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Chapter 6:Letting go and back

The last performance was upon us. I still pondered if Paul really did come back to the states. I had to erase him from my mind though. I had been spending some time with Davy Jones and he had asked me about my past. I told him about Paul and how I still loved him but I didn't know if he was comming back. Davy didn't mind. He was so understanding and was always willing to help out. Maybe Davy was better than Paul. I was putting on my makeup and doing my hair when I saw a reflection in the mirror. I continued to do my makeup and the shadown leaned down into sight.

"I told you I would come," Paul said giving me a bouquet of flowers.

"How do I know thoes aren't for someone else?" I asked refusing the flowers. I twisted my chair back around and continued my makeup.

"Listen to my story. The girl and I had a relationship but I swear its broke up. She just kept sending since she thought it was still togehter but I never bothered to reuturn her letters. I've been so in love with you i didn't even think of her. That's why I got on a 10 hour plane ride and went all the way over here to watch you. Do you honestly think that I would do this for anyone else?"

"Don't ruin my makeup Paul," I said. He spun my chair back around. He gave me a kiss and got on his knees.

"Take me back into your loving arms luv," he said grabbing my hands. I bent down on the floor with him.

"I knew I couldn't live without you for long," I said leaning in for a kiss. We kissed passonatly right there. Davy came over and saw me.

"I understand," He said sadly but with a smile.

"You knew the hazards," I said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Call me ok?" he asked.

"Sure," I said hugging him,"Thanks again." He walked away sadly and disappered into the curtain. Paul gave me a look.

"I swear it was just a friendship," I said. He just smiled and continued to kiss me.

"I'm going in the audience," He said. "Do great!"

"Just for you!" i said.

"Not for the other three blokes?" He asked.

"They are here?" I asked peeking out the curtain.

"They had to come for you."

"awww, tell them I said thanks!" I said as he walked back into the audience.


The performance went wonderfully and Paul was being his regular great self. The only question was, how long will Paul and I last this time?

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Copyright, All graphics are made by Brittany H. and are property of "Once Upon A Time...or Maybe Twice."Please ask before you take any graphics or post the story anywhere else.