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Chapter 5:The Downfall

Paul had gone to work and since it was a weekend I was at their house. It was almost time for the recital. It was going to be in the states! In NYC we were going to have our show the Nutcracker! I was quite excited but sad to leave Paul. The mail had came for the boys so I picked it up and set it on the table. I looked down at the letters on the table and saw a pink envelope. It was adressed to Paul and had little hearts all over it. I figured it was just a fan letter so I ignored it. Paul called to as hello and asked me to look under is his bed for his guitar pick he lost last week because he was comming home to get it. When I looked under there I found the pick and there was also a shoe box in whihc it was in. There were hundreds of letters and all from the same person. As I read the letters I started to cry. This indicated that Paul had another girlfriend in the states. I ripped up the letters and flew them around his room. I shoved his golden pick in my pocket and stormed out crying. Tommorow morning early I was leaving for NYC so I started to pack everything up. After the show we would come back for school again but I still had t pack my clothes. I heard the answering machine go off about 3 times. I listened to each of them to hear what the jerk had to say.

"Listen, I know it was wrong, I'm sorry. I know you are there. Come on pick up! I love you I swear. I left her in the states for a reason. I dont like her at all. Just pick up we have to talk. Please!"

"Dharma just pick up. I love you so much more than her. Please come on pick up or call me."

"I'm going back to the studio now. I understand you dont want to talk to me ever again. I wish I could see you once more. I love you so much you know that. I really do."

I continued to cry but I wasnt going to crawl back to him. I had to be strong. I just wish this wasn't the way it had to end.


"I'm so STUPID!" Paul yelled.

"Did you get you're golden pick?" John asked.

"WILL YOU SHUT UP!" he yelled starting to tear.

"What do you care about her. You have another girlfriend go back to her." Ringo said.

"well this one i loved. I really cared about her. She was the one!" Paul said.

"Then go catch her," George said, "before she gets on that plane." Paul set his bass down and ran towards the door.


"Time to go" Rita said as I walked out the door. I felt I was leaving Paul and it wasnt right. I still had his golden pick though. If it meant anything. Suddenly Paul appeared at the door. I continued walking past him and to the bus.

"Don't leave me!" Paul cried as he held me back. I struggled out of the grip i once loved and continued to cry.

"I thought you loved me," i said between gasps of breath and threw his golden pick towards his feet.

"I do," Paul said picking up the pick. "I'll see you in the states."

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Copyright, All graphics are made by Brittany H. and are property of "Once Upon A Time...or Maybe Twice."Please ask before you take any graphics or post the story anywhere else.