back into our clown car. We drove back into the city and finally after 1 hour we were back at the hotel.

"Come ead' luv's we gotta get to bed early tonight," George said waving us into the room.

"Hell no, Harrison!" John said pushing him backwards. George pounced on John and strangled him to the floor.

"I'll be in bed George," Tara called.

"GOODNIGHT!" he screamed at John and ran after Tara as he stripped on the way. "Come ead' luv, we got the couch tonight," John said embracing me in his strong arms,"How bout I get that extra special gift I was supposed to get tonight?" I winkd at him and he laughed. He kicked Paul and Jane out of the room and pushed Lucy and Ringo into another.

"Heh heh," he laughed hopping over to the bed and jumping under the sheets.


After a while we laid back in bed and started to drift off to sleep. It was quite hard with teh giggling and obscene noises going on in Lucy and Ringo's room but I got by. No one elses room was quiet either but we had to get up early tommorow so we finally did fall asleep.

When I awoke the next morning George was quietly eating a bowl of cereal. Passing me by I signaled for him to come over. I brushed back John's hair lightly with my fingers and gave him a soft kiss one the lips. He gave a little groan as I put George in front of John's face.

"It's nice waking up to...AGHHHH!" he screamed.

"Give us a kiss," George laughed batting his eyelashes. John smaked George across the face. I laughed hysterically rolling on the floor. Noticing I was going to wake someone up, I stopped the fight and pulled George away.

"I'm going to take a shower!" he said sauntering away. I giggled as I saw John's angry face. I kissed his pursed lips and pulled him closer to me.

"Don't be mad," I laughed.

"Now that I've got the ugly ass bloke out of my face. I don't see how Tara wakes up to him," he said. I stiffled my laugher.

"I HEARD THAT!" George called. Tara came out of the room and streched.

"Morning!" She yawned.

"Morning!" John and I said. I crawled out of bed and slipped on my robe. Tara started to pour a glass of Orange Juice.

"Where's Geo?" she asked putting away the OJ.

"In the shower," I said taking out some Corn Flakes. She quickly shut the refrigorator door and ran to the bathroom.

"See what we started John," I laughed.

"I think George started that one," he replied. Jane opened the door quietly and started to stretch.

"Need help on breakfast?"Jane asked.

"This is all that is left," I laughed holding up the half empty box of cornflakes.

"Superb," she said taking the box and pouring herself a bowl. John walked in grabbing the box, finishing it up.

"I guess we're the only ones eating this morning," he laughed taking a mouth full. George and Tara emerged from the bathroom.

"I think I'll go take a shower," John laughed. Lucy and Ringo came out from their room and sat down at the table.

"So Lucy--" I started.

"Shut up, I'm not awake,"she innteruppted. Lucy was NOT a morning person.

"Whats for breakfast?" Ringo asked rubbing his eyes.

"Whatever your sorry ass can make!" George replied slapping him on the back. Ringo snarled and looked into the refrigorator.

"hmm, beer, wine, bread and an apple. I settle on the apple," he said grabbing it out of the fridge and washing it off.

"Why is there only ONE shower here?" Jane asked taking a sip of the orange juice.

"Stupid Americans," he laughed and took a bite of his apple. Paul finally woke up and came into the kitchen with everyone.

"It's about time you woke up," Jane said rubbing his back. He smiled weakly and put his head on the table.


Finally when everyone was showered, dressed and packed we made our way to the limo waiting downstairs to take us to the airport. We boarded the plane quickly and left as soon as possible.

"I'm glad you could come," Brian said shaking my hand. I smiled weakly and turned back around.

"First time flyer," Brian asked snagging a seat next to me.

"Try tenth time flyer. I hate flying," I confesed. Brian backed out and John sat next to me.

"You get used to it luv," he said giving me a kiss. Getting the kiss relaxed me a little and I calmed down.


Finally the plane landed and I was in England. I'd never even been off the east coast before, so this was new to me. We stepped off the plane to hundreds of girls surrounding the airport. The girls looked a little upset to see John's arm around me but after a while they didn't care. He lifted it to wave anyway. We rushed into a black limo and started to drive away. Some summer this is turning out to be!

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