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Chapter 9

We reached a long gate with high black poles. Girls were surrounding the opening screaming and crying. John ignored them adn we drove past them and the gates closed. After a short drive we reached a house quite big and beautiful. John escorted me out of the car and we walked inside. To the right was a beautiful staircase climbing up to a second floor balcony. To the left was a living room and straight ahead was the kitchen trailing off into a dinning room and sun room. We carried my bags upstairs and dropped them into a room. A king sized bed was in the corner and next to it was a small mahogony end table. A closet was on the opposite side and a dresser and desk was adjacent to the bed. The walls were painted in a peachy orange.

"Beautiful," I sighed. He took my shoulders and turned me around for a kiss.

"This is your bedroom, though I hope you won't be sleeping in it much," he laughed. I smacked him on the shoulder and walked out exploring the floor. There was a bathroom next to my bedroom, and John's bedroom was placed right after that. John took me downstairs and we had a snack. The phone rang and John shuffled to pick it up.

"ello?"he answered.

"It's me Paul,"

"I knew it was you, ass," he laughed.

"Will you two come over in a bit? I have an announcement," he said.

"Announcement? Oh well, whatever Macca, I'll meet you there in an hour,"

"Bye," he said. John hung up the phone and walked over to me again.

"Paulie's having some get together in an hour. Wanna go?"

"Sure I'll go get ready!" I said running up stairs. I changed into a short black mini skirt and a low cut pink top. I made a braid halo and started to come downstairs.

"You look fab darling, lets go," John said walking me to the door.


We reached Paul's house and stepped inside. There was a marble floor beneath us and in front was a huge staricase. Paul greeted us and brought us to the living room. Tara and George were already there but we were wating for Lucy and Ringo.

"Anyone know what this is about?"I whispered.

"No clue," Jane replied. Suddenly the doorbell rang and Ringo and Lucy walked in.

"Sorry we're late!" Lucy blushed.

"What were you kissing?" George asked innocently. Ringo smirked and they sat down beside us.

"Ok Macca whats this "anouncement"?"John asked.

"Well, i uh...mmm.. Jane?" Paul cracked. He was nervous and sweating a bit. Jane stood up and walked to his side.

"Jane, uhh.. Will you marry me?" he asked kneeling.

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