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Chapter 1:A Trip..

"Bye Mum, Dad," I said as I waved good-bye. Tears struck my mothers eyes as I boarded the plane to England. I was spending a year there for schooling. I was really scared of planes and hopefully I wouldn't be stuck next to some weirdo who did drugs! Anyway, I boarded the plane and found my seat. I stuck my headphones in my ears and drummed out "You're gonna lose that girl on the arm rest."

"That girl is drummin' me song!" I heard an English man say. I twisted my head back to find Ringo Starr sitting behind me.

"You're gonna lose that girl, right?" He said laughing, "You're better than me at it!"

"Thanks," I said laughing and turned back around.

"you mean you aren't gonna scream or ask for me autograph or anything?" He asked.

"No, I don't wanna scare ya!" I said shaking his hand. "The name is Dharma" I said nervously.

"Me mates are comming to sit down next to ya. You don't mind do ya?" he asked.

"If that's where their seat is!" I said chuckling. Sure enough, john Lennon comes sitting next to me!

"hullo there luv!" He said grabbing my hand and kissing it. "You look absolutely smashing today!"

"Thanks!" I said laughing. "I just met you're friend Ringo, a bit strange ain't he?" I whispered. John laughed.

"You're pretty groovy!" he said still giggling. "Would you like to come to our pad after the flight and smash with us?" he asked.

"I can't," I said dropping my head. "I have to go to school shopping. I'm going to a school for dancing. I have to get new tights, shoes and leotards and stuff. Also I have to scope out my dorm! Here's my phone number though. " I wrote it on his hand with a pen. He copied it down into a little phone back he had in his wallet.

"I'll keep this for Paul!" he said laughing.

"your rung master?" Paul said peeking behind his seat into ours.

"This lady is just perfect for u!" he said. "Switch seats with me and you can chat with her!" Paul switched seats with John and George almost came to sit with me but Paul pushed him. The plane started to take off and Paul ordered us some champagne. He was absolutely charming and I couldn't resist staring into his big brown eyes. The plane landed after our eight our flight of laughing and talking with the boys.

"Are you sure you can't come and sleep over?" he asked with a glint in his eye.

"No, I have to go check out my dorm and stuff," I said.

"Oh, all right," he said drooping his head down and putting a puppy dog face on.

"Don't fret," I said giving him a peck on the cheek. He seemed a bit surprised and gave me a huge hug back.

"I'll call you tomorrow luv," he said whispering in my ear. I waved good-bye and took a taxi to the London Academy of dance. I picked up my dorm key and luckily I was on the first floor. I opened the door to see an empty room.

"Hello!" I said to the room dancing in a circle with myself! I unpacked my sheets first laying the beautiful comforter on my king sized bed mattress and laying the two pillows on the bed. I then To match the room put up drapes and curtains. I hung a Beatles poster above my bed and put my radio on the bed side table. I set up an alarm clock and lamp also. I set up my clothes with casual wear and the top rung and dance attire on the bottom. My shoes were neatly hung on a shoe rack draped over my door and finally the place was turning into a home. My dorm was almost like an apartment. It had a living room with a TV and bean bag chairs and a couch. It had a small little kitchen/dining room in which a table for two had been set and a refrigerator and a stove and oven were set. The only thing that wasn't included was a washer and dryer which were down the hall. This dorm was going to be my home for a year so it had to be glorious.

A knock came on my door and I opened it to find a beautiful African American girl. She had long straight hair and was wearing and white tank and blue jean shorts. She had a braid on each side of her head wrapped around to make a halo.

"hello!" she said grabbing my hand to shake it. "I'm sorta lonely in my apartment all alone so I figured I'd meet my neighbors!"

"Well, Hey! My name is Dharma Jones," I said.

"Mine is Rita Starkey!" she said proudly. "same as Ringo," she giggled. "Hey you want to go food shopping with me? I'm starving!"

"Well, sure! I got nothing to do!" I said walking with her.

"I met Ringo today," I said happily. "I met all of them and Paul and I are hooking up tomorrow!" She stopped dead in her tracks and her jaw was wide open.

"The th... the Be.. Beat..Beatles?" she stuttered.

"yep, I met em on the plane!" I said

"Lucky son of a," she said. I started to crack up and we hopped on a trolley and stopped at a Food market. I basically picked up snacks and coldcuts and junk. All lunches and microwavable dinners, eggs and bacon for breakfast, bagels, OJ, iced tea mix and some ice pops to eat on the hot days. When I returned home I put my things in the fridge and popped in a TV dinner to eat. Even though my dinner was going to be at 9:00 PM i was starved. The phone rang. Thinking it would be my mother I picked it up.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey, it's Paul," he answered.

"Paul! I wasn't expecting you to call!" i said nervously.

"hey that rhymed, you must be nervous. We talked for eight hours you shouldn't be," He laughed. "Anyways I was wondering if you wanted to come to a dance club tomorrow night! I'll treat you to dinner and we'll go smash at the hottest club I know!"

"SURE!" I said happily.

"Great! I'll pick you up at 7:00 sharp!" he said

"Sounds awesome, Is there any special attire?" I asked.

"Well, the restaurant requires casual attire," he said with a French accent!

"I'll look smashing for you," i said giggling. I heard John and Ringo in the back. Ringo was laughing and John and George were telling him to shut up. " a little Ringo trouble?" I asked.

"He's always hyper at night," he said. "anyways we gotta jam tomorrow afternoon so we'll be busy and we can't chat but I will be there at 7."

"OK!" I said with a grin.

"lovely, good-bye luv" he said.

"G'night" I said hanging up. I ran to Rita's room laughing.

"I HAVE A DATE WITH PAUL!" I screamed. We started jumping up and down happily! I ran back to my room and took my dinner out and ate it joyfully. I put on my pajamas and went very contentedly to sleep in my new king sized bed.

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