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Chapter 7:Back To England

I had returned to my Home Sweet Home. Paul was certainly "welcoming" me back. George had started to flirt with Rita and Ringo and John were checking out the Tele. Paul backed away from our kiss and snuggled up behind me.

"I'm so glad things are back to normal," he said brushing his fingers through my hair.

"Me too," I said turning over and kissing him on the lips.

"Can we spend the night here?" Paul asked sitting up.

"It depends why!" I said putting my arm around him.

"Well John is still a little smashed from the party, George seems to be getting along quite well with you're lady friend and I want to stay here."

"And why do you want to stay here?" I asked. Paul flashed a devilish grin and flopped onto the bed.

"let's just say there will be two people sleeping in your bed tonight," he said grabbing me down. John had fallen asleep on the couch and Ringo had fallen asleep on one of the beanbag chairs. Rita and George had gone back to her room and Paul and I were the only ones left awake. Paul flashed me another grin as he started removing his clothing.

"let's wait longer," I said, "We just got back together yesterday!" Paul's grin turned upside down but he still continued to undress. Paul was naked beneath the satin sheets and I only had my underwear on. The whole night we fooled around and by the sounds in the room next to us, apparantly so did George and Rita. It was about 7 AM and I started to make breakfast. Paul was also awake and as I cooked placed small kisses on my neck. John awoke to the smell of the eggs and bacon.

"BLOODY PAUL GET SOME CLOTHES ON!" he yelled. Ringo woke up from John's screaming and looked around.


"Ok I get the picture," Paul said back and put his clothes back on. I had my pink bathrobe on already so I wasn't yelled at. George came back into the room and flopped on one of the bean bags.

"Ahem," John Coughed,"Young man getting in at such a late...EARLY hour is unacceptable in the household!"

"Shut up you nit,"George said back. I gave each of the boys a plate and a huge bowl of eggs and about ten pieces of bacon.

"Enjoy," i said still rubbing my eyes. I put my dance attire on and shoes.

"Please make me lunch, I'll be back at 11." I said.

"Leaving so early?" Paul asked.

"Well I have to get in early to practice for tap." I said kissing Paul on the lips. I left the room and went to the dance hall.

"Hey Niles," I said giving a wave to him at his desk.

"Dharma how is the man?" he asked.

"Things are lovely," I said dancing in a circle. I took the elevator up to the practice rooms and put on my tap flats. I put on some music and continued to flap out some rythyms.

"A little early?" Mr. Kelley said as he stood by the door.

"Just 45 minutes!" I said still tapping.

"I hear you are dating the famous Paul McCartney?" He asked walking in.

"Well news sure does fly fast around this school eh?" I asked. Mr. Kelley chuckled.

"Well Rita sure has a mouth on her don't you agree?"

"I knew she would come out soon!" I said laughing.

"So are you practicing for next weeks recital?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm so nervous for my tap number. I mean since you moved me up into Sophmore material and all!" I said.

"you'll do great!" he said, "Meet the class down in thirty. And don't work out too hard."

next home

Copyright, All graphics are made by Brittany H. and are property of "Once Upon A Time...or Maybe Twice."Please ask before you take any graphics or post the story anywhere else.