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Chapter 2:Shopping and a Date

Rita and I had gone shopping to so many stores. Finally we got home and I flopped down on my bed. Unpacking all the clothes I got was such a chore. Today was Saturday and school started on Monday. I got a new outfit for tonight's date and a leotard in four colors, black, baby blue, hunter green and burgundy. I got four skirts to match each one also. I got new tap, jazz, lyrical, point and ballet shoes. I also got jazz sneakers for hip hop! I love buying new clothes because it is so exciting when you get to wear them for the first time! Anyways It was about 4:00 PM and I had nothing to do. I laid out my Pink psychedelic skirt and a white tank top. I then was going to wear a pink sweater over it. The sweater had a design in holes though so I wouldn't be hot. I had white platform shoes and I figured I would wear my hair just like Rita did yesterday. I was just about to get into the shower when the phone rang.

"hello?" I answered.

"Hi honey!" my Mom said.

"Mom you won't believe what happened. I sat next to the Beatles on the plane and Paul McCartney and I are going on a date tonight. My dorm is fantastic and I met a girl next door Rita who is awesome. School starts Monday and I went shopping for all my shoes and clothes and I am just so happy!"

"Woah darling, calm down! That's great that you have a date but remember people like Paul. They are big and famous and hardly have time for others." she said nervously.

"Well, I wont have time for others either when I'm famous," i said laughing. "Anyways I have to go in the shower now so I'll talk to you later OK Mom?"

"OK honey, bye" she said.

"Bye mum," i said hanging up the phone. I went in the shower and when I came out there was a message on my machine. As I towel dried my hair I listened.

"Hey darling. It's Paul. I have a lunch break so I figured I'd call you. If you get back by 5 call me. I'm at Abbey Road studios. Our date is still on and everything so don't worry. I just felt like calling you, I missed you. I'll see ya at 7 if we dot get to talk. bye luv."

I quickly dialed the number and rung up.

"hello?" Ringo answered.

"hey Ringo it's Dharma is Paul there?" I said

"Oh sure, hold on luv," he said.

"Hello?" Paul answered.

"Hello honey!" I said happily,

"Oh hi! Were you still shopping when I called?"

"No, I was in the shower."

"Oh, anyways I called just to say hello because I missed you!"

"Oh, Paul. You're so kind."

"Well, you are so cute!" he said. He was so flattering. "Anyways we are starting to Jam up again so I have to go. But I luv you and I will see you at seven."

"Bye Paul."

"Bye luv." I hung up the phone again happily and put on a tee and shorts for the moment. This guy is too much I thought to myself.


It was 5 to 7 and I was wearing my outfit, had my hair done and had on a small amount of makeup. Sure enough at 7 on the dot Paul was at my door. He came knocking and hopefully no girls would come outside! I opened the door to find Paul wearing a very handsome shirt and tie.

"Hello luv, You look fantastic!" Paul said grabbing my hand and leading me to his black limo.

"You do too!" I said as he said leading me into the super stretch.

"So where to first?" I asked feeling sorta dumb after I said it.

"A fantastic restaurant! It's a club too! It's called the Starlit cafe!"

"Sounds great!" I said holding his hand.

"I've never met a normal American girl!" he said sort of laughing.

"Well, you know us Americans. Screaming at every cute male we see!" I said laughing myself. We reached the Club quickly and stepped out of the limo getting special treatment. I felt a little strange since some people were sort of staring.

"Just stay on the low down if you know what I mean," Paul said.

"Oh of course," I said as he set him arm around my shoulders.


After we finished dinner and went over to the dance floor a familiar face walked by.

"Paul! Found a nice one eh?" Micky said.

"Dolenz! Hey! This is Dharma," Paul said once again putting his arm around my waist.

"Pleasure!" Micky said giving me a kiss on the hand.

"I'll see you two soon! Later!" Micky said dancing away.

"He's hysterical!" I said looking back at Paul.

"Yeah, The Monkees are great!" Paul said.

"I always thought I'd hear different words than that" I said.

"Everyone does!" He said with a chuckle. We started dancing and I must say he is fantastic.

"You're quite the dancer!" Paul said grabbing my hands for the next slow dance.

"I guess that's why I'm going to a school of dance!" I said laughing. I felt so safe in his arms. He felt all warm and comfortable and I wished I could spend all my time with him. Surprised, he looked into my eyes and gave me a small kiss on the lips. Embarrassed, I smiled slyly and bit my lip. He gave a sigh and took my chin and lifted it with his fingers so our eyes met. He again left a small kiss on my lips. I was sorta speechless so I kept dancing with him.

"I don't know what to say and I can't believe I just said that." I said looking down.

"I figured you'd say something soon!" he said. "How bout we go back to my place for a bit? Then I'll drive you back home round' midnight."

"sure." I said taking his hand and going back to his limo. When we reached his hotel there were about 100 girls in the lobby. We had to run through to get to his room and girls were chasing us. One had ripped my sweater at the bottom. Finally some people had held them back and we reached his top floor.

"someone ripped me sweater!" I said. "Oh geeze I'm starting to talk like you!"

"That's what a night of me can do to you!" he laughed. He opened his door and I saw a huge room. John was playing the piano and Ringo and George were watching TV in the corner.

"And I thought my dorm was big!" I said. I waved to the boys as we passed by to go to Paul's room. The boys eyes followed us as we stepped inside. John put a fake glass up to his mouth and pointed to Paul as if he was drinking. I laughed at him as Paul gave him the finger. We sat on his bed and he turned on the TV. He lay on his side and gestured to me to come lay beside him. He put his arms around me to make the same safe feeling I felt before. He brushed his soft fingers through my hair and changed the channel. He gave me a kiss on the cheek as we watched a funny comedy show on TV. All the sudden all three boys came barging through the door falling onto the floor. We were laughing at them and they were laughing struggling to get up. When they noticed we still had our clothes on they disappointed turned around and walked out. George put his hand on his mouth and pretended to kiss John. John fell backwards and Ringo shut the door.

"Immature," Paul muttered turning me over. His soft lips touched mine again giving me the best kiss all night. Never did I think a week ago I would be kissing Paul McCartney on his bed. He started to untie my sweater but I stopped him.

"First date darling," I said putting his hand on the bedside.

"second?" he asked giving me a sly look. I ignored him and went back to kissing him. The boys were singing "she loves you" drunk right outside Paul's door so I started to laugh mid-kiss.

"It's about time for you to go anyways," he said opening the door. He kicked John in the nuts and John started to scream on the floor. I put my platform shoes back on and started to walk out his room.

"Her shoes and button on her sweater were off...Good sign eh George." Ringo said whispering loudly.

"Not a chance," I said whispering back as they laughed away as Paul and I walked through the girls to his Limo. We reached my dorm and I saw Rita peeking out her window. Luckily Paul didn't.

"Goodnight, I call you tomorrow luv," he said kissing me again on the lips.

"G'night," I said pressing his lips with my fingers and walking away. I stepped into my room and there was a knock on the door.

"Come in Rita!" I said taking my shoes off. She stepped in and flopped onto my bed.

"How was it I want all the details!" She squealed.

"Well, we kissed a lot, danced a lot, ate a lot and found out that the other 3 are very immature!" I said happily.

"kiss? she said laughing, "What kind of kiss?"

"You are SO NOSY!" I said pushing off my bed.

"tongue?" she said still laughing. I threw my shoe at her and she continued to laugh.

"yes..." I whispered quietly.

"UGH! I knew it! You are SO lucky!" she said getting up and walking out. "g'night!"

"Goodnight Rita!" I said as I slipped into my Pajamas. I slipped into my satin blankets and shut off my lamp.

"Thank you GOD!" I said turning over.

next home

Copyright, All graphics are made by Brittany H. and are property of "Once Upon A Time...or Maybe Twice."Please ask before you take any graphics or post the story anywhere else.