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Chapter 3:First Day

"Good luck!" Paul said.

"Thanks luv!" I hung up the phone and walked with Rita over to the dance hall. When we walked in there was a huge lobby. To the right their was about 10 elevators, to the left there was a cafeteria and in front of us there was a man at a desk.

"may I help you?" the man asked.

"We need our scheduals for today. My name is Dharma Jones and this is Rita Starkey." I said. He handed us each a piece of paper. There was a schedual of all the lessons, which teachers, and what rooms.

"This is for the first semester," he said.

"Thanks," we said in unison walking towards the elevators. Here was what my schedual said: Tap: 9-10:30 am. Monday wednesday and Friday Mr.Kelley
Jazz:11am-12:30pm tuesday and Thursday Mr. Hatchett
Ballet 1-2:30 pm Every day Ms. Tavaneir
Hip Hop 3-4:30 pm Monday wednesday and Friday Mr.Hatchett
Pointe 5- 6:30 pm Tuesday and Thursday Ms.Tavaneir
Lyrical 7-7:30 Tuesday and Thursday Mrs. Madden
Today I had Tap, ballet and Hip Hop. Rita only had Ballet and Hip Hop with me. I walked into room 7A and said goodbye to Rita. I walked into my tap room to find about 20 people practicing on their own. I only now had 5 minutes to prepare. I then put on my tap shoes, did a few time steps and sat against the wall.


When I returned to my dorm there was a gift wrapped on my bed. I didn't now how someone got into my room anyways but I sat down next to it. there was a card attached on top. It read:
Dear Dharma,
I knew the crazy girls downstairs did something to ya! I hope you enjoyed you're first hard day at school. Call me when you get home. I'll be at my hotel with the other boys. One of the kids at the desk dropped this off for me. Don't worry I didnt sneak in your window! I love you! XOXO Paul

When I opened the gift I found the sweater I had been wearing the night before. He got me the same one because he knew the girls ripped it yesterday! I called him up quickly to thank him only to find that he was comming over. I jumped in the shower so I wouldn't scare him and just as I was getting dressed he knocked at the door.

"Hello!" he said giving me a hug.

"Thanks so much for the gift! That was very thoughtful!" I said. Some girls walked by outside and noticed it was him. They looked bug eyed and stopped but he was already in the door.

"You decorated nicely!" he said flopping down on my bed.

"Why thank you," I said sitting on it with him.

"I came to tell you that I have to go to a differnt hotel. It's in London."

"But thats so far away!" i said as he sat up.

"I know, but I promise I'll call every night. You know I would stay if I could!" He gave me he phone number and stood up. He gave me another long kiss from the night before and started to walk away. We kissed again at the door and he left. The girls were still standing there are started to follow him. He started to run to his limo. I hoped that me and Paul wouldnt lose touch.

next home

Copyright, All graphics are made by Brittany H. and are property of "Once Upon A Time...or Maybe Twice."Please ask before you take any graphics or post the story anywhere else.